
Trashy feeling

Now this is probably the time where I tell you all about myself, how I got here and whatnot. My name is Zachary Haze. I've got white pale skin, red fluffy hair, bright blue eyes, a button nose, big pink lips, pointed ears, and a dimpled smile.

I'd say I look decent, but most people might think I look average. I'm quite averagely built for a seventeen year old guy, but I'll be 18 in about, nine months time so I'm technically an adult.

I work at a Grocery shop which specializes in fresh fruits. And did I mention I'm homeless, yeah about that... Technically I'm not homeless 'cause I live with Mr Fletcher, the guy who owns the grocery shop. But since it's not my home, I consider myself homeless.

Despite looking average, one of my coworkers, Ruth, from the grocery shop says I'm cute. She's also Mr Fletcher's daughter, so I don't really know what to think.

Anyways back on track, one evening as I was heading home from work, I noticed a particularly shiny flier, and like a moth drawn to a flame I just couldn't help but to go check it out. It read there was a guild in town looking for new adventurers, EVEN ROOKIES!

So, of course I had to go. I had to let it ruminate in my head for a bit first though. Since I'm not quite the adventuring type, it seemed like more of a fantasy than anything practical.

The deadline on the flier was thirty one days, so I decided to go last minute on an off day from work, which just happened to be the last Sunday of the month.

Well now, you've caught up on everything that's happened so far.

I'm not sure if I should go home or not, this guild seems to be like a mall with loads of things to do. And I could probably find out more about it if I explored it.

I can't even tell how many floors are in this building, it's just so big, even the bottom floor is packed with several shops, food stands and lounges.

Speaking of lounges, the chairs are ridiculously comfy, like really comfy. I've been sitting down on one for like fifteen minutes.

I know it's a random thought, but if I had a home of my own, I'd wish to have furniture like that. As my mind begins to drift and I'm imagining myself with a nice house with great furniture, a busker appears out of nowhere to burst my little thought bubble.

I'm a bit annoyed to be interrupted from my zoning out session, but I still try to sound polite when asking him what the heck he wants.

"Monsieur! Are you in need of a supporter?"

Before I can respond, he starts going on and on about how he works part time at the guild, as normal staff and how great of an opportunity it would be to work with him. If anything, I think he sounds like a con man.

"So asides from having me as a support you'd also get discounts on some items I might happen to be selling". His face lights up with an almost unrealistically big smile.

He seems to mean well but he's a bit annoying . Sigh

"Well I'm not an adventurer ye..." he cuts me off. Seemingly pulling two books out of thin air, brandishing them in front of me.

"A guide to everything adventure, by Mr Freegut and How to magic, by miss Morgana Nutlafay". I say.

The man smiles again. "AHA, yes that's correct! Liking what you see?

I'm speechless

I can't see my face but I'd assume I'm doing a decent job holding back my stupid grin. What kind of names are those? "Would you like to get how to wield a sword for dummies by: Poupy La Paants".


I can't hold it, the laugh comes out. I try to regain my countenance but fail terribly. Then I try to re-establish the professional mood. "No the first two will do, how much are they?"

"800 kurs"


"For you my friend 400, only because I have a feeling we'll be seeing much of each other".

Begrudgingly I fork over 400 kurs trying not to let my disappointment show on my face.

He scurrys off probably trying to entice someone else into spending an unholy amount of money.


It's a good thing I got paid this week.

Besides my work at the grocery store, I do a few odd jobs on the side, and even then! I only barely scrape by, making just about 600 kurs a month.

Dang it! At this rate I'll never be able to buy or even rent a home!! Not like that's my goal or anything.

To take my mind off of things I decide to check out what else the guild has to offer. But I'm only CHECKING. I can't afford to make any more terrible financial decisions.

After a few minutes of walking around I see quite a few cool things, monster hides turned into armor, magical items, shiny crystals— dunno what those're for maybe jewelry? I even see a literal FLAMING SWORD.

I see quite a few book vendors and I'm reminded about the fresh hole in my wallet. Out of sheer curiosity I check out similar looking books. And... HOLY COW THEY'RE FREAKING EXPENSIVE!! Gulp. I feel like I'm spending money just looking at them. I try looking for the author of the ones I purchased, but I only find one by Mr Freegut.

"How to slay... huh?." It's an interesting title, seems to be about how to kill different kinds of monsters, and BOOM, a price so expensive it flings me backwards. "26,000 kurs, oh wow" .

"Is that kid ok? Why'd he jump back like that?".

"Looks like he got toose by a ghost, spooky".

"Mommy, is that man alright?" .

"Ignore crazy people sweetheart".

Uh, maybe my reaction was too extreme. I can almost see the number of strange looks I'm getting increase by the moment. I decide to leave the guild building before I faint from how poor I am.

It's intriguing though, if a book by Mr Freegut costs that much why was that one so cheap in comparison? Maybe the one I got just sucks...

As I leave I say goodbye to the man on the bench. "See ya later kiddo" he responds.

Well I decide to go home since there's nothing to do and it's already late. On my way home I see a shop that I haven't noticed before.

It's a pawn shop of all things, which is quite convenient because I'm quite curious about these books I've gotten, the only problem is I already spent far too much money today.

"Don't worry you got this", I say to try and psyche myself up. As I approach the establishment I sense a shady air about it.

I've never been down this route before since I usually just pass by it.

Most other establishments around here are run down, have pealing paint, words falling off of signs written on the building, moss growing on them and or, roofing sheets that look like they could fall over anytime.

