New Life, New Story

In a local hospital's delivery room, filled with dim light, a tense yet hopeful atmosphere prevailed. Around the bed, doctors and nurses gathered, while a worried father stood nearby, tightly holding his beloved's hand.

— Come on, just a little more, you can do it! Push, just a bit more! — he encouraged her, supporting her.

— You… you've already said that… last time, the time before that, and the time before that!... I can't do this anymore… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! — the woman's scream, filled with pain and exhaustion, filled the room.

— Come on, just a little more, you can do this! — the doctor encouraged, glancing at the clock. — Let's count to three… one…, two…, three…, push with all your strength! The final push!

— AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! — the woman's scream echoed through the room.

Finally, after several tough moments, the gentle and loud cry of a newborn girl filled the room. Her first cry was loud and strong, symbolizing the beginning of a new story.

— Wonderful! You did it! — the doctor announced with relief. — You've succeeded! You have a baby girl!

The nurse and doctor gently took the small girl, who was still crying from the unfamiliar world around her.

— Let's take her for a few minutes for a check-up, — said the nurse, gently holding the baby against her.

— Wait! My girl… — the woman said with pursed lips and tears in her eyes, reaching out for her child.

— Don't worry, — the doctor added, — we need to perform a few tests to ensure everything is alright with your daughter. As soon as we're done, we'll bring her right back!

— Don't be afraid, Yukiko, dear, it's for her own good, — the father tried to reassure her, noticing her anxiety. — They'll be back soon. Let's rest for a bit and choose a name for her?

— Let's… — Yukiko said slowly and bewildered. — Wait… what do you mean choose?, I'll choose! And I already know what it will be!

— But… — the man began to protest, but his words were drowned out by Yukiko's decision.

— No "buts," Takeshi! Her name will be Kimika. You gave her the surname, but I decide the name! Otherwise, you can give birth yourself, hmph!

— …

— No objections, — Yukiko asserted, bowing her head as a sign of final decision. — So it's settled, our little beautiful Kimika Tanaki.

The doctors and nurses smiled, knowing that this was a difficult yet joyous moment. After the baby was taken for examination, Yukiko and Takeshi had a chance to rest a bit while their girl was prepared to be returned to her mother's arms.

~~~ In the doctors' room ~~~

The room was filled with soft light, creating a comfortable environment for examining the newborn child. Doctors and nurses diligently checked the baby as they worked on her initial examination. 

— What a lovely girl and wonderful parents... Let's start with a visual inspection. — the doctor said, addressing the nurse. — Look at the girl. Visually, she shows heterochromia: her left iris is blue, and her right is red. This could be a mutation related to her future quirk. Do either of the parents have an eye-related quirk? 

— According to the records, the mother has a quirk that allows her to control the speed of objects and people… And yes, it is eye-related. It's possible that the child has inherited this quirk but in an enhanced form, — the nurse replied. 

— Understood. There are also two small, translucent horns with a slight blue tint. It seems the father had a mutation with horns. What is his quirk? 

— His quirk is a lie detector. When someone lies near him, his horns change color to a darker shade for a period of time. 

— Hmm… Let's run a test. For example… I am All Might… — The doctor looked at the child, noticing no reaction, and wrote something in his notebook. 

— Y-You are All Might!? — the nurse exclaimed, and everyone in the room turned to look at her in surprise. — I'm sorry, — she quickly replied, and the conversation continued. 

— I don't see any other visual changes… Wait a minute… What is that on her forehead? — The doctor squinted and leaned in closer. — It appears to be a closed vertical third eye; we didn't notice it because it's quite small and tightly shut. This is likely also part of her quirk. For some reason, she's not opening it… Maybe her quirk will be related to this. 

The doctor cautiously tried to press on the third eye, hoping to open it. But at that moment, the girl let out a shriek of pain, her face contorting in anguish. The doctor immediately stopped, realizing she didn't like this at all. He decided not to continue, not wanting to cause her any more pain. 

He then conducted a few more tests, which lasted several minutes. — So, at this point, we observe visual mutations in the form of eye color, possibly a third eye, and horns. There are also signs of enhanced regeneration and potential increases in strength and endurance. A rather rare case. We need to prepare the parents, as, although the appearance of the parents seems normal, and the father also has a mutation, it is unknown how they might react.

~~~ In the room with parents ~~~

The doctors entered the parents' room, where the couple looked anxious and worried about their child. The doctors, observing carefully, began to announce the results.

— After examining your child, we can confirm that she is completely healthy. However, she does have external mutations, — the doctor reported, waiting for the parents' reaction.

The worried parents exchanged glances and replied:

— We're ready! This is our child, and we will love her just the way she is!

Hearing this news, the doctor felt relieved and carefully handed the child to her parents.

— She's beautiful, — the mother said, tears in her eyes.

— Yes, she truly is beautiful, — added the father, also slightly moved.

— Look, she has horns just like yours…

— And beautiful eyes… Just like yours…

— Yes, she's beautiful. She's all you… Our child… She will have everything she needs!

— But what about this third eye? — the mother suddenly asked, and the doctors felt a wave of concern. — I wonder what it looks like and why she isn't opening it…

— D-Don't worry! It's likely related to her quirk, and it will probably open over time, — the doctor quickly explained.

The doctor quickly bid farewell to the newly formed family, assuring them that they could reach out at any time. He also mentioned that the mother and child could leave the hospital only in a few days.

As the mother and father lovingly gazed at their newborn daughter, who was already quietly sleeping in her mother's arms, they felt deep happiness.