Chapter 6: Into the City of Death

Chapter 6: Into the City of Death

Wang Lei stood in front of the towering gates of the City of Death, its ancient stone walls rising high into the sky. The entrance was marked with ominous symbols, each one pulsing faintly with a strange energy, as if the city itself was alive and watching him. A cold wind swept across the desert, sending a chill down his spine.

With a deep breath, he stepped forward, pushing the creaking gates open.

The moment Wang Lei entered, a system screen appeared in front of him.

System Notice: Entering the City of Death

Mission: Survive for 72 hours and explore the city's key areas.Reward: Unlock mana power.Warning: High-level creatures detected. Proceed with caution.

Wang Lei's mind raced. 72 hours... and the presence of high-level creatures didn't help. He gripped his new Black Iron Dagger, the cool metal giving him a sense of confidence. He had already faced the desert worms, but this city promised much greater dangers.

The streets were eerily quiet as he moved through the crumbling alleyways. Broken statues and ruins littered the ground, and every corner seemed to hide something lurking in the shadows. Wang Lei kept his guard up, each step careful.

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly, and from a distance, a massive figure made of stone emerged from the ruins. Its body was composed of solid rock and sand, towering over the nearby structures.

Low-tier Boss: Desert Golem

Level: Unknown

Wang Lei narrowed his eyes. This time, the system didn't reveal the golem's weaknesses. He'd have to figure it out on his own. The golem advanced, its stone fists crashing into the ground, sending tremors through the area. Wang Lei activated Silent Steps, avoiding the powerful blows with precision.

As he dodged, he noticed something: the golem's movements were sluggish at its joints, particularly at the knees and elbows. The stone seemed to crack slightly when it moved.

That's it... he realized. The joints. If I can strike there, it'll crumble.

He dashed forward, targeting the golem's knees. With a swift slash of his dagger, he struck its vulnerable joint. Cracks spread through the stone, and the golem stumbled slightly but remained standing.

Wang Lei didn't hesitate. Using Silent Steps again, he dashed around to the back of the golem, where a faint glow indicated its core. Leaping up, he drove his dagger into the core, causing the giant creature to collapse into a pile of rubble.

Panting, Wang Lei looked down at the fallen golem.

Mission Update: 1/4 Desert Golems Defeated.

Reward: 50 coins.

With newfound determination, Wang Lei continued his assault on the other golems. After defeating three more, he felt a rush of energy course through him.

System Notice: Skill Unlocked - Burst Strike

Description: Burst Strike is a skill that boosts your throw power, making it three times stronger.

Wang Lei's eyes widened as the implications sank in. He could now throw his dagger with immense force, increasing his chances of defeating even stronger foes.

As he ventured further into the city, the air grew colder, and the architecture around him became more intricate. He sensed he was nearing the heart of the city, where a much more dangerous foe awaited.

Suddenly, the ground shook again, and from the shadows emerged a massive serpent-like creature, its scales dark green and its body thick and coiled. Its yellow eyes glowed menacingly, and it let out a hiss that echoed through the city.

High-tier Boss: Raptor Serpent

Level: Unknown

Wang Lei's breath caught in his throat. The serpent was far larger than anything he'd faced before, and the system didn't offer any help. He would have to find its weakness through observation and quick thinking.

The serpent lunged at him, its enormous fangs bared. Wang Lei activated Silent Steps, barely dodging its strike. As the serpent passed, he noticed that its scales were particularly thick, except for a small area on the back of its head where the scales were thinner.

That's where I need to strike, Wang Lei thought.

Using his enhanced agility, he avoided the serpent's strikes while searching for an opening. The creature was fast, but Wang Lei was faster, his Silent Steps allowing him to keep up with its rapid movements. Finally, he saw his chance. He leapt onto a nearby column, waiting for the serpent to pass beneath him.

With a powerful leap, Wang Lei activated Burst Strike, aiming directly for the serpent's weak spot. His dagger pierced through the soft scales at the back of its head. The serpent let out a pained hiss, thrashing wildly, but Wang Lei held on, driving his dagger deeper until the creature's body went limp.

The serpent collapsed to the ground, its eyes dimming as it drew its last breath.

A system screen appeared before him.

Mission Complete: High-tier Boss Defeated

Reward: 500 coins.Ability Unlocked: Status

Wang Lei frowned as he read the notice. Status? What does that mean?

A new screen appeared, explaining the ability.

System Explanation: Ability Unlocked - Status

The Status ability allows you to view detailed information about other beings, including species, age, abilities, and skills. However, it cannot scan beings that are significantly more powerful than the host. As the host grows stronger, the ability will improve and reveal more information.Example:Species: HumanAge: 19Ability: [Based on the being's natural talents]Skills: [Skills learned or inherited by the being]

Wang Lei's eyes widened. This ability wasn't just about seeing an opponent's level—it allowed him to gather critical information about their abilities and skills, which would give him a massive advantage in future battles. However, he understood that this ability had its limits; against stronger enemies, it might not reveal anything unless he grew powerful enough.

This is huge, he thought, feeling a surge of excitement. With the Status ability, he would be able to analyze his opponents like never before. But for now, he still had to survive the City of Death.