
Rocky battle

A rocky creature? At least, that's what I guess it is. It's has four huge limbs. It turns and starts walking towards me. I spend a few minutes ransacking my brain, when it finally hits me.

"A Golem?" . You may be wondering, but fret not, I'm very well informed! Golem's are like, all those life like machines, almost living so to speak. They are said to be close to- or maybe even almost human.

Except there's nothing human about it, because it looks as if someone glued boulders together, in the shapes of a person and called it a day (really not the prettiest design).

This Golem is very bulky and it's about 15 feet tall. I'm talking the width of like five people.

That thing should really go on a diet!

And the club it's holding is also no joke too, it's like 6 feet long.

It's large stature is surprising because of it's inexplicable sudden appearance.

Something like that couldn't have possibly been hiding underneath the counter, could it? No! That's just not possible!

It's body parts are segmented and shiny. It's as if someone took time to polish it's rocky exterior. It looks amazing, I'm sure I'd be awestruck, IF IT WASN'T TRYING TO KILL ME!

I try to peak behind to see if Bub and the clerk are alright, but to no avail. It's way too thick for me to see behind it.

Even when I step to the side to get a good view of them, that thing just moves itself in the same direction, making it impossible for me see them.

For it to pop up out of nowhere like that, it obviously has to be the work of magic. Since there is no one here but the three of us the logical conclusion would either one or the two them are responsible.

But still, there's a chance they aren't, and if so they're in real danger. There's no point in wanting to be an adventurer if I can't even do something as simple save someone from danger.

I hate to admit it, but If I'm being practical there's no shot of me saving them if I can't even save myself.

If worst comes to worst, then I'll just have to turn tail and run. But I'd hate to do so without even trying to save them!

Well, even if I ran away I wouldn't abandon them, I'd obviously go get some help!

I'm talking all this big game about saving them but that thing is pretty huge, it's the height of three people stacked on top each other. I'd be lying if I said my legs aren't shaking.

Inhale exhale

I take deep breaths to regain my calm, so I can think clearly about what I can do in this situation.

In an effort to understand the golem better I  dart from side to side as quickly as possible. After all, the best way to know what a creature is like, is to push it to action.

It didn't make a move, it's just staring at me with it's desolate fiery orange eye.

Ok, good! Game plan: I blind it with my scarf somehow, all while it's dealing with that I check up on Bub and the lady!

Admittedly, it's not much of a plan, but a bad plan is better than no plan at all.

I wrap my scarf around my hand, lunching at it at golem while still holding an end. The golem stretches it's arms out to catch it but I try to twirl and pull it back to myself before it does.


No way! It caught the scarf.


My heart sinks to my stomach as I feel my feet lift from the ground. The air makes a turbulent whoosh noise as I'm violently swung around through the air like a rock on a string.

I'm actually going to die.

Looking down, more than confirms this thought.

I feel as if I'm being torn apart as my body dragged across the walls of the establishment.

While think of a way to escape this situation,

I feel the tension in the scarf lessen. I risk a peep at the golem.

Oh no!

It's about to let go of the scarf!

I have to find a way out of this situation now and fast!

Using my legs, I push forwards against the wall that I'm grinding against, drawing upon the momentum from swinging, to wall run closer to the ground.

It finally let's go and  I am slammed violently against the wall and sent tumbling across the floor as a result. My scarf also falls to the ground, much more gently than me though.

No way... I actually survived that.

My body is sent into a world of hurt as a wave of pain washes over me. My chest hurts. I must have several splinters, bruises and friction bruns from being dragged like that. But it could be worse, just as I think that I feel a sharp burning pain envelope my torse.


I try to get up, but my vision turns red and I stumble to the ground on one knee.

I must be bleeding from the head then.

I wipe the blood off my face so I can get a good look at Bub and the clerk lady. They're just fine, still standing behind the counter with no expression of terror. That tells me they must be behind all this.

I get up, struggling to keep my balance. I'm wincing in pain with every breath I take.

This floor is separated into two areas not by a door but by a small flight of steps. The golem right now is closer to the counter where my books are, the entrance of the building, and that separate lower area.

Right now I'm opposite that separate area although the golem is between it and me. If I tried to run for the books or the exit I'd definitely fail

Talk about unfair. But I won't be discouraged, NEW PLAN!

So I somehow have to lead the golem into that separate area, grab the books and then skedaddle.


Yep, it's slow heavy footsteps are proof that I can pull this off.

I grab my scarf making a huge knotted loop around my arm. I run straight at the golem. It walks towards me, winding up it's club holding arm wide in accordance.

Before it can finish it's swing, I throw the knotted end at the golems hind foot, and slide as I'm dragged by the force of it's rear foot going backwards in effort to remove it.

I let go of the scarf and get flung onto a table breaking though it and crack the floor board beneath.


