Leon woke up and he was in Zen's back, he jumps from his back. Zen," said you are only one year younger than me and you are very weak, you have to become strong or else you will die there". Leon was not satisfied, and he said that he was strong. Zen said to Leon that he doubted the how he got into the corps. The ship to the island was waiting and some bandits came on the way. Zen said to Leon," if you are strong then fight of at least humans". Leon said that he doesn't need Hael for that. Suddenly the Atmosphere changed when Leon got to the front. "Feng" said Leon and one of the bandits went flying, Leon to his hands and uses a certain posture "shizi". That instant Leon disappeared and knocked 4 bandits, rest of the four came at him the same time. Leon jumped as if floating in the air and knocked them down in an instant. Zen was surprised by this, and he asked Leon," are you using Hael?" Leon said that it was a martial art known as Wuqi. It uses our life force and grants us inhuman power. He also said that he hasn't completely mastered it. They have boarded the boat and it's a 2-day long journey. After two days they have reached the island. The made the landfall and started to search for a village, there was a fisher man in the waters, and they called him and enquired about a village and a place to rest. He said that there was village in a place called Rand and it is on the other side. They decided to travel to towards Rand, however there was this uneasiness that they were experiencing giving them a thought that something is wrong. Zen looked toward Leon, and he was also feeling, and he said to Zen something is not right. They were having the presence of their ship and it suddenly vanished, as if there was nothing to begin with. One thought also came to them about the one who drove the ship?