"Edrune,I don't agree with you prinicples. The moment you said, we can't do anything is the biggest mistake. Whe destiny opposes you then there is only one thing you can do. ovewrite the dsetiny itself", said Leon. Leon finished the rank 15 devil. Three of them are there in this island and the duty of eliminating rank 14 is given to Zen. The devil is heading towards east of the island and Zen appeared before him. Rank 14 sensed Zen and stopped there, The devil said the moment he saw him, he understood everything. Including the details that you are strong. This was the devils first time facing an enemy like Zen. Zen asked ," where is rank number 11, he is nowhere". Devil said that if you can find him the then find. "By the way my name is Thales" said the devil. Manifestation 11% (used by Thales), devil art "dark moon" . " Zen do you know the law of Hael" asked Thales. "It says that Hael in one body gives a repulsion effect to the other body, in case of Zael it attracts the Hael", said Thales. Zen said that what you said was the case of Hael but what about Zael, what happens when the two are zael. Thales was perplexed, he was thinking about that statement. Manifestation 12% (used by Zen), Zen activated his eyes and he saw everything. Manifestation 50% (used by Thales), Thales apperaed before Zen, at the moment he dodged and punched Thales. Thales woke up and headed towars Zen, he puched him in and kicked at his bact to the ground. The ground shattered due to the blow. Thales was planning to appear behind Zen and attack. Zen said," now most probably you will appear behind me and attack. Its futile because i can clearly see the future". Thales was terrified after hearing that, he increased the manifestation to 85% for more power. Zen appeared before Thales and slashed him with the sword. Thales asked with a horrified face abot Zen's ability. Zen said that he haven't manifested beyong 20% and slashed Thales' core.