Ch.2 Surviving

A day has passed and a loaf of bread and 2 bottles of water has been finished. Nexus hasn't been idle during this time.

He has been collecting information about the beast that appears, and he can be sure of one thing. It seems he is in the territory of the one-horned rats.

As that has been the only beast he has seen so far, the things he has collected currently are.

They are stupid, are in a pack but hunt alone, very stupid, good sense of smell and hearing but bad eyesight, very very stupid.

"Well, time for the first kill."

Pumping himself up he quickly got down off the tree, it was easier than before not only because he was climbing down but also because he had become stronger.

For what it is worth the Basic Spiritual Cultivation Book did make him stronger, 10% stronger to be exact.

As for the limit, well it can at most make me 100% stronger than before, not much but at least something.

After climbing down he rolled down on the mud and waited for his prey to appear, after an hour the rat finally appeared.

His eyes became focused as he got ready for a fight, even if he calls it stupid a monster is a monster.

Just as the monster was walking in his general direction he picked up a stone and threw it behind the monster.


Startled it turned around and attacked the place with its claw, alas there was nothing there, it felt something coming from behind.

But it was too late as a blade came toward its neck, Nexus sliced without hesitation with full force. A smile was on his face as his plan succeeded.

As his knife sliced at the rat he felt something weird, something was off about the sensation he felt from the knife.

It wasn't the feeling of cutting through flesh, but the feeling of gently sliding off something. He looked at his knife and didn't see any blood.

Turning toward the angry but unharmed rat he gave an awkward smile as he spoke.

"It seems I have made an error in my calculation."

The rat didn't let him continue and it pounced at him, dodging it by the hair he started to rush toward a nearby tree.

The rat seeing its food fleeing got even angrier as it made a mad rush toward Nexus. It tried to pierce its horn through Nexus.

Seeing the attack coming from behind he jumped as the rat pierced the tree with its horn, Nexus fell on its back.

Feeling the presence on its back the rat tried to back away but couldn't, it seemed to have become stuck.

"F#ck You"

Roared Nexus as he gripped the knife with both his hands and attacked the rat's eyes, it managed to pierce it as blood flowed from it.


The rat cried out in pain as it tried to free itself, but Nexus didn't give it a chance as he put more force on the knife making it go deeper.


Shouting with all his might to muster up the strength he finally managed to pierce the rat's brains as it died after releasing a pained screech.


Taking deep breaths, he calmed his body as he pulled the knife out from the rat's eyes, as the knife was pulled out, the blood and brain matter of the rat started to squirt out.

Getting off the rat, he looked at his hands stained with blood and brain matter it was quite disgusting since the blood of the rat was black instead of red.

"F#ck Me.. I killed it."

He said with a smile on his face as he looked at the dead body of the rat. 

[System Notice: Would you like to extract the valued object the Demonic One-Horned Rat?]

A system notice appeared, and although surprised he chose yes as the rat's body disappeared, leaving only the internal organs. Another vomit-inducing scene.

[System Notice: Got--Demonic One Horned Rat's meat, bones, blood, skin, horn]

A puddle of blood, the rat's skin, with pieces of rat meat on top of it, piles of bones, and a yellow horn on top of it all appeared next to him.

Ignoring the blood he picked up the large skin of the rat, and wrapped the rat's meat, bones, and horn in it. 

Picking it up he quickly fled the scene and climbed the tree he was on, only after reaching the branch he was sitting on did he give a sigh of relief.

After a while movement started to occur in the place where the fight had happened as tens of Demonic One-Horned Rats swarmed the place.

Ignoring the commotion he looked at his gains and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hope the meat isn't poisonous."

Due to the adrenaline rush, he didn't notice it before but there was a lot of meat, removing the bones and the horn he picked the meat up and weighed it.

"At least more than 20 kg."

And with the bones and the skin, it would be around more than 30 kg, so the fact that he was able to rush up the tree while carrying this amount of weight surprised him.

Clenching his fist he felt his strength increase, Closing his eyes he felt that the spiritual technique has progressed.

"My strength has increased by another 20%, it seems it is easier to progress this technique in battle."

But it wasn't all good news as a pang of hunger struck, with the increase in strength the food he needs to consume has also increased.

Taking the knife and the stone he started the fire in the place he had already prepared. It wasn't that hard for him.

So with the fire ready he picked up a chunk of meat and tried to cut it into smaller pieces but the knife wasn't able to even slice the meat.

"You are quite useless huh"

He commented as he looked at the knife in his hand, putting it down he looked at the piles of rat bones.

Taking a sharper piece he tried to pierce the meat, and although somewhat hard the bone pierced the meat.

"Can't believe a bone is sharper than a knife."

Then he turned his attention to the rat's horn, picking it up he looked at it. It was the same size as the knife and had a sharp pointed tip.

Taking it he pierced the meat and it was relatively easy, it even pierced the skin of the rat.

"Hohoho...Found my new weapon it seems."

Laughing he used the horn to cut the meat into smaller chunks and using the bones as a skewer he roasted it on the fire. Alas, there was no seasoning.