what if doomsday preppers

I was chatting with mom when we heard a bang. My legs moved on their own. accord in her general direction. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. I grabbed mom and came back to a group of surprised friends. The others asked me to collect their relatives so I asked for a picture. They held them up and I zipped to get them as well. As the adults were being briefed about my abilities I searched for a vehicle to get us the heck of there. I found a van and drove to the girls as fast as possible. The adults seemed apprehensive but since all I had done was save their babies they trusted me.

Mom didn't believe that I could be one of those vampires or werewolves till one zombie showed up and everyone ran inside the van. I took the keys from the ignition and hopped out to deal with these menaces. I turned into a monster and punched it in the face. I grabbed it by the neck and threw it towards the wall and changed back to my old self. I calmly walked back to the driver's seat and slipped the keys into the ignition. I stepped on the skinny pedal as the engine roared to life. I asked the girls if they were alright. Sonja's mom was the first to respond. She calmly said that she was grateful that I had kept her baby safe and sound.

Mom sat beside me and stared the entire time I drove. She had questions and I answered them. She said she knew that I had changed when I came home from the hospital but she told herself that it was the meds. I told her that I took a universal cure. I forget that every type of medication has a side effect. This was the side effect. Mom asked me if I had hurt anyone and the girls started yelling at her that had it not been for me they would have died. I have been their protective guardian since Cathy turned into a werewolf and tried to eat them. I risked life and limb. I stay awake so they can sleep peacefully. When the zombies arrived I could walk away but I made sure that they were safe and sound. Mom was so impressed she gave me the proud mom face.

We drove till we reached a vacant check point. The zombies were stepping aside to let me through. I drove till I reached a bridge but the thing was raised. My heightened sight showed me that the machine that operates the bridge was destroyed. So we took a detour. I took the path with the least zombies. Mom asked me how I was able to do so. I said that I have an internal radar that allows me to sense my way around. Sonja asked me where we were going. I shrugged, "The Citadel" the girls cheered as the parents stared weirdly. That will be the case till they see the building. The place was built to resemble a fortress. Mom asked me where we were going and I told her that this is where the clone took me. Mom reminded me that he was my uncle. I kept my mouth shut about my discovery that my uncle was secretly my dad.

Carolina pointed out a different route. She said that she heard the military talk about it. It was a missile silo. They were using it as a bunker. I told them that there are several places. A school, hospitals and other prisons. There's a train that allegedly carries passengers to safety. But we don't know what is true and what is not. The others concurred till Carolina pulled out a map. The place was past the next town. I saw that we were low on gas. So we stopped at a gas station. There was barely any fuel left. Everyone stayed inside as I tried to find anything that we could use. When I was done shopping we drove away.

We got to the silo the very next morning. As we approached the structure I heard screams but realized that the passengers will not take it kindly if I drive away so I resisted the urge to turn around. Moments later a few people were seen fleeing for their life. Zombies were chasing after them. Mom yelled at me and I turned the car around and drove till we ran out of gas. After that we were on foot. I gave Irene a walkie talkie and ran around to check if the surroundings were safe. Then I told them the safest way to get to a doomsday prepped residence. The place had the thickest wall I had ever seen my entire life. The top was built to resemble a farm. The residents lived underground in a bunker. The eight acre place was put to good use. There were people with guns aiming at these things that were blocking the door.

The man on top of the wall was Asian. He wore a long sleeve t-shirt under a short sleeved t-shirt. He had a growing bald patch but what was left of his hair was decently long. He used the view finder of his hunting rifle to search the place for survivors. He watched with amusement as I managed to send a heart attack worthy amount of these chompers away from the residence. What shocked him most was that these things stepped aside when I walked amongst them. So when the coast was clear we allowed in and the inquiry began. Mom explained about my illness and the one elderly woman wearing faded overall stuck a cotton swab up my nose. She poured a few drops of a nasty smelling liquid on it and it turned orange. She gave us a sly grin and waved us in. The others lowered their weapons.

