Ch.3 Surviving(2)

"Tastes like shit."

That was the only comment he could give to this piece of meat, to chews, had a somewhat bitter aftertaste and had a bad smell.

"If not for survival I wouldn't have eaten this even if someone forced me."

Completing, he took another piece of meat and touched it into his mouth, cringing a little due to the taste. He gave an internal sigh but still swallowed it.

Perhaps because he practices that cultivation technique, he can feel that this meat isn't poisonous and even has a strengthening effect on the body.

Feeling hungry due to the fight, he gobbled up 1 kg of meat in a single sitting. Rubbing his stomach he gave a burp as he laid down on the branch.

Looking at the pile of meat next to him he got a feeling that it would go bad before he could finish it. Although he finished 1 kg of meat in a single sitting he feels like this can give him energy and nutrition for days.

If not for the taste and the texture it would have been the perfect super food. As he was thinking that an idea came to his head as he opened the chat.

Seeing the trading option he stood up and started to cut the meat into smaller pieces, creating a bigger fire he started to roast them all.

As the meat was roasting he also noticed the supernatural properties of this rat skin, its fur was so strong that even the fire couldn't burn it.

Of course, the heat is transferred, plus with the skin's ability to trap heat if the one-horned demonic rat fell into a fire, it would have a hell-worthy death.



Trade Item: Cooked One-Horned Demonic Rat Meat(1 kg)

Trader: Nexus

Amount: 15 kg

Price: Option 1- Drinking water(1 liter), Water(10 liter)


-What, someone is already selling something?

-Can rat's meat even be eaten?

-People are starving here can't you give food for free?




After putting the meat for trade Nexus glanced at the comments before looking at the newly appearing trade options.

"As I thought I wasn't special."

Nexus commented as he looked at thousands of different people putting meat for trade, some people's prices were higher than his, some lower, and there were even saints who gave the food away for free.

Nexus wasn't worried that his meat wouldn't be sold, after all, there were more than five billion people still alive on the second day.

Closing the chat window, Nexus put the remaining cooked meat on the heated skin and put it next to his water bottles.

Suddenly Nexus noticed something, the two bottles he had drank from weren't empty anymore, they were filled with dark black liquid.

"One-Horned Demonic Rat's Blood!"

Nexus exclaimed with some surprise but putting that aside for now he quickly put out the fire, looking at the branch below the fire that wasn't even charred Nexus sighed.

"This place is quite magical, even the trees are built differently."

Shaking his head Nexus once again focused on the two bottles and picked one up. Opening the lid and smelling the liquid he is sure that it's the rat's blood.

"It seems the system put it here."

Now that he thinks about it there was not that much blood on the ground at that time.


Suddenly feeling a calling from his soul he turned around and looked at the egg, although it hadn't moved or spoken anything Nexus felt deep in his heart that the egg wanted the blood in his hand.

"Do you want this?"

Nexus asked but there was no reply, well what was he expecting after all it was just an egg. Putting the egg aside he took the bottle and poured the blood onto the egg.

As the blood touched the egg it glowed a red color and the black blood seemed to disappear, just like that the entire bottle was emptied in a second.

Taking the second he once again poured the blood and it also was absorbed by the egg.

"Well, it seems like I have another mouth to feed."

Nexus joked as a smile appeared on his face, gently caressing the egg as he felt its warmth. As for why he wasn't surprised by the previous event.

Well, let's just say he is quite good at adapting, being an orphan, and all in a concrete jungle.

"Still have a lot of work to do?"

He muttered as he picked up the rat horn, although he killed the rat today it was mostly due to luck. His knife wasn't even able to slice the rat skin so he is in desperate need of a better weapon.

"Hope my arts and crafts skills carry me through this ordeal."



The quietness of the forest was destroyed as a One-Horned Demonic Rat stepped on a branch, not even trying to hide its clumsiness it moved forward.

But unknown to it a sharp pair of eyes are staring at it through the bushes, the eyes of the hunter looked at its prey without emotion.


With the sound of the wind being pierced before the rat could even realize a small spear pierced its body.


The rat roared in pain but it was short-lived as another short spear pierced its head killing it in an instant.

As the rat fell dead the hunter appeared, with dark black hair and piercing blue eyes, it was none other than Nexus.

Although his face was dirty due to dirt it couldn't hide its handsomeness. It has already been 15 days since he came to this world and a lot has changed.

The most obvious is his clothes, although he is still wearing those tattered clothes above that is a layer of armor made out of skin.

On one side of his waist is a leather water pouch and the other side carries four or five small spears. Behind his back, a large spear is wrapped around.

"Fu#k does this area only have rats or something."

Nexus muttered with some dissatisfaction as for the last fourteen days he hadn't seen any monster except the One-Horned Demonic Rat.

And that with him having already explored a kilometer on all sides of his home tree.

Looking at the art Nexus gave the system the order and the rat disappeared leaving only organs and the two short spears.

Picking up the spears he put them with the others and then put the organs of the rat in another pouch.

"Time for a big hunt."

Shouting that he rushed toward the trap he had set up.