The main enemy has appeared before them. Zen had a kind behaviour. He was willing to fight for the whole village. Zen said," I don't know your name and you don't know mine but still you made me your ally, I am fine with that". His ally said," my name is Rutherford Beschimer". Now I think we can start. The fight has begun. Art of water," rising waves" (used by Zen). Art of fire "The sun" (used by Rutherford). The Hael around Zen started to flow and the Hael around Rutherford started to get hot. Rutherford started of with heavy punches and kicks, he is a master of hand to hand combat. Zen also increased the rhythm and flow. He became insanely fast. The man didn't show any sort of emotions. But he kept dodging all of it. The man didn't used Hael or any other powers. He was just engaging with hand to combat. Art of water "Tsunami" (used by Zen) Art of fire "the rising blaze"(used by Rutherford). Rutherford and Zen decided to shift the fight to the next phase. As the phase was increasing the man was also keeping up with it. Zen and Rutherford didn't sense any sort of emotions, he was fighting as a dead corpse. He was very cold and they couldn't figure out his art. They kept fighting him and at the last , one thought was always in Zen's head, the sweater. Zen thought, if he have to wear a sweater then it has to be that he is cold. It was merely hunch. Zen asked Rutherford to cease the fires. Zen used the special art of water, art of water "winter lake". This special art was developed by Zen it takes the hael from its body and condenses the moisture in the air. The condensing was at such a level that it could reach -69 degree Celsius. And as result the man had to use his art. Art of Ice" reverse condensation".