Chapter 3: The Chaos System

Katsura Kotaro returned to his hideout, a rundown shack on the outskirts of the Shiganshina District. The walls were made of nearly rotting wood, the roof had holes in several places, and the front door creaked every time it opened. This shack was not a place one would call a "hideout," but for him, it was enough.

Kotaro sat on the cold, hard floor, leaning against one of the cracked walls. Taking a deep breath, he smiled faintly. "This place… isn't paradise, but it's not hell either. It's comfortable enough for a samurai living without burdens."

Despite living in poverty, Kotaro didn't feel anxious. He had accepted the reality of this world in his own way. For others, the world of Attack on Titan was a place filled with fear, uncertainty, and death. But not for him. Not after what he had experienced.

He had died once— that made him no longer afraid of death. This world was merely another part of the cycle of life and death that might continue into another realm afterward. However, there was another reason he was unafraid to face the threats of this world. A reason that made him bold enough to cause chaos in front of anyone, whether it be drunken soldiers, an angry Eren, or even the dangerous Mikasa.

Kotaro opened a transparent screen that only he could see, something that appeared every time he successfully made someone angry or upset.

Name: Katsura Kotaro

Power: 5 (10 for a normal adult)

Speed: 11

Skill: Parkour (LV 1), Susanoo (LV 1)

Chaos Points: 9

This system… was his reason. A system that resembled a cheat in the game Solo Leveling he had watched in his previous life, but with a very… chaotic twist. He called it the Chaos System.

Every time he made someone angry, upset, or injured, he gained chaos points. And those points could be used to enhance his physical attributes—strength, speed, stamina—all could be increased by simply creating chaos around others. This also explained why he could jump and escape with a parkour style that seemed nearly impossible for someone his age. His speed attribute had skyrocketed well above average for other kids, perhaps even surpassing some adults.

The transparent screen also displayed something that intrigued him: Susanoo (LV 1). This was a beginner's reward from the system, an entity resembling Susanoo from the Naruto anime, but for now, it only took the form of a hazy silhouette. He didn't know how to fully utilize it yet, but he felt immense potential sleeping within this skill.

"Susanoo...," he murmured while envisioning a great samurai tengu that was merely a skeleton for now. "I'm sure one day, you'll be more than just a fragile skeleton. One day… you will become a monster like Madara's Susanoo."

However, for now, his Susanoo couldn't be fully utilized. It only appeared occasionally when Kotaro was truly cornered, and even then, he didn't know how to properly summon it. The first level of Susanoo was merely a large skeletal figure resembling Itachi's version, about twice the size of Kotaro. Even so, there was still time. With enough chaos, he was confident he could upgrade this skill to a more fearsome level.

"I could use it to escape… or to fight Titans one day," he thought, staring blankly at the leaky ceiling. But for now, he was satisfied with his speed and rapidly improving parkour skills. That was enough to help him escape from Mikasa and the drunken soldiers earlier.

Reflecting on the day, Kotaro couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Ever since this system had activated, his life had become much more exciting. Creating chaos, annoying people, and escaping with exaggerated heroic flair—all of it granted him chaos points. And he could collect those points every day, even if it was just once a day.

"9 chaos points… Enough to increase my attributes a little more." He thought for a moment. "But today, I'll let it be. Let my body rest. After all, the chaos earlier has already satisfied me."

Night began to fall, and the air inside the shack grew colder. However, Kotaro simply sat cross-legged in a relaxed manner, indifferent to the reality outside. The Titan threat, the cruelty of the world beyond the walls—none of it intimidated him.

"I've died once, so what else is there to fear?" he murmured, closing his eyes. But this time, before I die again, I will make the name Katsura Kotaro echo throughout this world. And with the help of this system, I will ensure everyone remembers who I am, whether as a hero or… well, perhaps a villain."

Outside the shack, the sound of the night wind howled, while inside, the chaotic samurai chuckled softly to himself, ready to plan his next chaos.

End of Chapter 3.