Chapter 1: A Repeating World

The sky above the wall seemed endless, a bright blue that seemed to challenge the despair of life inside this giant prison. I stood at the edge of the dusty road, staring at the towering stone wall that almost swallowed the horizon. The wall was so large and majestic, so perfectly futile in holding back the threat from outside. I looked at it with a mixture of awe and dread, feelings that had followed me since childhood.

"This... is Wall Maria," I remembered it clearly from my previous life. Someone who had lived a boring life as an office worker, sitting in front of a computer and spending nights binge-watching anime. I even knew how this world would end; I knew every step the people here would take, people who were once just two-dimensional characters on a screen.

But now I was one of them. Reborn, for no apparent reason, in a world I never dreamed I would live in. As an orphan in Shiganshina District, I had no one here. My life was marked by loneliness and uncertainty. But what tortured me the most wasn't the solitude or poverty, but the knowledge that I knew what was going to happen.

As a child, I was shocked and terrified when I first saw this wall. Something I had only seen on an anime screen was now in front of me, real, towering like an unmoving giant. This wall, which was supposed to protect humanity from the threat of Titans, now seemed more like a cage. From the outside, it might look grand, but from within, you felt like an animal trapped in a cage too vast to measure.

Every day, I walked down dusty roads filled with pebbles. Children ran and played, unaware of how small this world really was. The adults were busy with their lives, earning a living, surviving, without the slightest clue of how fragile life inside the walls truly was. They didn't know that a great threat lurked outside, that one day, this wall would fall, and their lives would change forever.

I, on the other hand, knew exactly what would happen. But knowing the future didn't give me the power to change it. Instead, it placed an unbearable burden on me. I was reborn with knowledge, but without strength. And although I knew what was coming, I was just one person in a world full of uncertainty.

Wall Maria, standing more than fifty meters tall, was built from solid stone. Layers of large rocks were neatly arranged, as if to declare that no threat could penetrate it. On its surface, massive statues adorned some parts, giant faces staring blankly, as if mocking humanity's helplessness. Inside the wall, life went on as usual; but outside, a world filled with darkness awaited.

How should I live here? At first, I was too busy rejecting reality. "This isn't a real world," I tried convincing myself as a child. But after living here for ten years, I was forced to accept it. This was my new reality. I was no longer a passive spectator behind a screen, but a part of this dangerous world.

The world behind Wall Maria seemed split in two: the simple life inside the wall and the great threat lurking outside. Inside the wall, there were busy markets, narrow streets filled with merchants and farmers selling their harvests. The aroma of baked bread and spiced meat filled the air, creating the illusion of peace. But the shadow of the wall was always present, reminding everyone that this world was not entirely safe.

And outside the wall? The world I knew from anime. Dark forests filled with danger, barren lands where Titans roamed mercilessly, and ruins of civilizations long gone, leaving only fragments of the past. The outside world was a hell, and this wall, no matter how strong, was just a delay to an inevitable disaster.

In my previous life, I admired this world from afar. "Attack on Titan" was an intense story, full of action and drama. But being here, in the middle of it, felt completely different. The tension was no longer entertainment, but a fear that haunted every day.

Now, I can only wait. Wait for the moment when everything will change. I don't know what I'll do when that day comes, when the Colossal Titan appears and destroys Wall Maria. But I know one thing: living in this world is not a game. And no matter how prepared I am, fear will always be my companion.

I let out a long sigh, looking at the giant wall once again. "What will I do?" I whispered to myself. This world is cruel, and I am trapped in it, just like everyone else.