Zen was trembling and as drowning in a river of despair after witnessing it. Leon was dead Zen went out looking for Edrune. Only one thing was in his head , that instant an old man sitting there said,"son are you going for revenge, you may die but if you are that destined man then you will see mektig ( mighty ). Zen started to walk after hearing it, he reached the forest and chnated in his mind, " if you are there, then come to me." This sent shrills over Edrune's body, something in his body was saying that,"he came at last." Edrune haven't lost to anyone and he was sure he was confident and went. Edrune appeared before Zen and punched him, the battle has begun. Zen was punchinh him and Edrune was blocking everything. Zen kicked him from below and Edrune blocked it, other blow came from the side and still it wasn't suffice to land over Edrune. Edrune was hitting Zen similar to what he did with Leon, after sometime Zen started spitting blood. Everything was happening one more time and Edrune landed the final blow which destroyed Zen's heart and lungs. Zen was in someplace, he thought that this was the afterlife. There was someone standing over there and there was a river beside that. Zen recognised that man, it was Leon and hecame puched Zen in the face and said,"why did came here." Zen asked him who were you. He replied." I am the same as you, right now i can see you memories beacuse i am dead but you are still alive. Both you and i are persuing the same thing but in my terms its revenge, revenge against king Arthur vi Euphoria. I will eliminate him, beacuse he is a soul that should not be allowed to live. He converted the people of many villages into Incubus' and killed anyone who was incapable and failed. He did the same with my village but some how I was the one who lived. I am a half Incubus, a failed one. "If you want revenge then you should live and you should finish him", said Zen. "Zen the current me, who is travelling wuth you doesn't have his memories. One day I will become a monster when the memories return so I want you to retrive my humanty back", said Leon.