Chapter 5: City of Death

Chapter 5: City of Death

Wang Lei cautiously dipped his fingers into the water. It felt cool, refreshing. Without thinking, he brought a handful to his lips and drank deeply. The moment the liquid touched his tongue, he felt a strange tingling sensation spread through his body. His cuts and bruises began to heal at an unnatural speed.

This water… it's not normal.

He hesitated, but then decided to fully immerse himself in the pond. As the water enveloped him, the feeling of rejuvenation intensified. His muscles throbbed with newfound power. Suddenly, a system screen flashed before him.

System Notice: Strength increased by 8 points.

Wang Lei's brow furrowed. Increased strength? What does that even mean?

The system quickly provided an answer.

System Explanation: The host can now view status information. To access it, simply think of 'Status.'

Curious, Wang Lei focused on the word "Status," and immediately, a transparent screen appeared in front of him, displaying his stats:

Wang Lei's Status:

Strength: 13 (previously 5) – Increase:8

Speed: 6 (previously 5) – Increase: 1

Agility: 7 (previously 3) – Increase: 4

Mana: Locked

EXP: 300

The numbers left him stunned. He could actually see his own abilities quantified. He noticed the experience points and a message offering him a choice: convert EXP into coins or use it to increase his stats. Without hesitation, he chose to level up his strength, speed, and agility.

As expected, leveling up strength cost him 50 EXP, but the next upgrade would be 100. He used the remaining EXP to boost speed and agility, making him even more efficient in combat. However, his mana remained locked.

The system explained again, this time about mana power.

Mana Power: The essence of all supernatural abilities—telekinesis, elemental control, and other magical powers are rooted in mana. Without it, you cannot wield higher-level skills.

Wang Lei frowned. No mana… makes sense. I don't have magic powers anyway. Then a thought crossed his mind. Silent Steps?

Another screen popped up.

Silent Steps: This skill is not classified as a supernatural power. It boosts speed for short distances, so it does not require mana.

Relieved, Wang Lei felt eager to test his new strength and skills. His body, now stronger and faster, demanded a challenge. He scanned the desert once more. As if answering his call, four worms suddenly burst from the sand.

With his enhanced agility, Wang Lei dodged them with ease. He activated Silent Steps, moving faster than ever before. In a blink, three worms lay dead, his new speed allowing him to strike them down in an instant. The final worm charged at him, but Wang Lei, with his increased strength, hurled his knife with deadly precision. It pierced the worm's head, killing it instantly.

Wang Lei stood over the dead creatures, amazed at his newfound power. As he caught his breath, another system screen appeared.

New Location Discovered: City of Death

Mission: Explore the city and survive.

Reward: Unlock mana power.

Accept Mission? Yes/No

Wang Lei's heart raced. Mana power... Without hesitation, he clicked "Yes." He knew that without mana, he wouldn't be able to reach his true potential or unlock stronger skills.

Another screen flashed.

Mission Complete: Survive for 24 hours

Reward: 200 coins

Wang Lei blinked in confusion. Survive for 24 hours? The system explained that his first mission—surviving the slum gangsters—was now complete, as he had made it through the 24-hour mark.

Feeling resourceful, Wang Lei opened the system store. His knife was worn and weak after constant use. He scrolled through the weapon list, but his excitement quickly faded as he saw the exorbitant prices.

Dragon Slaying Dagger: 50,000 coins.

Thunder Dagger: 40,000 coins.

Space Dagger: 100,000 coins.

"These weapons…" he muttered. The system explained that each one had special abilities, like absorbing dragon blood for more power or generating lightning. But they were far beyond his reach.

Finally, after scrolling for what seemed like hours, he found something affordable:

Black Iron Dagger – 500 coins.

He purchased it, leaving him with only 150 coins. He noticed a new option in the store—Sell. He sold his old knife for 35 coins, reasoning it wasn't useful to him anymore.

Curious about skill purchases, Wang Lei inquired, but the system informed him that he didn't have enough coins. Disappointed, he closed the store and began his journey toward the City of Death.

A virtual map floated before him, guiding him through the desert. Along the way, he faced more worms, but with his upgraded stats, they were no match for him. The battles were swift, each worm falling with ease. His agility allowed him to dodge their attacks, and his strength made his blows deadly.

After what felt like hours of walking and fighting, Wang Lei finally stood before the massive entrance of the [City of Death.]The towering gate loomed over him, its surface covered in strange, ancient symbols. The air was thick with tension and an eerie silence.

Wang Lei's heart pounded in anticipation. What awaits me inside?