Chapter 8: The Burden of Power

Elias sat alone in the corner of his room, the once-familiar walls of the Von Schwarzenwald estate feeling more like a prison with each passing day. The cold, dark stone walls surrounded him like a cage, closing in on him as he struggled with the weight of his thoughts. The flickering light of a single candle cast long, shifting shadows across his face, mirroring the turmoil inside him.

Before him, the remnants of his latest ritual lay scattered across the floor—chalk symbols imperfectly drawn, the faint scent of burnt herbs lingering in the air. He stared at the symbols, frustration and fear twisting in his gut. He had followed the forbidden texts as best he could, trying to unlock their dark power, yet something always went wrong. The rituals never worked as the books described, but somehow, they still left him feeling stronger.

Each failure gnawed at his confidence, but the strange power that followed kept him returning to the forbidden magic. A chill settled in the quiet room, a tension like the estate itself was holding its breath. Elias felt it too—that creeping sense that something was coming, something far beyond his control.

He had tried again, hoping that this time he would get it right. He had studied the forbidden texts in secret, painstakingly memorizing every sigil, every incantation, but no matter what he did, something always went wrong.

Elias clenched his fists in frustration. Why wasn't it working? Every attempt to summon the power he sought ended in failure—or at least, that's what he thought.

But something strange had been happening.

Though each ritual seemed to fail, Elias had begun to feel stronger. He didn't understand how or why, but over time, a faint, dark energy had begun to stir within him. His strength was growing, but the more it grew, the more unsettled he felt. He hadn't yet told anyone about the rituals—not Marcus, not Seraphina, and certainly not his father. If William found out what he was doing…

Elias shuddered at the thought.

There was no telling what his father would do if he discovered Elias had been dabbling in forbidden magic. William Von Schwarzenwald had always despised weakness, but he had an even greater hatred for disobedience. Elias had already failed to meet his father's expectations in every other way. If William found out that his weakest son was toying with dark, dangerous powers… it could be the end of him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. His heart skipped a beat, fear gripping him for a moment as he hurriedly brushed the ritual symbols from the floor with the sleeve of his robe. When he opened the door, it wasn't William standing there—only one of the estate's many servants.

"Master Elias," the servant said, bowing slightly. "Your father has returned from his travels. He has called for a family meeting in the dinning area."

The words hit Elias like a hammer. William was back. He had known this day would come, but he hadn't expected it to feel like such a punch to the gut. He had been trying to avoid this moment—keeping to himself, staying out of sight—but there was no hiding from William Von Schwarzenwald. Not for long.

"A family dinner?" Elias repeated, his voice flat, though his mind raced with anxiety.

"Yes, my lord. The head of the family has summoned all of his children. He was very clear about it."

Elias nodded slowly, dismissing the servant with a wave. Once the door closed behind him, he stood in silence, staring at the floor where the remnants of his failed ritual had been. He could still feel the faint traces of power lingering in the air, an unsettling reminder of what he had been doing. His fingers twitched involuntarily, brushing against the hidden mark on his wrist—a brand left by one of the darker spells he had tried. A reminder of his growing power… and his growing mistakes.

'He can't find out,' Elias thought, panic bubbling beneath the surface. His heart raced as he considered what would happen if William ever learned of the forbidden magic. It was one thing to be the family's failure. It was another to be a danger.

Yet even now, Elias couldn't stop thinking about the power he had gained. He didn't understand it, but every time a ritual had failed, he had felt a surge of energy afterward. It was as if the very failure of the ritual had somehow strengthened him, though he had no idea why. And worse still, he was starting to crave that feeling—the rush of power, the sense of control it gave him.

But it wasn't real power. Not yet.

He shook the thought from his mind, knowing he couldn't afford to dwell on it now. His father was back, and the weight of that reality pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket. Elias didn't know what the meeting was about, but he was sure it wouldn't go well for him.

When Elias arrived at the main hall, the tension in the air was palpable. Marcus and Seraphina were already there, standing near their father, William Von Schwarzenwald. Marcus looked as imposing as ever, his broad frame exuding authority. Seraphina stood with her usual cold, distant demeanor, her eyes betraying little emotion.

And then there was William.

His presence alone commanded the room, his piercing gaze sweeping over his children like a judge assessing their worth. He was tall and statuesque, his face etched with the cold, calculating lines of a man who had lived his entire life in pursuit of power. The very sight of him made Elias's stomach twist.

For a brief moment, William's eyes settled on Elias, and that familiar wave of disappointment washed over him. There was no greeting, no acknowledgment—just that cold, indifferent stare.