Zen's wounds have healed, and he is a cutthroat now, he lost his precious friend. At the instant someone came from back and said," there are two ways by which you can win either you can bring back your friend if he is in a state of coming back or you have to finish him for peace, he is not Rutherford he is Xeros. Zen turned back and it was the captain of East division, third of four diamond kings. Zen took his bag and went to the port; he took the ship and reached the East division headquarters in Drakolovia. He met the new cutthroats there were 8 of them. Each cutthroat will travel in two-man teams in missions and accomplish the mission. You teams are given above. Apparently, Zen was with someone called Leon and the first mission corps 6 was to go to the island Hölle and finish of a devil, dominant devil rank 13. That was the real dangerous mission in the east division and the other cutthroats were frighten, in that moment the captain came and said," you are the future of this division go and complete the mission, you partner is standing outside. He saw his partner, he was a man covered in a woolen coat it was the same as him, he said," let's go and before that lets spar". He came straight to punch Zen, and he dodged it Zen came with a kick, and it was a dodge, the man said," manifestation 5%". Zen said," Leon you are the same as him and I am serious now." Leon saw Zen's Hael was vaporizing and it 0%, Leon was surprised by this, he had seen Zen many times he was always a normal man with a smile but when he fight it will change. The captain was seeing the fight, he also noticed changes when Zen fought earlier with the two cutthroats, he was himself to a particular extent and after that he changed. At the instant Zen appeared before Leon and knocked him out in an instant. The captain was truly amused by this, and Zen came back to his senses. He took Leon in his shoulders and started to walk.