Fire is on the ashes. He destroyed everything and killed several people however his brother was safe. Zen el lavodor asked,'why did you left me alive'. There was not any reply and instantaneously he punched him in the stomach. Kicked him in the face and made him unconscious. The moment he was about to leave he noticed something, the atmosphere has changed, he looked behind a saw Zen levitating in the air. He was overflowing by another aura, the zael also known as the devil's aura. In an instant Zen appeared before him and punched in the stomach. He had the feeling that it was someone else. His brother didn't know anything about the auras. It is very fast hand to hand combat. The punches from Zen vas very heavy and he realised that his bones cannot tolerate it. He flew away as fast as he can but it was not enough. Zen was approaching him in an abnormal speed. He manifested his devil to 50% in order to defeat him. He turned back and kicked Zen. He hit him as hard as he can, he manifested the sword of the devil and started to attack him, Zen was constantly dodging all his attacks and he was even unable to touch him. He increased the manifestation to 60% in order to gain more power. He was able to equally match him but the understanding soon came to his mind that , if Zen increases the manifestation then he has no chance to win in his current situation. Everytime a human uses the devil's ability his iris gets replaced by the devil's and will be able to use the devil's clairvoyant ability. Ray had the eyes which had a crimson pattern and it was called'eye of the crimson king. He used it's ability to erase Zen's memories. The fight ended with Zen losing consciousness. The town of Listford was completely destroyed and Euphoria Federation Army demolished the SLD and FLd and invaded Zephoria.