The pawn shop is more appealing in comparison, it has none of the aforementioned problems, although, there's a long vine wrapped around the building. The vine thing sucks, buts it's intriguing to think about. The building is also two stories tall.

"Bub's pawn shop" huh, not that bad.

The people passing by don't look too friendly either. Maybe this part of town is a slum?

I gulp as I enter. It's quite spacious, second place I've been in today that's like that.

There's a nice fruity smell wafting around in the air right now, I find it quite pleasant.

Maybe I was wrong about the vibe of this place, after all it's quite clean, sparkling almost!

Which is impressive because it's all wood—the walls, the floor, the counters and well the furniture. The cleaners must be awesome to make wood shine like that!

I think I gawk at the shine of the floor a bit longer than I should. I come back down to reality and notice there's a plethora of chairs and tables ahead of me.

Probably a waiting area.

It almost looks like the inside of the shop is all waiting area, aside from the desks scattered here and there.

luckily for me it seems the store is empty today. Yippee! Straight ahead from the entrance, there is a young lady, who looks like she's in her early twenties, manning a desk, the main desk, wait no- that's a counter, the main counter or whatever it is.

But it's the biggest of the desk/counters I'm seeing all over the place.

I approach and tell her about the books. Now, she's giving me the biggest skeptical eyebrow raise I assume her face can make.

I place the books on the counter, she picks them up, looks at them for a few seconds without even opening them then pauses. She then drops them back down, then goes inside apparently to call someone, because when she comes out, she's with a man.

A chubby elderly fellow, with scattered white hair and red spectacles. I'm assuming he's her boss, maybe he's bub, the guy the shop is named after. He takes the books, opens them, and flips through them a few times.

Wow the look on this guys' face is ridiculous! He looks like he's ogling GOLD. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but he stops before the words can come out.

Gulp goes his throat.

From his reaction I take it that the books are really expensive.

With that in mind, I should probably take whatever proposition he may throw my way with not a grain, but a whole basket of salt.

"Weow nyuoch deed yer saey ya goat ed?".


Well that was unexpected, very unexpected, this is almost as much of a shock as seeing that horned guy from the guild.

"Well uh, I didn't quite get that, can you repeat please repeat yourself?" I say trying to sound as not-rude as possible.

"Wheaaal saunce yer inseest. eyee saeyed owl mooch deed yer gaet it" .

He says it slowly as if that makes him any more intelligeble!

I squint my eyes almost as if to glare at him, but I do it with a smile on my face so as to not seem hostile. I do it to convey my confusion.

"Well Mr, it seems you're not a native speaker so you can't quite get it! I just dunno what to say to ya!!"

Wow, he could say that clearly!

What a guy...

I glare at him for real this time. But just before my gaze can burn holes in the man's head, the clerk lady from before speaks up.

"I'm sorry, his accent can be difficult at times".

From the way she closed her eyes, furrowed her brows, and her tired sigh, I'm guessing I'm not the first customer to experience this.

Her boss looks slightly annoyed, and I can't help but smirk. Oops now he's looking very annoyed.

"Ah it's no problem, really!" Damn, my voice just cracked. I try to pretend like that didn't just happen.

"Thank you for being so patient, he said, how much did you get them?

For a minute, I contemplate to respond to what she said. Should I tell him the real price? If I say something too cheap and my suspicions are right, then they might try to doop me or something. Or maybe I tell him something slightly inflated from what I think it's price actually is?

I don't think I should say expensive figures like the prices of the adventuring books I saw at the guild and since I plan on keep them, I'm not looking to turn a profit.

Even though the air around these parts seems sketchy, this place seems different, he looks no different from any other nice old man, and lady appears normal too, so I guess I'll be honest.

"Well I'll be straight with you, Bub... I got them for 400kurs, 200 each!!".

I can see the beads of sweat visibly form on their faces in response to their shock. No doubt about it, I'm definitely right, I think I struck gold with thes books!

"Reckless financial decision my ass" I'm amazing!

"Y-young man a-are you sure??" His voice suddenly clear and deep. They both look tense, they look at each other as if they're having a none verbal conversation. The man tries to ask how much I'm willing to sell them, but I shut him down instantly.

"Look Bub, I didn't come here to sell anything, I just wanted to get them appraised quickly before I go home".

Ah! he didn't react to the name I called him. So his name really is Bub!

"What!! You can't be serious, did you seriously get those today?"

What? Did I imply that?

I don't think it was what I said more how I said it. I try to brush it off by saying no, since he's looking as if he's getting strange ideas, but he just doesn't seem to believe me.

I don't know if it's because he thinks they're antiques, or that they're rare or he's just wondering where, and how, I got them at such a ridiculously low price.

But I seriously don't want to know, the look on his face is giving me the creeps.

"I'll keep it straight with ya, kid. These books are over ten times more expensive than you got them"

WAIT A SECOND THIS SHREWD OLD MAN! Just who does he think he is!?

Ten, no! It should be up to a hundred times more expensive! What I heard was so ridiculous it took me a few seconds to process it.

He continues by saying he'll give me "Good money for them" but I highly doubt that. I take back what I said about him looking like a nice old man, he's more like a nasty raisin man!

Yeah that's what you get for trying to cheat me! Wait... I probably shouldn't insult my elders... It's poor manners.

I quickly stretch my hands out to retrieve the books, but I back off instinctively for some reason. Maybe it's his weird vibes?

But before I can even proccess why I did that, there's a giant CRASH sound. A gaping hole replaces where the counter used to be. It barely missed me.

Oh,it's huge! I can't help but blurt out loud.


A giant wooden club strikes where I was a moment ago. I barely managed to move myself out the way mid panic.