Awakening of Quirk

Kimika sat in her room, adorned with bright posters, figurines, and dolls of heroes. The air was filled with a light excitement, as all her favorite heroes surrounded her. But the majority of the posters and figurines featured All Might, the number one hero and symbol of peace, from whom she could never take her eyes off and could not stop dreaming of becoming just like him—a hero and a symbol of peace embodying all that is good. The TV flickered, showcasing yet another report on his victory, and Kimika watched in awe, as if she were part of that epic moment. She dreamed of her quirk, of the possibility of becoming a heroine, just like him.

Suddenly, her mother's voice echoed from the kitchen, loud and insistent:

— Kimii! Time to eat!

The girl, pulled from her dreams, trembled. In her heart, joy and excitement thumped, as thoughts of All Might filled her mind.

— Mom, just five more minutes! I'm almost done watching! — Kimika called out, trying to buy some time.

— It's your favorite oyakodon! — she heard her mother emphasize the importance of the moment.

— And let's skip the "five more minutes"! Come eat now!

An inner struggle overtook Kimika. Oyakodon... How delicious! Warm chicken with rice, tender pieces... How much she wanted it! But in her thoughts, the image of All Might appeared, the great hero who always knew how to hold back his desires for the sake of victory. She knew he wouldn't simply abandon his goals over such a trivial matter as a tasty meal. "I must be strong too!" — Kimika thought, like a little heroine in her own story.

— If you don't come, I'll eat your favorite takoyaki! — her mother suddenly proclaimed, interrupting her thoughts. In her voice was the excitement of a moment when All Might steps into battle.

At that moment, Kimika felt her desire for oyakodon begin to clash with her heroic resolve. Imagining how her beloved takoyaki could disappear, she decided: "No, I won't let that happen!"

— I'M COMING! — Kimika shouted, like a true superhero rushing to the rescue. Her legs carried her to the kitchen as she thought, "Takoyaki cannot disappear! That's too great a sacrifice!"

In seconds, Kimika was already standing by the table, amazed at her speed. Imagining herself in the role of the dessert savior, she declared:

— Mom! Heroine Kimii is on a mission! — the girl proudly announced, puffing out her chest like a real hero. — And I won't let you eat my takoyaki, villain! — she added, adopting a serious expression, as the all-powerful heroes would.

— Oh, my little heroine! — her mother smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. — Your mission is to finish the entire portion of oyakodon. And don't think of me as a villain! If you succeed, you'll get your favorite takoyaki!

— The mission will be accomplished, Heroine Mom! — Kimika jokingly saluted, imagining herself on a battlefield.

Yukiko hurriedly watched her daughter, holding her favorite dish, and smiling, she placed it on the table, thoughts of how much she loved her daughter filling her heart. However, lost in her thoughts, she accidentally bumped into the edge of the table. The plate slipped from her hands, and suddenly everything around, as if in slow motion, seemed to slow down — though not too much, but enough to be noticeable. However, this moment lasted only a few seconds, and then with a loud crash, the plate hit the floor. Pieces of the plate and food scattered everywhere, filling the kitchen with colorful shards.

— Kimika, are you okay? — her mother asked anxiously, her voice filled with concern, and her gaze instantly fixed on her daughter. She immediately noticed how the left corner of Kimika's eye, usually semi-transparent with a bluish tint, had darkened, and her heart tightened with worry. Blood began to drip from her left eye, the red drops contrasting with the girl's delicate skin, leaving trails of anxiety behind. Her mother felt fear and helplessness wash over her, but she tried to pull herself together, for now, she needed to be strong for her little heroine.

— Mom? I really want to sleep… — Kimika murmured, feeling a strange weakness enveloping her, as if all energy had left her body. Her eyes struggled to stay open, and her thoughts became unclear, like a veil covering her vision.

"Why is Mom so worried?" — a thought crept into her mind. "Maybe she's just too attached to the oyakodon? Or is it because I've been watching TV for too long? Or maybe I just want to sleep…" — the girl pondered, trying to comprehend what was happening around her.

— KIMIKAAAAAA!!! — her mother screamed, her voice filled with panic. Kimika heard it, but could not understand why her mother was so anxious. "Why is she shouting? What happened? Everything's fine…"

In that instant, everything around began to darken, as if in a dream turning into a nightmare. Light flashed in Kimika's memory, like a spark disappearing into darkness. "Why all these shouts? Why am I so tired? It's just a dream…" — the girl thought, as her consciousness slowly sank into the abyss of sleep. After which, she lost consciousness.