That knocked all the air out of my lungs. My vision goes black as the back pain kicks in.


Seems I blacked out for a moment... Although it's loud footsteps were enough to bring me back.

My head is muddied and the world appears to be spinning around me. To catch my bearings I try to reflect on everything that's happened.

After a few moments my head unfogs and everything becomes clear again. That lost feeling I had didn't last long... Is that what a concussion  is?

Luckily the Golem hasn't gotten here yet since I got flung far: straight into the separate area or the lounge.

There's way more furniture here than in the main area, and I can use that to make distance between us.

I get up, unsprawling myself from the ground. My eyes scan around for anything I can use as a weapon.


A piece of broken floorboard from where I landed. I pick it up and brandish my new weapon. I know it seems a little ridiculous but it's surprisingly sharp. I smile deviously knowing just what to do with it.

With haste I run as fast I can in my state into the lounge before it catches up. Well, it doesn't take long for it to catch up. DAMN THOSE, LONG LEGS!

It charges at me but I stay still, only leaping to the side at the last second. It crashes through the wall behind me.

Well, at least I now know it's gotten dark outside. It swings the club at me from outside and breaks through the wall in order to hit me.

I can hear Bub's cursing in the background.

I barely dodged that attack just now, I can't afford to stay on the defensive, I need to start attacking. I start throwing chairs at it while walking backwards but it just swats them away it's club.

It lunges at me again but before it can get close, I kick over a table, to Impede it's motion.

But unfortunately the golem breaks through the thick table effortlessly. Well, this is a scary and disappointing outcome .But at least it's served it's purpose.

I've successfully slipped passed the golem!

And now, I'm running back out of the lounging area. I look back but to my greatest dismay, the golem's charging at me with full force.

Damn, since when could it move so fast?

Like a madman searching for death. With sudden surge of courage mixed with adrenaline, I climb unto a nearby table and jump off just as it approaches me.

I fall towards it leaning fully into my strike, fully expecting the sharp end of the plank I'm holding to blind it.

BUT NOPE! It's casually shrugs off my attack, fending it off with it's freakishly thick arm, making me drop the plank.

I fall to the side upon impact and– CRACK!

It swung it's club again.

Sigh... That was close.

It raises it's massive leg to stomp on me but I roll away just in time.

Then for what feels like an eternity we have a bit of back and forth, with me barely dodging it's strikes with the aid of a few chairs and tables here and there, and the golem slamming at me with it's ferocious strength.

It's made several small craters in the ground during the coarse of our fight.

This is almost going too well for me, if anyone of those strikes landed, I'd be squashed flatter than a piece of paper.

How's this even possible. How do I even have the athletism to keep this up? Have I always been this impressive? Is my latent talent coming out!?

At this point it feels like something bad should've happened.

At that moment I trip.

Ahhh shit.

Landing flat on my face it doesn't take long for me to see how screwed I am.

Fortunately, that fall was a type of dodge in it of itself! It was mid swing when I fell, and it seems to have over extended seeing how it's off balance now.

I decide not to waste time, using this moment to crawl to a somewhat safer place; underneath a table.

With one hand it flips over the table and with the other, it swings the club at me. I swooped my torso away just in time.

Luckily for me, that club seems to have gotten stuck quite deep in the ground.

The Golem is still trying to pull it out, can you guess the best part? It's using both hands! Ha!

I walk back to where I lost the plank, while picking it up, I can't help but have an evil grin plastered on my face.

Revenge time!

Normally, I'd just try to stab it in the eye, but I have to revise my strategy a little.

I run to it's left, drop the plank so I can pick up a chair. Then I fling it at the damn thing with all my might.

With one hand still pulling at the club, it frees up the other to block the incoming chair. I slide quickly underneath it. Something I can do since it's stance is so wide.

I guess being so big has it's disadvantages.

I pick up the plank I had previously dropped and get right behind at it's back. It turns around like to look at me, just like clockwork.

I think it's given up on trying to pull out it's club out, so it sends a downwards punch my way at full force instead. I jump backwards in a very unnatural motion and land harshly on my back.


Damnit, just how wrecked is my back going to get today? But it's all worth it though, because now it's arm is stuck in the ground too!


I can't help but laugh as all the pieces fall into place. It's all thanks to three things, two of which were observations!

First, I noticed it's tendency to always looks at me before taking any action, which is how I knew it'd be delayed by the chair throw, even though it's FREAKING MADE OF ROCK!

The chair wouldn't even have dented it. But it's too damn observant! Always paying  attention to me and whatever i'm doing.

Second, even though it has a nice look, this building is still shit– well I figure it is, because all the buildings in the area are pretty shoddy.

I also suspected that from the moment it swung it's club, the chances of the club getting stuck in the ground were kind of high.

