Chapter 5 : Shinra booger tensei

The Survey Corps had just returned from their latest mission outside the walls. The city of Shiganshina was bustling with people gathered around them, staring at the wounded and exhausted soldiers. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were among the crowd, watching in awe.

"Look at them, Armin. One day, we'll get to go outside these walls and see the world," Eren said determinedly, his eyes shining as he gazed at the returning soldiers.

Armin, being more realistic, looked down. "But Eren, the world outside the walls is full of dangers. Not everyone comes back safely. Most... they die."

"That doesn't matter! That's what freedom means!" Eren replied with unwavering enthusiasm. "I don't care how dangerous it is. I want to get out of here."

Mikasa, walking beside them, remained calm. Her eyes were concerned as she looked at Eren, but she stayed silent. She knew Eren wouldn't easily change his mind.

As the three of them walked home from the event, Eren continued talking about his desire to join the Survey Corps. Armin nodded occasionally, but it was clear he was a bit anxious. Mikasa, as always, kept her distance but never took her eyes off Eren.

Suddenly, they spotted a familiar figure lounging by the side of the road—Katsura. He was nonchalantly picking his nose, as if nothing else in the world mattered. When Eren approached, his expression immediately changed to one of irritation.

"Hey, you!" Eren shouted, stopping in his tracks. "You think we've forgotten what you did yesterday?!"

Katsura stared at them with a blank expression, pretending not to recognize them. "Huh? Who are you? I don't think I've ever met you before."

Mikasa raised an eyebrow, but somehow, a small smile threatened to break through her serious demeanor, even though she held it back. Armin sighed, feeling exhausted even though they hadn't done much.

"Don't act stupid! You know exactly what you did yesterday!" Eren stepped forward, his finger pointed sharply at Katsura.

"What do you mean?" Katsura asked innocently, as if genuinely confused. "Yesterday? Oh, I thought you were just playing a game of chase, so I decided to join in."

"A game?! You hit me!" Armin protested, his face turning red.

Katsura turned to him with a surprised expression. "Hit you? No way, Armin. I'm a peaceful person." He then flashed a small grin. "But if I did, I was just fulfilling my social duty as a freedom advocate."

Eren gritted his teeth, clearly very annoyed. "You're not even part of the Survey Corps!"

"Exactly!" Katsura stood up with newfound energy. "I'm not part of them because true freedom isn't about joining any group. Freedom is freedom. And being free from responsibility is even better!"

As Eren began to prepare for further anger, Katsura suddenly threw his booger at the three of them without warning. "Ah, well, I think it's time for me to go. See you later, kids!"

He quickly dashed away, leaving the trio momentarily speechless.

"W-what...?" Armin stuttered, while Mikasa finally couldn't hold back a small laugh.

"Hey! You coward!" Eren shouted, but it was too late. Katsura had already run off in his usual style, leaving them caught between laughter and frustration.

Katsura, relaxed, began to run faster. "Alright, that's enough for today. The chaos is over for now. Tomorrow, maybe something more exciting will happen!" he thought to himself as he picked up speed, disappearing around the corner.

After running away from Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, Katsura returned, this time with a more serious aura but still filled with his usual eccentricity. He stood on the same wooden box, facing the three kids with an expression of "false wisdom" in his eyes.

"Kids, you'll never understand peace if you've never felt pain!" he said firmly, like a mentor guiding his students.

Eren scoffed in annoyance. "What do you mean by that?!"

Katsura smiled faintly, dramatically raising his hand into the air, one finger pointing toward the sky as if announcing the greatest truth in the world. "Pain is the best teacher! Those who have never felt pain will never understand the true meaning of peace. And that's why I'm here, bringing a little... chaos!"

Armin looked at him, confused. "Chaos? You mean... your punches and weird jokes?"

Mikasa, though silent, appeared to be suppressing a small laugh at Katsura's antics.

Katsura nodded emphatically. "Exactly, Armin! The little pain I spread among you is a way to teach you the meaning of freedom. Free from fear, free from rules... even free to... pick your nose whenever you want!"

Dramatically, Katsura lifted a finger to his nose, took a bit of his booger, and prepared to throw it. "And here's my signature move, which I call... The Freedom Booger Throw!" he shouted with excessive enthusiasm. "This throw brings a little pain, but it also brings great freedom!"

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin stepped back a few paces, their faces filled with confusion and disbelief. Before they could react further, Katsura flung his booger at them with a dramatic motion, as if launching a super attack.

"Feel the Shira Booger Tensei!!" Katsura exclaimed, waving his hands in a silly manner. "Only those who understand pain will understand the meaning of freedom!"

Eren yelled, "Hey! What is this?!"

Mikasa chuckled softly despite trying to hold it back, while Armin could only shake his head. They three could do nothing but stare at Katsura as he dashed away with great speed, once again running off while laughing joyfully.

"Hey! You coward!" Eren shouted, chasing after him.

Katsura, running fast, yelled from a distance, "Remember, kids! Pain is good! Freedom is... boogers thrown with love!"

And, as usual, Katsura disappeared into the crowd, leaving the trio confused and angry, but also unable to suppress a small laugh in their hearts.