Kimika and her frightened mother found themselves in a hospital. The girl woke up in a brightly lit room, her heart racing with fear. She couldn't remember how she got there, only that darkness had enveloped her. The doctors assured her that everything was fine: it was just the awakening of her quirk. They had given her painkillers, but when the girl tried to open her left eye, she was overcome with sharp pain. She began to rub it, feeling as if she couldn't see anything.

Before long, they were invited to the doctor's office, and Kimika felt her heart race. This moment promised to be pivotal in her life, and she wanted to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

— Kimika, it's okay, it's okay — her mother comforted her, gently stroking her head. Her voice was soft, but it held so much love and support. — It's just the awakening of your quirk, and now you have it, just as you dreamed. Now you will be a true heroine! You'll be able to perform heroic tasks, just like you wanted, right? — her mother said, trying to convey that everything was alright, even though she was worried herself.

Kimika took a deep breath, still holding onto her eye. Fear, uncertainty, and joy flooded her. "I'm a real heroine, I can be like All Might!" — she thought, but the pain and the fact that she couldn't see out of that eye overshadowed her joy.

— Mom… But why does it hurt so much? And why can't I see… — Kimika asked, trying to calm herself, but the fear wouldn't let go.

— The doctors said it's temporary. Everything will be alright soon. You're my strong girl, right? — her mother spoke with care, trying to support her and calm herself. She couldn't bear to see her beloved and only daughter suffer and felt helpless. — Soon we will be called in to see the doctor, and he will tell you about your cool quirk. Just imagine how amazing that will be!

Before long, they were called into the doctor's office, and Kimika felt her heart race again. This moment promised to be pivotal in her life, and she wanted to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

When Kimika and her mother entered the doctor's office, they were greeted by the doctor, who approached the girl quietly with a friendly smile. There was tenderness in his eyes, which calmed her anxious heart.

— Hello, — the doctor smiled, kneeling in front of Kimika. — I'm Dr. Haruko Saito. Today, you awakened your quirk. This is an important event, even if it happened under less than ideal circumstances. You're a heroine, aren't you? — he winked, trying to lift her spirits.

Kimika felt her heart race. She had dreamed of this moment, but fear and the strangeness of the situation were evident.

— I... I'm Kimika Tanaki, heroine Kim! — she replied hesitantly, lifting her head.

— Oh, a heroine! From today on, I'm your number one fan, — the doctor joked, trying to ease her nervousness.

— No! My first fan is Mom... and my second is Dad... You're third, — Kimika said with a shy smile, her cheeks flushing lightly. She wiped her left eye, which still hurt, and noticed her mother watching them with a smile.

— Oh, that's wonderful! You have a real trio of fans! — her mother supported her, looking at her daughter with a smile.

— Ah, what a shame, — the doctor feigned disappointment. — Well, third is not bad. And tell me, — his voice became mysterious, as if he were trying to maintain intrigue, and he whispered so only they could hear, hoping that her mother wouldn't catch on — have you given anyone an autograph yet?

— No, not yet, — she replied, initially pondering his question. She became curious about why the doctor was being so secretive.

Seeing that the girl was intrigued, the doctor couldn't help but smile, realizing that his method had worked. Now Kimika was no longer hiding behind her mother, and that was wonderful.

— Oh, then can you give me your first autograph? — he asked enthusiastically. — I'll show it to all the other kids and tell them I know a real heroine!

— Autograph...? Other kids...? — Kimika said thoughtfully, her eyes shining at the thought of heroism. A sense of joy filled her heart, as if she truly had become a heroine, and her autograph would be a precious gift. — Yes! I'll give you my first autograph!

— Here, hold this piece of paper and a pen, — the doctor said with a big smile, his eyes shining with joy. — If you don't have your own signature yet, you can come up with one right now. Can you imagine? I'll get not only your first autograph but also see how you create it!

Watching this scene, her mother couldn't help but feel joy. She saw how the doctor's kind and attentive approach managed to take away Kimika's fear and completely captivate her attention. The girl seemed to have forgotten about her painful eye, and a spark of curiosity ignited in her eyes.

— You know, Kimika, I heard your mysterious conversation and figured out the doctor's plan, — her mother said, smiling, her face reflecting joy as she realized the doctor's plan had been revealed. — I'm ready not to get your first autograph, but how about I help you create it? — she said enthusiastically.

