The villagers were terrified by it. Edrune said," so you are the new cutthroats, it has really been a while since anyone came here. I am really glad that you came here, so can we have a fight to death." Edrune hit Zen and Leon and at the same time. The went flying due to the blow, Edrune punched them in the stomach and put them in the ground. The ground was shattered, he appeared above them and kicked them in the stomach. Their ribs were seriously damaged and Edrune said," now now don't tell me that you died already. I think you get it now. this is what fighting a lower incubus is like. If you don't stand a chance then you will not be able to hold a candle to others. As mentioned there are five of us and if you really eliminate the five of us then you can go out of this island. Zen was already uncoscious , at the time Leon thought that he had to do someting to get them away from the devil. Leon stood up, "Feng"(said Leon). He started to fight Edrune, he started to fight usig Wuqi. Edrune was hitting Leon many times , he landed several blows on him and kick him down. Leon woke up and started to fight him again, Edrune asked the are you planning to fight till your death. Leon replied the if need he will do it to save the village. Leon was puched again and again till he started to spit blood from his mouth. ut he didn't stopped fighting he chronically puched him and recieved puches from Edrune. Edrune knocked him down several times however he still woke up and puched him even though Edrune was blocking all of it. Leon started to collapse but stood firm in his feet, Edrune said that this will be the last blow amd with this you will die. Edrune came in an abnormal speed and puched him in the stomach. Leon completely collapsed but he held Edrun's legs and sid that he will finish him because he will not allow the villagers to expierence the same thing as him. The devil said that you are becoming a trouble and asked him,"why aren't you dying". He gave Leon a final blow in his chest. The impact completely destroyed his bones and destroyed the heart.