Chapter 6: The Scream that Shattered the Silence

It was a bright day, with white clouds slowly drifting above the walls of Shiganshina, as if watching over the peaceful life below. Humanity lived without great worries, sheltered by the massive walls they believed would protect them forever. Children played in the streets, vendors sold their goods, and laughter echoed from various corners of the city. It seemed like just another ordinary day.

However, behind this calm, a boy gazed at the wall with eyes full of curiosity and dissatisfaction. Eren Yeager stood at the edge of a small river near the wall, his sharp gaze focused on the massive fortress that enclosed their lives. Beside him, Armin Arlert, his best friend, sat reading a book about the outside world—a world that only existed in his imagination, a world most people inside the walls had never seen.

"Armin," Eren called, his voice filled with determination, "One day I want to see the outside world. I want to know what's beyond these walls."

Armin looked at his friend, a small smile appearing on his face. "Me too, Eren. There's so much out there. I want to see what the ocean is like. This world is so vast, and we're just stuck here."

Eren nodded, his eyes shining with the spirit of freedom he longed for. But before they could talk further, a loud rumble echoed from afar, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

From atop the wall, a flash of pink glimmered—then suddenly, a giant hand appeared over the Shiganshina wall, gripping with a force that trembled the earth. The soldiers stationed atop the wall were jolted with shock, unable to react before the head of a Titan with peeling skin emerged from behind the wall. Its large, empty eyes coldly stared down at the city, as if death had arrived at their doorstep.

The Colossal Titan stood as tall as the wall, and with one powerful kick, it shattered the lower section of the wall. Massive stones flew in all directions, crashing into buildings and people nearby. Panic-stricken screams echoed throughout Shiganshina.

One of the large chunks of stone struck a house, causing it to collapse. The house belonged to the Yeager family. Eren, who was not far from there, watched the destruction with wide eyes. Panic spread through his entire body.

"Mother!" Eren screamed in panic, and without a second thought, he ran toward his home, followed by Mikasa Ackerman, who had been quietly observing but now wore a face reflecting deep concern.

At the gate, Titans began to enter the city through the large gap kicked open by the Colossal Titan. These giant creatures moved slowly yet lethally, destroying everything in their path. People ran in fear, trying to escape, but there was nowhere safe to go. Screams and cries filled the air.

Eren and Mikasa arrived at their nearly destroyed home. Carla, their mother, was trapped under the rubble, unable to move. "Eren! Mikasa!" she cried in a voice filled with terror, yet there was an undeniable tone of despair.

Without hesitation, Eren ran toward his mother. "Mom! I'm going to save you! Mikasa, help me!" he shouted, trying to lift the debris pinning her down.

"No! Go! Save yourselves!" Carla screamed, but Eren and Mikasa ignored her warning. They continued to struggle, but the debris was too heavy, and the Titans were getting closer.

Chaos now completely ruled the city. Titans roamed freely, destroying houses, capturing fleeing humans, and devouring them alive. Every corner of the city was filled with fear and destruction. For Eren, the world seemed to be collapsing around him. There was no more sense of safety, only fear and despair.