Devil art "Mephistopheles amilgamation", the devils fused together and formed a new body. Two of them said,"this is our ultimate form, fight us to our content". Zen and and Leon rand to beat them, at the instant they transported themselves to another position, both Zen and Leon appered at the spot, however the two of them vanished from their sight and puched them. They went flying due to the blow and whacked the trees they got up from there and assaulted the devils. "Mephistopheles Amilgamation stage 2 : Almighty Amilgamation", said the two devils. Both Zen and Leon were recieving invisible blows, their stomach and chest were completely destroyed. Chiefly Zen's samina was deteriorationg, both Zen and Leon started to lose their consciousness, unable to breathe, Zen was falling down and Leon held him. They were unable to match their speeds with the devils. Zen said to Leon, there is only one way to win and that is by closing our eyes and concentrating. Zen said," we will use Hael for pinpointing them and fight with our Zael". Now concentrate!!! Extend your Hael and sense it. They both closed their eyes and concentrated. They were able to see it inside their mind, two of the devils approaching them. When the devils were going to hit them again Zen punched one and Leon kicked the other. The devils were staggered because of the impact. Zen came flying and kicked o and Leon ran and punched. They constantly punched their new body ,they kicked them and they went flying because of the impact. The devils were being kicked and punched, they were losing their Zael. Zen and Leon came and punched and kicked them again. They were receiving the blows constantly one after the other. After receiving a series of blows they fell to the ground.