Kimika looked at her mother with interest, and the doctor, smiling, added:

— Oh, it seems my plan has been uncovered... What a pity, let's have you create your signature while I prepare the documents.

These words filled the room with energy, and Kimika was extremely happy to have such support. She began to think about what kind of signature she would come up with. Although she didn't know how to write yet, she was good at drawing, so she decided with her mother that she would draw her face as her signature. As she contemplated this, Kimika felt genuine inspiration — after all, this autograph would become a special symbol of her new heroic journey! She even completely ignored the blindness in one eye, knowing that it would surely heal, and she would once again be able to see the world in all its colors.

— Done! Here you go, my first autograph! — she exclaimed joyfully, handing the drawing to the doctor.

And soon, the joyful girl, feeling a surge of energy, held out the paper with her signature, which depicted her face. The drawing wasn't very detailed, just a simple childlike masterpiece, but Kimika completely ignored this, feeling certain that the doctor would definitely like it. The important thing was that she liked it, and that her mother, smiling, approved of her creation.

— Done! Here you go, my first autograph! — she exclaimed joyfully, handing the drawing to the doctor.

The doctor immediately set aside the documents and took the autograph from the girl's hands. He could see how determined she was while creating this masterpiece, so even if it was just simple lines, he would still say it was a very good signature.

— Ooo, wonderful! — exclaimed the doctor, placing the autograph on his desk. He looked at Kimika with a joyful expression full of admiration. — I'll show it to my colleagues; they will all be envious! — he said, smiling as if he were holding a real treasure.

But putting on a serious face, he said:

— And now, heroine Kimika, I have one more important mission for you. Are you ready?

— Yes! I'm ready for any task! — she shouted, filled with energy.

— Then your task is to allow me to take a little bit of your blood for analysis. It's important so we can better understand your quirk, — the doctor explained gently, watching as a shadow of fear appeared on Kimika's face. — Of course, many children are afraid of this, but if you're ready, we can do it together.

— I'm not a child; I'm a heroine! — Kimika declared firmly. — I'm ready!

Soon, the doctor took out the blood collection device, and Kimika, feeling anxious, leaned into her mother, burying her face in her embrace. She didn't want to look at the scary instrument that triggered unpleasant associations.

— Everything will be fine, Kimi, — her mother whispered soothingly, stroking her daughter's hair.

Noticing her anxiety, the doctor spoke softly:

— Kimika, could you please extend your arm? It's just a little prick, and you won't even feel how quickly it will pass.

The girl sighed, trying to gather herself, and carefully extended her arm, trying not to think about the device. The doctor, observing her reaction, acted very cautiously to avoid frightening her further. He assured her that everything would go smoothly and quickly, trying to create an atmosphere of trust.

— You're a real heroine, Kimika, and I'm sure you'll handle this! — the doctor encouraged her, calming the girl.

Kimika nodded, feeling a slight tremor. When the needle first touched her skin, her heart began to race, but she held on, even as tears welled up in her eyes. Yukiko, seeing this, held her daughter even tighter, trying to support her in this challenging moment.

After taking the girl's blood, the doctor placed it in a special analysis device and began conducting a few more simple tests. He asked Kimika to look at various objects in the room to check her vision and then carefully examined her horns to ensure she hadn't inherited her father's quirk.To do this, he lied a few times about simple things to see if her horns would react to his words. But not seeing any reaction, the doctor decided to just ask the girl if everything was okay, although he noticed she looked a bit frightened.

— Is everything okay? — the doctor asked gently, trying to reassure her.

— Yes! — the girl answered confidently, even though she felt differently. At that moment, her horns suddenly turned black, just like her father's, when someone else lies nearby. The doctor, realizing what this meant, quickly noted this moment in his notebook but didn't comment on it.Her mother, observing everything, also noticed the changes in her daughter's horns but chose to remain silent, understanding what was happening. Everyone except little Kimika realized that now, when Kimika tells a lie, her horns signal it. Her mother knew that a challenging future awaited her daughter, so she was already planning how to help her cope with this.

The doctor continued to test the girl, carefully conducting a few more tests.


I'm sorry for any possible mistakes in my work. I use a translator, but I try to correct most of them to the best of my ability. If anyone notices a mistake, I would appreciate it if you could let me know where.

I'm learning English while writing, but I really wanted to share my work. Thank you for reading! I would love your comments and support.

Feel free to share your ideas in the comments! Although I've already written many chapters in advance, there's still a chance to make some minor adjustments to the text based on your suggestions!

Wishing everyone goodness, positivity, and cats!
