Garrick's Training.

Then the light became even more bright, Ryan closed his eyes due to that.

The brightness slowly faded, and as Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself standing at the edge of a peaceful riverside village. The scenery was breathtaking—a picturesque landscape straight out of a storybook. On one side, golden haystacks glistened in the warm sunlight, while villagers stood by the river, casting their fishing lines into the crystal-clear water. The sound of the gentle river current mixed with the soft rustling of leaves in the nearby trees and children chased each other around the fields, and the occasional sound of a distant bell indicated the rhythm of village life. Ryan could smell the fresh wheat in the air, blending with the scent of flowers blooming along the riverbank.

A notification popped up in his peripheral vision:

[Welcome to the starter village Rivermount]

The message then faded, leaving Ryan standing by the riverbank with a clear view of the bustling village life. He noticed a few other players, identifiable by their slightly out-of-place attire and hesitant movements, exploring the area just as he was. Some were interacting with NPCs, while others were admiring the lush landscape.

Ryan took a deep breath and then looked around he saw some players going towards a man with long brown hair and beard.

Ryan decided to follow the others, figuring it was likely a good place to start.

As Ryan and the other players gathered around the man with long brown hair and a beard, the man sized them up, his piercing eyes scanning the group. His voice, deep and commanding, broke the silence. "Y'all want ta train in ma trainin' ground, right?" His thick accent and rough tone made it clear he was no ordinary villager.

The players glanced at each other, unsure how to respond at first. One player decided to take the lead. "Yes, we're here to learn," he said, stepping forward.

The man nodded, his expression still serious but with a hint of amusement. "Good, reckon y'all need more than just them shiny clothes and weapons if ya plan on survivin'. Name's Garrick. I run the trainin' ground 'round here. We'll go over the basics—fightin', defendin', and most importantly, stayin' alive."

A notification flashed in Ryan's view:


[Quest: Garrick's training #1]

Difficulty: F

Objective: Strike atleast 50 times on the scarecrow in the training ground.

Rewards: Experience points, wheat bread x2.]


Ryan glanced at the quest notification, a simple but clear objective laid out before him. He and the other players followed Garrick towards a clearing where several scarecrow dummies stood, scattered across the training ground. The area was quiet, aside from the rustling leaves and the distant sounds of village life.

Garrick stopped and turned to face them, crossing his arms. "Ain't no fancy lesson here. Just swing yer sword at them scarecrows. Fifty hits, no less. And I better see some real effort, or y'all won't get past day one. Y'all can take the wooden sword from ta shack over there"

The players followed Garrick's gesture toward a small wooden shack on the edge of the training ground. Inside, they found rows of simple wooden swords hanging on the walls. Each player picked one up, testing its weight and grip. The swords were rough but sturdy, a fitting tool for basic training.

The players shuffled to the nearest dummies. Ryan found himself in front of one that had seen better days, its straw stuffing poking through various patches of wear. He gripped the wooden sword tightly and he could feel its weight in his hand.

Ryan adjusted his grip on the wooden sword, feeling the coarse texture of the handle. He studied the scarecrow in front of him—patched up in various places, its straw sticking out at odd angles. It wasn't much of a target, but it would do.

Taking a deep breath, he raised the sword and swung it down with force.


The strike landed with a dull thump, causing the straw to rustle. He followed up with another strike, his movements becoming more deliberate. The sound of other players swinging their swords echoed around the training ground, creating a rhythmic hum.

As they all strike the scarecrow, Garrick's expression darkened as he watched the players swing their swords half-heartedly at the scarecrows. His jaw tightened, and his eyes narrowed in frustration. He let out a low growl before stepping forward, his boots crunching on the dirt beneath him.

"Y'all call that swingin'? That ain't gonna save yer life out there. If you're just gonna tap the scarecrow like it's some kinda drum, ya might as well pack up and go home!" His rough voice cut through the air like a whip.

The players, startled by the sudden outburst, exchanged uneasy glances.

"Focus!" Garrick barked. "Yer enemies ain't gonna wait fer ya to figure out how to swing properly. They'll be on ya before ya even blink. Raise yer swords high, aim with yer whole body, and hit like ya mean it!"

Ryan adjusted his stance, planting his feet more firmly into the ground. He brought the sword over his head and swung down with more force. Thud! The scarecrow shuddered from the impact, and Ryan could feel the vibration travel through the wooden blade and into his arms. This time, it felt right—he was putting his weight behind it.

"That's more like it," Garrick muttered under his breath, noticing the player's improved strikes. He crossed his arms and kept a close eye on the group.

The players feeling the pressure from Garrick's gaze, began to follow suit, putting more effort into each swing. The rhythmic sound of swords hitting straw filled the training ground once again, this time with more intensity.

After what felt like an eternity, Ryan's notification chimed once more:


[Quest Garrick's training#1 Completed]

[You got 50 experience]

[You got wheat bread x2]

[Wheat bread has added to the inventory]

[You have learned the skill ]


Ryan let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding as the quest completion notification flashed in his view.

Ryan opened his menu and navigated to his personal info, where the new skill, Blunt Strike, was listed. The details popped up on the interface.

[Blunt Strike]

Type: Active Skill

Description: A focused strike that delivers extra damage to unarmored targets.

