The continent of Zephoria is at the risk of being invaded by the Euphorian continent . It consists of three countries, Drakolovia, Ponolovia and Blauhimmel. The three of them have formed an alliance called ZCSS (Zephorian Confederacy for Self Defense and Sovereignty. There is an Island in the center of the sea named solitario which acts as the continental battleground. The continent of Euphoria battles with giant robots called Storens however the continent of Zephoria is not very advanced in terms of science.It uses the special type of aura which a human being articulates and it is called Hael. A fierce battle is taking place between ZCSS and Euphorian Federational Army. The storens are crushing all the people, it's a bloodshed!, the ZCSS decided to withdraw from the battle. Hary Vauthommes is the 14th generation captain of ZCSS.

He has ordered Ray el lavodor the 5th division captain to destroy the current adversary. Unfortunately the federation located their hideout and nothing was left. At 12:31 a message came to the ZCSS Headquarters. It read ," the whole ZCSS forces has been wiped out by the federation. They located our hideout which had to be an almost impossible task for them, we don't have any intelligence on how they did it, I order to despatch the FLD ( First line defense) and SLD ( Secondary line defense)". The storens are approaching from the North East direction and the ships from South West direction. It will take two hours for them to reach the continent.

At the time Ray el lavodor, the sole survivor of the island incident reached the orphanage to meet everyone including his brother. A small girl welcomed him, the first word he uttered is 'sorry'. The girl asked the reason, Ray patted her head and reached the dining room were everyone were having the supper. He cried and said "thank you everyone for this". A strange pattern appeared in his eyes and straight away it was red all over and everything was changed into ash.