
First steps to a dream

I was born in a small kingdom known as Westeria. And as you can probably tell from the name, it lies somewhere in the west. West of the Seul continent that is.

Seul, is what's called an adventuring continent. Why? Well because of the ample opportunities that exists for adventurers. Entire islands filled with dangerous creatures, oceans filled with ancient treasure, and plenty of strong people to fight.

That being said what is an adventurer? Well it's hard to describe, but if I had to characterize them... they'd be heroes, very eccentric heroes! People who fight monsters save people and well... Adventure. That's what an adventurer is. They do it for various reasons, be it wealth, fame, power or even love.

Adventurers can be independent or work at a place called a guild, and I'm in front of one right now. Just in front, I haven't entered yet, because, well, I'm nervous, maybe too nervous.

Just about every Tom, Dick, and Harry in Westeria wants to join one. Hell, I know at least 20 people from my street alone that have applied for some.

"Hey kid are you ok? You've been standing there for at least half an hour , you're gonna give us a bad rep".



"Don't be so serious, you never know how it'll go" the man said.

"THANK YOU!" That was probably the best bow I ever gave, seems sincerity does make perfection after all.

All it takes is two steps for my mug to be an inch away from the entrance. ITS LUXURIOUS A giant pair of golden doors with no handles, but a sign on them saying push not pull.

The doors are so sparkly I can even see my reflection on it. I start to push on them and my heart can't help but go THUMP THUMP it beats faster and faster until they're opened.

As I open the doors, a wave of cold air and nice smells rushes to me all at once, vibrant lights from different parts illuminate the inside. It's almost as if a rainbow had been trapped inside a building. Several people are moving to and fro, looking so serious, almost like it's a government office.

I've really done it, I'm really here in a guild! Well I haven't joined yet, or even signed up, but still... Damnit I must have the dumbest smile on my face right now.

A female employee just seems to spawn out of nowhere, now she's ushering me in.

After walking with her for a while, I notice just how huge this place is, with many smaller shops inside it, there seems to always be something to do in here.

"Excuse me, do you know where the application room is?"

"Of course" she replies.

"It's the first room down the hall, straight across from the entrance. Just keep walking straight and you'll be fine".

"Oh, thank you"

"Good luck, take care!"

Aww, that was nice. I follow her directions and come across door.

It looks so mundane in comparison to the entrance. On the door, the word "join" is written in all caps alongside a smiley face, which is slightly unusual. Even though it's straight down from me, it's still a decent walk to get there. You wouldn't think the inside of the guild would be so spacious till you entered the building.

I open the door and-


There's this shirtless man with horns curving straight up from his head. He sitting on a chair with his arms crossed, his crossed legs kicked up on his desk. "ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE WORK?!" He screams at me.

I think I shake a little after he says that. His voice is surprisingly deep. It startles me how that just came out of nowhere. "Yes I am" I respond. I try to sound confident, not sure if I'm doing a good job though.

"GOOD! COME BACK IN TWO DAYS. HERE, TAKE THIS CARD. BRING IT WITH YOU WHEN NEXT YOU COME. "Just like that?" I ask ."YUP, JUST LIKE THAT" he chuckles. Almost as quickly as I entered that room I left.

Ugh! WHY WAS HE SO MUSCULAR? NO, WHY WAS HE SHIRTLESS!? The only way to describe this situation, is that's it's kinda like fantasizing about an amazing meal only to eat it and it tastes meh.