Additional effects: Has a 10% chance to stun enemies for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Satisfied with his progress, Ryan closed the skill window and glanced around the training ground. Other players were still swinging at the scarecrows, some with a newfound intensity, while others seemed to be wrapping up, checking their own notifications.

Garrick stood nearby, arms crossed as he watched the players with a critical eye. "Not bad, y'all," he muttered. "But this was just a warm-up. If ya think yer ready for the real thing, come find me by the village gate later. We've got rabbits causin' trouble in the fields. Could use some help clearin' 'em out."

As Garrick walked off, Ryan opened his quest log to check the new objective:


[New Quest: Rabbit Troubles]

Difficulty: E

Objective: Hunt 10 wild rabbits in the fields near Rivermount, and give the pelt you collected to Garrick.

Rewards: Experience points, rabbit pelts x5, copper coins x10.


Ryan closed his quest log, feeling a mix of excitement and determination. The task ahead seemed simple, but it was an important step in getting familiar with the game mechanics. He glanced at the other players around him, some of whom were already heading toward the village gate to take on the rabbit quest.

Following their lead, Ryan made his way toward the outskirts of Rivermount. The dirt path leading to the fields was lined with small cottages, their thatched roofs blending seamlessly with the picturesque surroundings. Villagers passed by, some nodding politely, while others busied themselves with their daily tasks.

As Ryan reached the edge of the village, the landscape opened up into a wide expanse of fields. Tall grass swayed in the wind, and the golden hue of the crops stretched out before him. In the distance, he spotted movement—small, quick figures darting between the tufts of grass.

The rabbits.

Ryan unsheathed his wooden sword and began to make his way through the field. His eyes scanned the area, watching for any signs of the wild creatures. After a few moments, he saw one of them—a small, brown rabbit nibbling on the edge of a crop.

He moved quietly, positioning himself downwind from the rabbit to avoid alerting it. As he got closer, he raised his sword, ready to strike.

With a swift motion, he brought the sword down. At the last moment, he activated his newly learned skill, Blunt Strike. The blade connected with the rabbit, stunning it momentarily.

[You have dealt 12 points of damage]

[Brown rabbit has stunned due to blunt strike]

Ryan saw the rabbit twitch but remain frozen for a moment. He took advantage of the opening and followed up with a few quick strikes.

[You have dealt 6 points of damage]

[You have dealt 7 points of damage]

[Brown rabbit has been defeated.]

The rabbit disappeared into a puff of pixels, and Ryan's quest log updated.

[1/10 rabbits defeated.]

Ryan stood over the empty patch of grass where the rabbit had disappeared, feeling a surge of satisfaction. His first real combat encounter, though simple, had gone smoothly. The game's mechanics felt intuitive—his new skill, Blunt Strike, already proving useful.

He scanned the fields, spotting a few more rabbits darting through the grass. With nine more to go, he adjusted his stance and started moving quietly across the field again.

The sun was beginning to set over Rivermount, casting a golden glow over the landscape. The quiet rhythm of the village life continued behind him, while the challenge of the hunt consumed his focus.

As Ryan made his way through the fields, he saw other players scattered around, each hunting their own rabbits. Some moved with caution, while others were more aggressive, charging into groups of the wild creatures with reckless enthusiasm.

Ryan preferred a more measured approach. He crouched low, moving from one patch of tall grass to the next, his eyes tracking the rabbits' movements. He took his time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Another rabbit came into view, this one larger than the last. Ryan gripped his sword, channeling his focus. Just as the rabbit was about to dart away, he lunged forward, striking it with precision.

[You have dealt 10 points of damage]

[Brown rabbit has been stunned]

He followed up with a series of swift strikes, taking down the rabbit in just a few seconds. The familiar notification flashed in his view.

[2/10 rabbits defeated.]

Ryan continued hunting, gradually becoming more comfortable with the rhythm of combat. Each time he used Blunt Strike, he felt his timing improve, the 15-second cooldown giving him just enough time to line up his next attack.

After a few more encounters, Ryan's quest log updated once more:

[10/10 rabbits defeated.]

[You got 8 rabbits pelt]

[Speak with Garrick to get the remaining rewards.]

Ryan made his way back to the village gate, feeling a sense of accomplishment after defeating the required number of rabbits. The setting sun cast long shadows across the fields, creating a tranquil ambiance as he approached Garrick, who was leaning against a wooden post and watching the sunset.

As Ryan drew near, Garrick looked up with a nod of approval. "Well, look at that. Looks like ya've taken care of them pesky rabbits," Garrick said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Good work."

Ryan handed over the rabbit pelts and copper coins from his inventory. "Got the rabbits. Here's the pelts."

Garrick took the items and examined them briefly. "Nice job. Here's yer reward," he said, handing Ryan a small leather bag and few pelts.

A notification popped up:


[Quest Rabbit Troubles Completed.]

[You have earned 100 experience points]

[You have received 5 rabbit pelts]

[You have received 10 copper coins]

[Rabbit pelts nad copper coins have added to the inventory]


Ryan accepted the reward and added it to his inventory. "Thanks, Garrick."

Garrick gave a nod. "If ya feel like trainin' some more come by the trainin' ground, I can give ya some more trainin'".

Ryan nodded in acknowledgment. "I might just do that. Thanks again, Garrick."

With the quest completed and a few new items in his inventory, Ryan took a moment to reflect on his progress. He now had some experience, basic training under his belt, and useful items to help with future adventures.