
The sun was setting over Rivermount village. Its golden rays reflected off the quiet river and the steel swords of the guards walking through the village.

Hyze (from now on, I'll refer to Ryan by his in-game name, Hyze while he is on the game.) was about to log out for the day, but he remembered Garrick's words and turned back to ask him,

"Really? Can I really use the training ground to improve my sword skills?"

Garrick looked up from his spot by the wooden post, his expression shifting from relaxed to thoughtful. "Aye," he said, nodding. "The trainin' ground's open fer anyone wantin' to get better. You can use the dummies as much as ya want. The more ya practice, the sharper yer skills'll get. Just remember, it's up to ya to push yerself."

Garrick's gaze was steady, a mix of encouragement and challenge. "If yer serious about gettin' better, I'll be here to offer advice and tips. The more ya train, the more ready you'll be for tougher challenges."

Suddenly a notification popped infront of him.


[Quest: Garrick's training #2]

Difficulty: F

Objective: Learn the proper way of stance from Garrick.

Rewards: Training Token x2.]

[Would you like to accept the quest]



Hyze glanced at the notification, the offer hanging in the air. It was a tempting proposition—improving his sword skills could make a huge difference in the game, especially when tougher enemies came into play.

Without hesitation, he tapped "Yes."

The quest immediately updated, and Hyze turned his attention back to Garrick.

"I'm ready," Hyze said.

Garrick's eyes gleamed with approval. "Good choice. Now follow me to ta trainin' ground."

Hyze followed Garrick back to the training ground, where the dummies from earlier stood in their familiar positions. The air had cooled with the setting sun, and a soft breeze rustled the leaves overhead. As they reached the clearing, Garrick turned and motioned to one of the dummies.

There were also other players practicing their swords skills on the dummy.

"Now, before ya start swingin' again, we gotta talk stance," Garrick began, his voice serious but patient. "Yer stance is the foundation of everythin' ya do with a sword. If it's weak, yer fightin'll be weak. But if yer solid, yer strikes will hit harder, and you'll be harder to knock down."

He demonstrated, planting his feet firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. "First rule, don't lock yer knees. Keep 'em bent slightly, gives ya more control and balance. Feet steady, but don't stand too rigid."

Hyze mirrored Garrick's stance, spreading his feet and relaxing his knees. But he was doing it wrong, his weight too far forward, causing his body to lean awkwardly. Garrick frowned slightly, stepping closer to Hyze to adjust his posture.

"Yer leanin' too much, lad. Keep yer center of gravity balanced," Garrick said, placing a firm hand on Hyze's shoulder. "Straighten up, keep yer back aligned. Imagine there's a string pullin' ya from the crown of yer head. Not too tight, but just enough to keep ya upright."

Hyze corrected his stance, shifting his weight more evenly between his feet. As he did, his legs felt more stable, and his body less strained.

"Much better," Garrick said with approval. "Now bend yer knees slightly, keep 'em loose. Ya need flexibility in combat, not just strength. The ground's gonna shift beneath ya, enemies will push, pull, and knock ya about. If yer too stiff, you'll be flat on yer back in seconds."

Hyze nodded, bending his knees and feeling the difference as his body moved more fluidly. He glanced at the dummy ahead, eager to test the new stance.

"Hold yer horses," Garrick chuckled. "Before ya swing, grip yer sword proper. Hands too tight or too loose, and ya'll lose control." He gestured to Hyze's grip on the wooden sword. "Firm, but relaxed. Like holdin' a bird—ya don't want to crush it, but don't let it fly away neither."

Hyze adjusted his grip, finding a balance between strength and ease.

"Now," Garrick stepped back, folding his arms across his chest, "give it a go. Swing at the dummy, keepin' that stance in mind."

With his feet planted firmly and his knees slightly bent, Hyze swung the sword. The motion felt smoother than before, his balance steadier. The wooden sword struck the dummy with a satisfying thud, not as powerful as he wanted but far more controlled.

Garrick grinned. "Not bad for a start. Remember, power ain't everythin'. If ya can keep control of yer blade, the force'll come naturally."