Since there's no space between the floorboard and the actual ground that thing was stuck in the earth itself. Poor architecture? Most definitely, but it works great for me!

And lastly, it was all a gamble because I could've been completely wrong about everything. I could've gotten hit the moment I threw that chair, or the moment I got behind it.

But I was confident because at the end of the day it's a machine, it's too chunky, and most importantly... Not human.

I walk towards it slowly, encircling it as if it was an apex predator. Getting just close enough till I'm just out of reach from it's one free flailing hand.

I don't have to worry about kicks from it though because it's right arm got stuck deep, really deep. So now it's hunched over in a squat position all helpless and everything.

I doubt it can pull it's arm out, but I'm still  cautious. I wind up with the plank, stretching my arms as far back as possible, then I release! In one fell swoop the plank is lodged firmly into it's eye.


It's eyes becomes dark as it suddenly shuts off.

I think.

Well, I'm guessing that's what it did. I'd assume I'm right as it's eye isn't glowing anymore.

"Oh, so now you guys look shocked"  I say, with a certain amount of cockiness in my voice.

Well then again, I'm shocked too! I basically beat a golem like it was nothing!

Well almost nothing... since it only hit me once and still managed to wreck my entire body. I obviously won't say this part out loud, as I'm trying to look cool right now, after all what I did was no small feat.

I slowly walk towards the staircase leading to the store front, climbing up the stairs is going to be such a pain, I'm way to exhausted and sore. I try to hold my breath when I reach the counter, since I'm still trying to be cool.

I go to "greet" them. Well by greet, I mean utterly berate them. I'd totally kick their asses if not for the fact that I basically have not even the slightest bit of energy.

After receiving a mouth full of insults from me, or maybe an earful of insults from their perspective...

The stubborn old man finally decides to apologize, I don't care much for the lady; just looking at her face I can tell she's remorseful.

I grab my books still laying on the side counter giving one them a cursory read and


OUCH something hit me!

I'm sent flying from the impact but what's worse is the fact that several pages from my book are sent flying with me.

Before I hit floor I glance upon a page with strange symbols on it. The moment almost appears to last forever.

I take in the beautiful sight of fluttering pages seemingly put in the spot light by a singular focused light from a nearby rose window.

A view I'd be enamoured by if my situation was different, if it wasn't my book getting destroyed, if my life wasn't on the line. 

And if... But none of that matters now... My thoughts are cut short by a sudden violent stop.

I landed on my back again, except this time I don't have the strength to get back up, there's nothing left in the tank for me to use.


I struggle to lift my head in an effort to see the golem, but when I do, to my surprise it's missing an arm, and is still a bit far away.

That's as much as I can peep, before my head hits the floor. I don't even have strength for this much?

The golem's approaching, I can hear it's heavy steps getting closer. They have a weird rhythm now. I'm guessing it's because it's a bit off balance since one of it's arm is gone now.

It must have somehow ripped off the arm that was stuck, then flung it at me. It really is amazing how I'm still alive, with abrasions, major blood loss and certainly broken ribs.

So this really is the end, huh?

I never could do anything when it mattered most... At least nobody can say I went down without a fight!

I tried, I really did try. I gave it my all and—sob sob sob.

Damnit! Why am I crying, I just— sob sob sob. I really don't wanna die!

It's here.

Above me.

So damn imposing.

Looking straight down at me.

It's piercing orange eye stares straight into my soul. It begins to raise it's arm up to deliver the final blow.

My vision gets blurry as my mind is suddenly drawn back to the sight of pages flying out of my books, their aged brown color glowing magnificently in the focused light from the rose window.

Is this supposed to be my "life flashes before me eyes" moment?. Guess it's different for everybody.

I see strange symbols dancing in front of me. They look familiar but my head's too foggy to place where I might have seen them.

Looking at the symbols makes me a bit dizzy. I lift my hands to wave them away. The words becomes still and I can see them clearly now.

Surprisingly I understand it. I read the symbols in astonishment, "ᛋᛏᛖᛚᛚᚨ ᚲᚨᛞᛖᚾᛋ" 


What just happened? There's a bright light in front of me. I shield my eyes with my hands.

Is this heaven?

I remove my hands from my face.



This can't be...

I shake my head in disbelief. I see the pieces of rock debris, well "golem carcass" all around me.


But Bub and co, come around to finish the jobn just as I think that.

The clerk girl waddles over and squats next to me before pouring a purple liquid on my face.

AAAAHHH IT BURNSSS!!! I scream out.

Don't tell me she poured acid on me. I writhe and wiggle in pain, trying my best to crawl away from her.

I leave a trail of blood and sweat, not a far one. I try to keep going but no luck, my arms and legs give out, and my mind does too, because shortly after, everywhere turns black.