Zen woke up, the moment he rise he was beaten and kicked by them. One of them threw Zen with his bare hands and the other puched him to the ground. They said to Zen" until you wake up and hit us you will countinue to recieve blows, Zen!!! fight!!!". At the time Leon woke up and came running to the village due to the presence. Zen was on the ground and the devil was standing with his one leg in Zen's chest. Leon came to punch him, but he he was stopped by his bare hands and thrown to the sea. Zen was thinking " Its happening again, I am getting beaten, With the music and vision that I am experiencing in my unconsciousness, I can understand it". He heard a voice, someone was saying" you loser Zen wake up." It was Leon and he said" I always considered violence a last resort, but with the current situation I can.t do anything. Zen there are two meanings for the word'lose'. One is for the coward who lost by doing nothing and the other is for the persistant who lost by a fight. Which category you want to come. you relaxing bastard!!!" Zen woke up, and started to laugh, Leon was standing ther and complaining. "I will defeat you without using any aura", said Zen. Zen caugh the leg of the devil and dislocated and braked it. He threw the devil, Leon was complining that,"what you lacked was not strength, it was self confindence you loser!!". Zen said,"come on, lets rock them you complaining mushroom". They both teamed up and they had clear shine in their eyes. They bothe disappeared from their spots and puhced the teo devils at one. Zen kicked the devil towards Leon and Leon towards him. Both of them caught the devisl with their hands and punched them in the face. They kicked them to the ground anf flew and puched them in the ground. The devils said,"we are not going to lose". Both Zen and Leon said, " fight to your fullest with us".