Chapter 2 (Continued): The Samurai's Escape

The sound of Eren and Armin's footsteps was still clearly audible behind me. They weren't giving up easily. I, Katsura Kotaro, ran as fast as I could through the narrow streets of the Shiganshina District. But there was a bigger problem. When I glanced back, I saw Mikasa Ackerman's cold, relentless gaze getting closer. Ah, Mikasa, the girl seemingly born to crush the dreams of rebellious samurai like me.

"Oh no, she's joining the chase!" I muttered in a panic, quickening my pace.

Seeing Mikasa involved in this pursuit sent my adrenaline skyrocketing. If it were just Eren and Armin, I might have been able to play around a bit longer, but Mikasa? That was no joke. With wind-like speed, I turned a corner and immediately noticed something. Ahead, there was a group of soldiers who seemed drunk, joking and laughing loudly in broad daylight.

These soldiers? Instead of protecting the people on such a bright day, they were off drinking? This was a disgrace to the name of a soldier! As a true samurai, I couldn't just stand by and watch this!

Among them, I spotted Hannes, a well-known soldier for his laid-back behavior. He was holding a bottle of liquor, laughing and chatting with his friends.

"No, this can't go on," I said quietly, feeling a heavy responsibility settle on my shoulders.

Without a second thought, I charged toward them with fervor. "Hey! You drunks!" I shouted as I pushed my way into the middle of them, catching the drunken soldiers off guard.

"What's going on?!" Hannes staggered back, the bottle in his hand nearly dropping.

Without hesitation, I snatched the bottle from Hannes and, with a dramatic samurai flair, smashed it over his own head. Crash! The sound of shattering glass rang out, but thankfully Hannes had a head as hard as rock. He stumbled back and fell (to avoid too much blood, after all, Hannes was a decent guy).

"You're tarnishing the name of a soldier! How can you be drunk in the daytime when the threat of Titans still looms over us?!" I yelled, pointing at them one by one. "You all don't deserve to bear the name of a soldier! A true samurai would never do such a thing!"

One of the other soldiers, looking more confused than angry, reached for another bottle, but I kicked over a table next to him, sending the bottles rolling. "These bottles are symbols of disgrace!" I pounded my chest with an exaggerated heroic gesture. "I, Katsura Kotaro, will not allow such dishonorable actions!"

The soldiers, initially too drunk to understand what was happening, were now starting to come to their senses. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"What are you up to, you crazy kid?!" Hannes shouted, his eyes wide, still holding his head, slightly dizzy from the earlier blow.

"This is for your own good! A true samurai acts with honor!" I retorted, throwing the remaining bottle to the ground with all my might, making glass scatter everywhere.

However, before I could continue my moral lecture, the sound of Mikasa, Eren, and Armin's footsteps grew closer. I turned for a moment and saw them running toward me. Oh no, this situation was getting worse!

"We have to go!" I shouted to myself. Without waiting for a reaction from the shocked soldiers, I quickly turned and started running as fast as I could.

"What?! Don't run away!" Hannes yelled, now more angry than drunk.

"You disrespectful brat!" another soldier yelled.

Mikasa, Eren, Armin, and now the soldiers I had just berated were all angrily chasing after me. This might be the strangest chase ever in the Shiganshina District—a soldier, kids, and a cold-faced girl all chasing a crazy samurai who had just caused a ruckus.

"You think you can catch me? A samurai will not be captured so easily!" I yelled as I continued to run, glancing back occasionally to ensure they weren't getting too close.

"Wait! You can't run forever!" Eren shouted, his anger evident.

"Don't make more trouble, Katsura!" Mikasa added, her voice cold but threatening. Just hearing her made my courage shrink.

But I couldn't back down. A samurai must remain calm and graceful in every situation. So, while running, I waved my hand behind me and shouted, "I'm not running away! This is just a strategic retreat! Don't misunderstand, you lowly humans!"

"What are you saying?!" Hannes cursed from behind, his voice filled with rage. "Crazy kid, just wait until I catch you!"

"Samurai are not afraid of empty threats!" I laughed while picking up the pace, now truly running for my life. It felt like today might end with me being chased by half the district.

Behind me, the sounds of curses, shouts, and heavy footsteps grew louder, but I didn't care. With a light heart and undying spirit, I kept running, leaving chaos in my wake.