An old man in a farmer's outfit greeted us. Some of his teeth were missing. He was playing the banjo as women walked past dragging several wheelbarrows of barley and wheat. There were young boys carrying baskets of eggs. Men were hauling black walnuts and different types of mushrooms. Others were dragging sacks of potatoes. One guy even carried a sack of multi colored corn. Popcorn would be amazing. One was seen carrying a bucket of freshly squeezed milk. A few were seen hauling fruits. The banjo guy was told that I was either a werewolf or a vampire. The man asked her to put me to work. My mom and the others were given the same treatment. They were declared human. We were asked if we could farm work and we said yes. We were escorted to a metal door with a wheel on it. The woman turned it several times before she tugged at it. The metal groaned in protest as it opened to reveal a flight of stairs.

What awaited us was a series of tunnels snaking around. One leads to a huge hall. The others to bedrooms, bathrooms and storerooms and even an armory. There were huge tanks collecting rainwater and another complicated machine that processed waste. The place was so well lit that even mom wouldn't have any trouble seeing. The lady said that I have to go to separate quarters since there is a chance that I might go on a killing spree. My friends said that I have been this thing for six months and I haven't harmed a soul. I stay where they can see me. It is a means to keep me in line and they can be safe. If I am not going with them then they are walking out of here and trying their luck elsewhere. The lady gave us the death stare before waving me towards the bedroom. She mumbled, "You're funeral." She asked me what I eat as a vampire or werewolf. I shrugged, "I drink blood once every eight days. A quarter of a liter to be precise. Then for the rest of the week I eat what my friends eat" She gave me a surprise look before she opened the door to my room.

Mom was about to enter when the woman asked her nicely if I really was her daughter. She grinned, "I carried her inside me for nine months. She became this thing so she won't be sick anymore" The woman asked what type of illness it was and mom gave the name. The woman asked if it could cure cancer and I said I don't know. The woman retorted that if it could cure my illness why can't it cure cancer. I grinned recalling what Cain had said. I chuckled, "The chemical that made me this has a nasty side effect. If you are a vampire or werewolf then my blood would enhance you. But it is poisonous to humans. I know because I met the guy that invented this. He gave me a live demonstration" The woman gave me a defeated look before asking me where I got the substance. I said I got it in transit. It was on its way for orderly disposal. The cover story was that it was a universal cure. I fell for it and used it. Apparently its existence has caused a lot of problems. She had this hopeful look but I grimaced as I said that it was the last batch. She said a few curse words and stormed off. Mom asked me if I was being honest. I said that I am only relaying what was told. I am not interested in fact finding. I like being one of a kind.

We took a quick shower and got changed before walking out to do our chores. Mom used to be a cop so she was given a gun and was posted on the wall. The girls went to milk the cows. The adults went to collect the produce growing on the property. Since the animals move away from like a hungry lion they gave me the job of hauling things from one place to another. I did that in a second. I was asked to clean the entire compound. I did that in five minutes. I was asked to help with the cooking. That afternoon when she came down for lunch mom's face was red. One of the guys said that she must have seen someone familiar. OnTe the men was dragging a flamethrower. So I got to the wall she was stationed on before he did. I searched the pile of dead bodies and found one familiar face. It was my dad's. He had turned into a zombie and mom had to shoot him.

When I came to dinning hall I gave mommy a hug and she held on to me as the infernal machine was turned on. We could smell the acrid stench of burning bodies and mom lost it. She dissolved into tears. I told her that she will never have to worry about that ever again. I am not going to be one of those things. I am frozen forever as her baby girl. She kissed my forehead and sat down for lunch. I joined her afterwards on the wall. The men asked me what use I can be. I told them that I have an internal radar that detects all sorts of stuff. Which I can warn them if anyone is approaching them. I can identify if they are concealing any weapons as well. This impressed them as they looked towards the sea of undead walking left and right. What used to be a road filled with cars zipping by is now filled with Chompers looking for their next meal. I squeezed mommy's hand and extended my senses.

Out of boredom I extended my senses further I saw that the military were fleeing with whatever was left of their crew. I was pleased to give mom one good news. My psychopathic brother was still alive and kicking. She gave me a look that says she is not in the mood for jokes. So I scooped her up like Superman does with Lois lane and flew into the air. I took her to a safe spot and gave her a pair of binoculars. I pointed out which way to look. She saw her son was in the front seat scanning a map trying to find the next safest location. He was alive and in the land of the living. She thanked God as she gave me a hug and asked to go back. When we came back and others asked mom if I was joking. She grinned, "My babies are safe and sound that is all that matters to me."