They were in an utter disbelief. Completely perplexed and mind coaxing them to return but Zen said one thing and that was," We may be getting involved in something more than what the captain quoth. However, we have only one objective and that is to eliminate anything that to procure triumph". Leon sighed and said let's move. They started to run according to what Zen saw from the tree, the other end of the village is 16.5 Km ahead. In order to reach there, we should move at least in a speed of 1 Km per 1/2 hour. Leon. Leon used feng and "Art of thunder almighty momentum"(used by Zen). They were both going in an abnormal speed larger than expected, at a speed of 1 Km per 15min and at last they arrived at the village. There were only a few people in the village and most of the houses were empty, they went searching everywhere and they found nothing. After hours of search, they found someone, it was a small boy, the boy ran and tried to escape but Leon caught him and interrogated him about the village. The boy took them under the ground and there were all the dwellers of the village. They came and introduced Zen and Leon to the village. They were brought to the Village chief's house, and he explained everything. What he said was," you may not know anything about this, since the cutthroat corps doesn't have any official records about it. We humans are the middle creatures, we are in between two worlds. The world beneath us known as hades and the world above us is unknown, we searched everywhere and interrogated many incubuses however it was for nothing. We got some details about the hades and that is what I will elaborate and tell you, if it is stopped from the root, then the big disaster can be brought to a halt.