Hyze swung again, focusing on maintaining his stance. The second hit was better—stronger, more precise. He could feel the improvement with each strike.

Suddenly, another notification appeared in his vision:


[Quest Progress: Garrick's Training #2 - 70% Complete.]


Garrick clapped his hands. "That's it. Keep practicin'—yer almost there."

Hyze spent the next few minutes refining his technique, listening to Garrick's advice. With each swing, he grew more confident, the movements starting to feel more natural.

Finally, after one last solid strike, the notification popped up again.


[Quest Completed: Garrick's Training #2] [You have earned Training Token x2.] [Training Token has been added to your inventory.]


Hyze let out a breath, lowering his sword as a sense of accomplishment washed over him. He could already feel the difference in his movements, and he knew these small improvements would serve him well in the future.

Finally, after one last solid strike, the notification popped up again.


[Quest Garrick's Training #2 Completed.]

[You have earned Training Token x2.]

[Training Token has been added to the inventory.]


Hyze let out a breath, lowering his sword as a sense of accomplishment washed over him. He could already feel the difference in his movements, and he knew these small improvements would serve him well in the future.

"Yer gettin' there," Garrick said, giving Hyze an approving nod. "But don't get complacent. Swordsmanship's a lifelong journey."

Hyze smiled. "I won't. Thanks for the help, Garrick."

With the sun fully set, and the village bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, Hyze decided it was time to log out. As he slowly walked away from the training ground he uttered the words"log out", then a small window popped up infront of his eyes.

[Would you like to log out]


Hyze glanced back at the training ground, watching the other players still diligently honing their skills. The soft glow of the lanterns illuminated Rivermount village, casting long shadows that danced with the wind. For a brief moment, he considered staying a little longer to practice more, but fatigue from the day's training crept into his muscles.

He turned his attention back to the floating window and tapped "Yes."

Slowly everything became dull and dark, he opened his. Then slowly opend the door of the capsule.

He walked towards the table that was on the room and picked up the phone, the time was 8:30. He then noticed that a message notification on his phone.

It was from one of his classmate from highschool, he read the message:

"Hey Ryan, it's me Johan our class reunion is tomorrow evening at the greybird pub you would come right."

As he read the message his face shows disinterest and his mind replayed the things that he go through his highschool life, he quickly averted his thoughts and deleted the message from Johan and then snap a picture of the capsule and send it to Tyler.

Then suddenly his phone started to ring it was Tyler, Ryan answered the call, seeing Tyler's name on the screen. "Hey, Tyler," he said.

"Hey, Man!" Tyler's voice was upbeat. "Just saw your pic of the capsule setup. That thing looks sick! How's it feel to be in there?"

Ryan grinned. "It's pretty cool. The game's been a blast, especially with all the sword training and stuff. Just got done with a quest."

"Nice!" Tyler said. "I'll get on the game once I'm free. By the way, did you see Johan's message about the reunion tomorrow?"

Ryan sighed, leaning back as he replied, "Yeah, I saw it. Not really interested in going, though."

Tyler nodded, "Yup! Especially you don't have it easy in highschool."

"Tyler you know how much I got bullied by Johan and his gang and the school was on their side as well just because they have the money." As Ryan said that his voice was cracking

Tyler's tone softened with empathy. "I know, man. That was rough. You don't have to go if you don't want to. You've got your own path now, and it's okay to leave that behind."

Ryan nodded, even though Tyler couldn't see him. "Thanks, Tyler. It's just that seeing their names again brings back a lot of bad memories."

"Yeah, I get it," Tyler replied. "Just focus on what makes you happy now."

Ryan managed a small smile. "True. I'll be good. Just need to let go of the past and move forward."

"Exactly. And hey, if you ever want to talk or need anything, I'm here for you," Tyler said.

"Thanks, Tyler. I appreciate it."

"Anytime. Anyway, I'll catch you later in the game. Have a good night!" Tyler said before hanging up.

Ryan put his phone down and took a deep breath, feeling a bit lighter. He decided to take a break from his thoughts and unwind. As he headed to the kitchen for a snack, his phone started to buzz with notifications and it showed the name of Johan.