The Enchanted Revelation

As the evening unfolded and Zunera applied turmeric to Najjad's injury, a warm, comforting glow enveloped the room. Unbeknownst to the family, amid their chatter, an eagle appeared suddenly in the corner of the room. Clutched in its talons was a book, its pages emanating an otherworldly aura. Sunaina, Najjad's mother, happened to glance in the direction of the magical appearance. Her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the eagle materializing seemingly from thin air. A gasp escaped her lips, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Najjad, occupied with the turmeric application, did not notice his mother's reaction. The eagle, acknowledging Sunaina's presence, offered a majestic nod before fading into the background, leaving only the soft glow of the enchanted book. Just as Zunera finished applying turmeric, she gasped, "Wait a minute! The injury on your ear is gone!" Najjad's eyes widened and everyone in the room turned their attention to Zunera's revelation. Excitement filled the air as Najjad's parents and Zunera examined his ear. True to Zunera's claim, the injury had vanished without a trace. Zunera, proudly displaying her unintentional magical prowess, exclaimed, "See, I told you I could fix anything with turmeric!" Najjad's mother, Sunaina, however, sensed that something more profound was at play. She scrutinized Najjad with a mixture of shock and suspicion. "Najjad, how did the injury disappear so quickly? What's going on?" Najjad, caught off guard, offered a quick excuse, "Oh, it must have been the turmeric. It has healing properties, you know." Unconvinced, Sunaina watched her son closely, her maternal instincts tingling with a sense of unease. Later that night, as Sunaina walked past Najjad's room, she could not shake off the memory of the eagle's mysterious appearance. The soft glow escaping from beneath the door now carried an additional layer of significance. The room that had once been a haven for late-night studies now held secrets that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary. She went to see what Najjad was doing, but when she went near the room, she was shocked and unable to believe the words she heard.

When Najjad entered, the room was filled with a mix of awe and concern after the eagle transformed into Eijaz, Najjad's mystical companion. The soft glow of the enchanted book added an otherworldly ambiance to the scene. Najjad, expressing his frustration, couldn't contain his emotions. "Eijaz, what on earth are you doing? You can't just appear out of nowhere in my house like that! We need to be cautious; anyone could have seen you." Eijaz, with a hint of remorse in his eyes, lowered his gaze. "I apologize, Najjad. I did not mean to cause any disturbance. I should have been more discreet. Please forgive me." Najjad, softening his tone, sighed, "It's just that we need to be careful. Our world is hidden from others for a reason. Now, what's with the sudden appearance, and what is that book you brought?"

Eijaz, regaining his composure, explained, "This is the Book of Mystery, a tome filled with ancient secrets and knowledge of our magical realm. It holds the key to unlocking powers beyond imagination. I thought it was time for you to delve deeper into our magical heritage." As they delved into a conversation about the book, sharing stories of magical realms and ancient prophecies, they were engrossed in the exchange of knowledge.

However, their discussion was abruptly interrupted as the door burst open. Sunaina, Najjad's mother, entered the room with a mixture of fear and confusion on her face. "Najjad, what's going on? I heard shouts and nonsense talk. Who are you talking to?" Najjad, caught off guard, glanced at Eijaz, who had momentarily hidden behind a curtain. He struggled to find the right words, torn between revealing the magical truth and preserving the ordinary face of his mother. Eijaz, in a whisper, urged Najjad, "Be careful. We can't reveal too much."

Before Najjad could respond, Sunaina spoke with unexpected certainty, "I already saw an eagle appear suddenly in this room, and I listened to your conversation. Eijaz, I know you're hiding. Come out." Najjad and Eijaz exchanged surprised glances, realizing that Sunaina was more perceptive than they had thought. With a resigned nod, Eijaz stepped out from behind the curtain.

Sunaina, a mix of shock and curiosity on her face, looked at Eijaz and demanded an explanation. "What is going on? Who is this, and why is an eagle talking?" Najjad, deciding to be honest with his mother, took a deep breath and began to explain the magical world that existed alongside their ordinary lives. As he spoke, the room filled with a sense of wonder and uncertainty, for they had just unveiled a secret that would forever change the dynamics of their family.

As Najjad unfolded the tale of the magical world, he could not help but express the challenges he was facing and the overwhelming confusion that clouded his understanding. "I feel like I'm standing at the crossroads of two worlds, Mom. There is so much to learn, and it's all happening so fast. I don't even know where to begin," Najjad admitted, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Just as the weight of Najjad's words settled in the room, a distinct sound echoed in Eijaz's stomach, betraying its hunger with an audible growl. Sunaina, shortly taken aback, couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected interruption. Najjad looked at Eijaz with a sheepish grin. "Looks like someone's hungry." Sunaina, responding with warmth, went to the kitchen and returned with a plate of meat. Eijaz's eyes lit up at the sight, and he graciously accepted the offering.

Najjad, keeping his head on his mother's leg, asked with a mixture of curiosity and concern, "What will we do now, Mom?"