Zen and Leon re grouped after exetrminating the two devils. Their next goal is to eliminate rank 13 and 12. However they have only witnessed three devils arrival in the island, they don't have any info on the other two. Zen said that he will try to hunt down rank 12 and Leon will eliminate rank 13. They headed towards different locations, Zen was looking on the northern part and Leon on the southern part. However it was futile nothing came of it, the devils literally disappeared from the Island. They decided to search near the gate and even under the water, they were nowhere. They looked from above and tried to sense the presence but they had a hunch that devils above rank 14 have the ability to conceal their presence. These devils are strong and they got the idea that fighting them will be strenuous. They were perplexed about this, unable to do find a trail or anything about the devils. They decided to look for it again, Zen and Leon went in different directions again. Zen was in the middle of the forest, Suddenly he lost is consiousness and collapsed. Zen was in some place. a place with aurora behind the mountains. He heard a voice, it said," Zen, at last you came here". Zen replied where is this place. The man said that,"this is the mighty realm, the ultimate and infinite of everything. Every man can live becuse they are connected to this. However everyone cannot enter it, only the chosen ones can do it". Zen asked for what purpose he was summoned here. The man said," Zen or rather the fiend in humanoid shape, tow bloods flow in you veins. First is the pure Beschimer blood and second is the Drakolovian blood. You are indeed a royalty, well i will tell it you for your knowledge. There are three main days in your history, one of tose days finished, you have two more left and that day is approaching soon, That day the fiend will truly come and you will transform into a true Beschimer. However you are weak now, but your first step towards that change will happen beacuse of this island. You will notice that change ocurring from thus day onwards. "Half of the second crimson line has appeared"