Chapter 2: Daily Madness

The sky was clear and the spring breeze blew gently through the Shiganshina District. The streets, usually bustling with people, were now a bit empty. I, Katsura Kotaro, walked along the town, humming softly, enjoying the relaxed pace. I had no special plans for the day other than to savor this new life—one that, when you think about it, could end at any moment with a Titan attack. But who cares? After dying once, it feels like the next death is just a formality.

As I reached the corner of the street, I spotted a group of children gathered, their cheers ringing out. In the midst of the crowd was Eren Yeager, the brown-haired boy who always looked angry, fighting with two other kids. They pushed each other, throwing punches and hurling insults non-stop. The scene should have been ordinary, but in my mind, it was a grand stage ready for a Katsura Kotaro-style rebellion.

"Hey, this situation needs a bit of flair!" I muttered, rolling up my sleeves.

Without a second thought, I dashed toward them, dramatically breaking through the crowd. "Stop right there, you lowly humans! The legendary samurai Katsura Kotaro will put an end to this chaos!" I shouted confidently.

Everyone paused for a moment, staring at me in total confusion. Even Eren looked puzzled, stopping his punch mid-air.

"Who are you?" Eren asked, his tone a mix of confusion and annoyance.

"Me? I am the man who will stop this fight… in the most epic way possible!" I struck a dramatic pose, raising my fist to the sky as if greeting a thunderstorm that wasn't there.

Without warning, I jumped into the middle of the fight and began swinging my fists wildly. First, I landed a punch directly on the face of one of the kids fighting Eren. The kid was thrown back, shocked by the unexpected attack.

"One down!" I shouted excitedly.

Eren, not wanting to be outdone, punched his opponent again. But I couldn't let him steal the spotlight! So, without thinking, I punched Eren right on the side of his head.

"Hey! What the heck?!" Eren stumbled, surprised by my sudden attack.

I spun around flamboyantly and immediately attacked the second kid who was also fighting Eren. With an enthusiastic punch, I hit him in the stomach, making him fall with a shocked expression.

"Two opponents down! Samurai Katsura Kotaro wins again!" I struck a dramatic pose as if I had just won an epic duel. My hand was raised in the air, signaling an absolute victory in a fight that wasn't even mine to begin with.

However, as I turned to celebrate, my fist accidentally swung and hit Armin, who happened to be standing nearby. The punch landed perfectly on his cheek, sending Armin sprawling backward.

"Aahhh!!" Armin screamed, falling with a confused and slightly panicked expression. He clearly didn't expect that random punch.

"Eh? Sorry, Armin! That was an accident!" I waved my hand, trying to look innocent, even though I knew my expression still showed excitement from the previous fight. "You were too close to the battling samurai!"

"Why did you hit me too?!" Armin clutched his reddened cheek, his face half annoyed, half confused.

On the other hand, Eren, who was already angry, was now completely furious. "Where did you come from?! What are you doing here?!"

I took a step back, adjusting the cloak I didn't have, and prepared to deliver a dramatic final line. "I, Katsura Kotaro, have come to stop the fight—and succeeded! Look, you all have stopped fighting, right?"

Eren looked ready to pounce on me, but before he could, heavy footsteps approached. The sound instantly halted all my movements. Mikasa Ackerman, with her cold gaze and emotionless face, stood not far from me, staring with an intensity that could freeze water.

"Oh no… this is bad," I muttered to myself. I might be able to win against the kids, but Mikasa? That was not an option. If I stayed, I might end up getting more than just a punch to the face.

With sharp survival instincts, I quickly turned and ran as fast as I could.

"Hey! Come back here!" Eren shouted from behind me, his voice filled with anger that hadn't subsided.

"You coward!" Armin added, though his voice sounded weak due to the bruise on his cheek.

I kept running without looking back, weaving through the narrow alleys of the Shiganshina District. Mikasa might not be chasing me, but her cold stare was enough to make my legs move faster than usual.

"I'm not a coward!" I shouted while running, "I'm just doing a tactical retreat! A wise samurai knows when to fall back!"

From a distance, I could still hear Eren and Armin, but I didn't care. Today, I had made my mark in this little chaos, and that was enough. With a satisfied smile, I continued running, imagining what chaos I could create next in this world full of tragedy.

"Well, it's a good day for a rebellion," I murmured, stepping into the distance, ready for the next adventure.