Soon everything went from his head and he was in a river, someone was whispering that," the next time you come you will surely have it." Zen woke up and Edrune had left, he went back to the village and he was really startled by seeing his body everything had healed up. When he arrived at the village he was amazed, Leon was standing before him and he asked," Zen we were completely beaten against him, in order to beat him we shoul train beyond our limits". Zen said that firts we should know about the village which we are going to save, live wuth them for some days and I will calculate everything, especially on what all we have to train to gain that inhuman strength. They were guve treatments to their bodies and met many people, thy came to know about the myths. They met elders who said many myths and they said about a certain man who will come to this island called,"voldugur". They asked to the villagers and recived some good information, they said that the devils can only fulfill their plans after 400 days. Zen said to the villagers," we have vowed to save you all and we will do it, we will finish the devils both for the good of this island and the mainland. Zen and Leom went to their house . Zen said to Leon," you have to leave your matrial art behind if you intent to save this island". Leon asked what he shoul do then. Zen said that he will make him more stronger. He said," the power you have isn't a normal one and I will polish it for you". We are going to train in the most remote area of this island, there is no village neraby. The training will be on top of Mount Thessalonica , known as the hollow mountain. They left for the mountain.