All the participants got information about the appearance of a new Incubus in the route. Zen was able to see the first one who was going in the front. He called him and at the moment he attacked Zen. Zen dodged it , He said," you are indeed someone to dodge my attack. You will be my ally". Zen got his first ally and they decided to travel together. They are heading towards the village. After travelling for many hours they reached the village. The village was crowded with many people as they are near the border of Schezwann. People in the village were following the Schezwann traditions and culture. They decide to spend the night there and planned to depart from the place at tomorrow night. Its the sunrise and they are exploring the village. The village is active at the night. Its the time of departure. They started the journey and were coaxed to stop due to the presence of another Incubus. They started to follow the Zael but suddenly the presence vanished. Zael started to radiate from another direction. It was as if the Incubus is leading them to the center of the village. They reached the center and it finally appeared before them. It was a man who was wearing a traditional Schezwann sweater at the time of summer. He said," so you are the ones who are following me". The man was able to feel a special presence from Zen but he wasn't able to catch up on it. He said," are you two here for a fight." They asked about his objective. The man gave simple answer and that was to make all the people in this village , the vessels for his Incubus army and today it will happen. They were stumbled by this answer.