Chapter 7: Preparing for the Frontier

The weight of William Von Schwarzenwald's words still hung in the air, casting a long shadow over the estate. His children had received their tasks, and now the true challenge began.

The family controlled 30% of the continent—an enormous, sprawling domain that included not only the estate itself but the vast stretches of territory beyond. Marcus and Seraphina each had their own responsibilities, but the weight of their father's expectations bore down on him more for he was the heir.

Marcus stood before a massive map of their lands, pinned to the wall in his private quarters. His eyes traced the borders, the areas where Von Schwarzenwald rule met the unknown. There were numerous external family members stationed throughout the territory—distant cousins, lesser lords, and soldiers who bore the family name but lived far from the estate. They would be under his command now.

The task his father had given him was clear: protect the borders. The otherworldly creatures had been making their presence known, creeping closer to the outer reaches of Von Schwarzenwald land. His job was to ensure that nothing breached their defenses, that no threat could undermine the family's power.

'It's not just about protecting the territory,' Marcus thought, his jaw clenched. 'It's about securing our family's legacy. Father trusts me with this... but it's a test.'

The family had always maintained control through strength and fear, and Marcus knew that his father's faith in him hinged on his ability to keep their borders secure. There was no room for failure.

He turned to a messenger who had been waiting silently by the door. "Send word to the external families. I want their strongest fighters at the southern border by the week's end. I'll join them there."

The messenger nodded and quickly left the room, leaving Marcus alone with his thoughts.

'The southern border will be the hardest to defend,' Marcus mused. 'The terrain is rough, and it's where most of the sightings of these creatures have been reported.'

He had already sent out scouts to gather more information, but reports were still scattered. The creatures they faced were unlike anything they had encountered before—beasts that could shift between dimensions, beings that didn't seem to follow the natural laws of their world. It was an enemy that couldn't be fought with brute strength alone, and that troubled him.

But Marcus was no fool. He knew he would have to rely on more than just the sword to keep their territory safe. His father had made that abundantly clear in his cold, calculating way. The external family members were strong, loyal to the Von Schwarzenwald name, but they needed leadership. They needed Marcus to show them the way.

'This is my chance to prove myself,' Marcus thought, his resolve hardening. 'To show Father that I'm not just his son—I'm the future head of this family.'

He left his quarters and made his way to the courtyard, where his personal guard awaited. They stood in formation, disciplined and ready for action.

"Prepare to move out," Marcus ordered, his voice sharp and commanding. "We leave for the southern border at first light. There's no time to waste."

As his men dispersed to make preparations, Marcus allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. His thoughts drifted to Seraphina. She had been given a different task, one that required more subtlety and intellect, but their goals were the same—protect the family, no matter the cost.

Seraphina sat in the family library, her fingers lightly tracing the spine of an old, leather-bound tome. She had spent hours here, sifting through records and ancient texts, seeking any information that could help her understand the otherworldly creatures that had begun appearing near their borders.

Her father had tasked her with strengthening their magical defenses within the estate, but Seraphina wasn't content with merely fortifying their land. She wanted answers. The creatures were a mystery, and Seraphina's insatiable curiosity demanded that she understand the forces they were up against.

'These creatures are not of our world,' she thought, scanning the pages of a particularly old manuscript. 'But they aren't entirely unknown either. There must be some connection, some clue.'

Her task, unlike Marcus's, was not one of direct combat. William had made it clear that Seraphina's role was to uncover the truth behind the creatures—what they were, where they came from, and how they could be stopped. She had always excelled at this sort of work. While Marcus was the warrior, Seraphina was the strategist, the mind behind the magic that held the family's power together.

But as she delved deeper into her research, she couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out. The creatures were growing bolder, venturing closer to their lands, and each passing day brought new reports of strange sightings near the borders.

Seraphina's mind drifted to her father. William was a man of action, but he was also deeply pragmatic. He had given her this task not just because he trusted her intelligence, but because he knew that knowledge was the key to survival.

'Father doesn't trust anyone easily,' Seraphina thought. 'But he's placed his faith in me. I won't fail him.'

Her gaze shifted to the window, where the sun was beginning to set. The sky was painted in hues of red and orange, a stark contrast to the growing darkness in her thoughts. Seraphina knew that the stakes were higher than ever. If she couldn't find the answers they needed, if she couldn't unravel the mystery of the otherworldly beings, then all of their magical defenses would be for nothing.

She rose from her chair, closing the book with a soft thud. There was still much work to be done, and time was not on their side.

Later that evening, Marcus and Seraphina found themselves in the grand dining hall once again, though the air between them was heavy with unspoken thoughts.

"Father's orders are clear," Marcus began, his tone gruff but focused. "I leave for the southern border tomorrow. The external family members are already mobilizing."

Seraphina nodded, though her mind was still on the research she had been conducting. " Magical defense in the estate will be ready. But we need more information on the creatures. Their abilities are unpredictable, and we don't know the full extent of their power."

Marcus frowned, his brow furrowed. "You think we're not prepared?"

Seraphina met his gaze, her expression unreadable. "I think we're prepared for what we know. But there's more we don't understand. I'll continue my research, but you should be cautious."

"I'm always cautious," Marcus replied, his tone defensive.

"Not cautious enough," Seraphina shot back, her eyes narrowing. "These creatures aren't like anything we've dealt with before. You need to be ready for the unexpected."

There was a moment of silence between them, the tension palpable. But Marcus, despite his pride, knew that Seraphina's words held truth.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said finally, his voice softening. "But we can't afford to hesitate. The southern border is our first line of defense."

Seraphina nodded, her gaze softening. "Just don't let your pride get in the way, Marcus. Father may be testing us, but we're still a family. We can't afford to lose each other."

Marcus didn't respond, but her words lingered in his mind long after they had finished their meal.

As night fell over the Von Schwarzenwald estate, both Marcus and Seraphina prepared in their own ways for the battles ahead. Marcus would face the creatures at the southern border, commanding the family's forces, while Seraphina would continue her search for knowledge, seeking the key to their survival.

The Von Schwarzenwald family had faced many threats over the centuries, but this time, the enemy was different—an unknown force that neither brute strength nor ancient magic could easily defeat.

And yet, both Marcus and Seraphina knew one thing for certain: failure was not an option.