Zen was able to see it , the future of the island vaguely and he saw them, the two which he was looking for. Zen headed fast for the village and the two fo them were present there. standing like two figures who are there to welcome the guest in a house. One of introduced," Zen, we are you opponent today, the other one who came with you is lying unconsious in the jungle, of course we made him unconscious. So lets start the fight". Bothe of them puched Zen and he went flying due to the blow. Zen stood on his feet , that moment kick came from thing air. One from the back and the other from the front. Those two hits landed on his head and he fell down. One of them kicked Zen's back and the other his head. Leaving him severely injured. The other kicked and broked the ribs and other , the skull. Zen was barely on his foot , one of them said,"at last we thought that a worthy adversary came for us, but i think it was a misunderstanding. Zen, show us what you have got!!!, otherwise you will die here". Zen clocked himself with Hael, Art of thunder" golden lightning". Zen was heading towards them in an unimaginable speed, he materialised the sword from his hand to slash the core. But he was't able to sense the core, he was completely in a blanked - out state. The devil puched Zen in the face and caught him, he slammed Zen in the ground and shattered it. He asked," you aren't dead are you?" He threw Zen to the sky and the other came and kicked Zen with is feet. One of them cought Zen in the face and the other puched from the behind and broked his shoulder blade and bone. He released Zen and he fell down to the ground, he said,"how it!!! Zen Beschimer!!! show us a glimpse of a true Beschimer!!!! fight!!!!". Zen was having a vision in his head and, a strange man with a different aura. Zen was observing manythings, a voice came "You will Awaken".