Najjad's Determination: A Cosmic Struggle

After successfully sending Ghaalib underground, Najjad began his journey back home, the echoes of the recent battle still ringing in his ears. His Wand, Eijaz, spoke to him with a voice that carried both wisdom and ancient power. "Eijaz," Najjad said, looking up to the night sky, "the battle with Ghaalib was intense. I fear his return and the imminent danger we face." Eijaz's response was steady, "Najjad, defeating Ghaalib is just the beginning. The true challenge lies ahead. We must be prepared for what's coming."

As they continued their conversation, Najjad proposed a plan. "We need to capture Ravenor Darkwing, the mysterious force behind all this chaos. If we can persuade him to divulge his intentions, we might gain insights into how to protect our world." Eijaz, considering the plan, spoke with approval, "A wise strategy, Najjad. But to confront Ravenor Darkwing, we need something of great value. There's a mystic book in the Jinn world that contains ancient secrets. We must retrieve it." Determined, Najjad nodded. "Then we shall go to the Jinn world. I'll seek Ravenor Darkwing's permission, and we'll retrieve the book. It might hold the key to understanding and countering the impending threat."

As Najjad entered his home, the comforting aroma of dinner greeted him. The family sat around the dining table, a soft glow illuminating their faces. Ahmed, Najjad's father, looked up with a warm smile. "Welcome home, Najjad. You're a bit late today. Everything okay?" Ahmed inquired. Najjad, trying to conceal the day's events, quickly responded, "Oh, just some extra work at the university, Father. You know how it goes." Sunaina, Najjad's mother, looked at him with a mixture of concern and understanding. "It's good that you're dedicated to your studies, but don't forget to take care of yourself. We worry about you." Najjad nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "I know, Mother. I'll be more careful." Ahmed patted Najjad on the shoulder. "Alright, get freshened up, and let's have dinner together as a family."

As Najjad went to freshen up, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. To his surprise, there was a noticeable injury behind his ear from the day's events. Concerned that his parents might worry, Najjad decided to conceal it. He reached for some turmeric in the kitchen, a remedy his grandmother often used for minor injuries. Carefully applying it to the injury, Najjad hoped it would be enough to hide the evidence. Once satisfied with the makeshift solution, he joined his family at the dinner table.

During dinner, the family engaged in conversation, discussing their day and sharing anecdotes. Sunaina and Ahmed, unaware of the hidden injury, were glad to see Najjad appearing well despite his late arrival. As the family continued their dinner conversation, there was a sudden burst of energy in the room. A young girl of 12, Zunera, Najjad's younger sister, darted in from behind, playfully wielding a cushion. Without warning, she aimed a playful but surprisingly well-aimed swing directly at the spot where Najjad had concealed the injury. The impact landed squarely on the hidden wound, causing Najjad to wince in pain.

"Ouch! Zunera, what on earth!" Najjad exclaimed, the sudden strike catching him off guard. Zunera, giggling mischievously, responded, "Gotcha, big brother! I heard you had a long day, so I thought I'd cheer you up with a surprise attack." Despite her innocent intentions, the pain and surprise made Najjad lose his temper. "Zunera, are you mad? Why would you do that?" he shouted, his frustration evident. The playful laughter turned into tears as Zunera realized she had unintentionally hurt her brother. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you, Najjad. I was just trying to have fun," she sobbed.

Najjad, realizing he had reacted harshly, softened his tone. "I know, Zunera. It's just… I've had a tough day." Sunaina and Ahmed, witnessing the sudden change in Najjad's demeanor, exchanged concerned glances. "Najjad, what's going on? Why are you so angry? You've never shouted like that before," Ahmed questioned. Najjad, caught in the whirlwind of emotions, struggled to find the right words. "It's just been a difficult day, Father. I didn't mean to snap at Zunera." Sunaina, always attuned to her son's well-being, added, "Najjad, we've noticed a change in you recently. You seem more troubled than usual. Is everything okay?" Najjad, torn between keeping his family out of his magical world and their genuine concern, took a deep breath. "There are some things I can't share, Mother. It's complicated."

Ahmed, realizing the depth of the situation, placed a reassuring hand on Najjad's shoulder. "Son, we're here for you. Whatever it is, we'll face it together. But remember, you don't have to carry the burden alone." Sunaina's attention was drawn to a trickle of blood flowing from the back of Najjad's ear, and concern immediately etched across her face. "Najjad, what happened? Why is there blood?" Najjad, attempting to downplay the severity of the injury, said, "It's just a small injury, Mother. Nothing to worry about." Zunera, ever the perceptive younger sister, wasn't buying Najjad's explanation. She took a closer look and exclaimed, "Mom, he's lying! This is a big injury, and he's not telling us the truth."

Caught in the web of lies, Najjad sighed. "Alright, Zunera. There was a fight with a senior during ragging. That's how I got this injury." Concerned for her brother, Zunera hurried to fetch turmeric and ointment. "Don't worry, Najjad. I'll take care of you," she declared, a sense of responsibility overcoming her mischievous nature. Najjad, surprised by Zunera's sudden seriousness, asked, "Zunera, what's gotten into you? You're never this helpful." Zunera, her focus on caring for her brother, replied, "Well, I fought too, in my class. I got suspended for a week. I need you to talk to the principal for me." Najjad, taken aback, couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation. "You got suspended? I never thought I'd see the day. Alright, Zunera, after I get better, we'll talk to the principal together."

As Zunera continued to care for Najjad's injuries, the family found themselves in an unexpected scene. Najjad required assistance, and Zunera stepped up to the plate. As the evening unfolded, Zunera, armed with turmeric and ointment, began to attend to Najjad's injury. The family room turned into an impromptu first aid station. As Zunera gently applied the ointment, Najjad couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected role reversal. However, amidst the concerns, a playful argument erupted between Najjad and Zunera. The close quarters and shared responsibilities seemed to magnify their sibling dynamic.

"Najjad, you're such a drama queen. How did you even get into a fight with a senior?" Zunera teased a mischievous glint in her eyes. Najjad, feigning offense, retorted, "Excuse me, little sister. Some of us have to deal with real challenges. Not everyone can be suspended for a week just for a 'small' fight." Zunera, not one to back down, shot back, "Oh please! Your fight was probably over some silly university stuff. Mine was a real fight for justice." Their banter continued, escalating into a friendly argument about the severity of their respective challenges. Sunaina and Ahmed, witnessing the exchange, could not help but smile at the typical sibling squabble.

As Zunera finished tending to Najjad's injury, the bickering transformed into shared laughter. The unexpected camaraderie hinted at a shift in their relationship, a newfound understanding that extended beyond their usual roles. The family, united in the small moments of joy and chaos, continued their evening, blissfully unaware that this night would be etched into their memories as a turning point.