Only You and Me

Kimika was running, not thinking about where or why. The only thing she wanted was to escape — escape as far as possible from this terrible place. Tears streamed down her face endlessly, blurring her vision and distorting the world around her. 

She paid no attention to the pain in her chest, the kind that tore through her entire body, both physically and emotionally. She ignored the coughing, which grew more frequent, and the thick, dark liquid that spilled from her mouth with every cough. 

Her body trembled from pain, exhaustion, and the realization that this was the worst day of her life. In her mind, the words she had shouted at her mother in a burst of emotion echoed endlessly: "I hate you... This is all your fault..." These words kept spinning in her head, and all she could do was whisper as she ran, "No... I'm sorry..." 

One more step. One more push. One more labored breath. Her legs trembled, but she couldn't stop. She was too afraid to look back, too afraid to return. She was terrified to face her mother — to see her tear-streaked eyes, reflecting the pain: the pain of guilt, the pain of the words she had heard from her beloved daughter. She was terrified to see her face, to hear her voice. 

But worst of all, she was terrified not of angry words, not of hearing that her mother hated her too. She was terrified of hearing that her mother still loved her, that she would still support her no matter what. 

The thought of causing her mother pain was unbearable — it consumed her from within like fire.

She only stopped running when, completely exhausted, she stumbled over a perfectly smooth road, free of any stone or bump that might have tripped her. 

Her powerless body collapsed to the ground, her palms striking the cold pavement. It was only when she tried to rise and began coughing again that she finally noticed the black liquid she had been expelling. Droplets of it were everywhere: on her hands, on the ground before her, forming dark stains all around. 

With the last of her strength, Kimika pounded her fists against the asphalt, unable to endure the pain, the events, the hopelessness that pierced her like a blade. And then there was that black liquid — it seemed to have become the very symbol of all the hatred, pain, and rage burning in her chest. Her eyes — one dark blue, the other dark red — burned with fury as they stared into the darkness ahead. 

"Damn it!" she screamed from the depths of her soul, as tears poured down her face with renewed force. 

She understood that something was wrong, that this dark liquid existed only within her. She saw it for the first time and could feel its presence inside her, growing without end, and with it, her anger toward the entire world grew as well. But now, it didn't matter anymore. She just wanted to escape as far as possible, to find support. And the only person who came to her mind, the only one who could give her that support, the only one still by her side, was Toga. 

The feeling of emptiness and betrayal burned her soul. She felt lost, abandoned by everyone. There was no one left to turn to, except for Toga. 

"Toga... Only her... Only she remains," she whispered, and with the last of her strength, she stood up and ran toward her house. 

The path to Toga's house seemed endless. She fell dozens of times, her knees and palms scraped, but the only thing that kept her going was the memory of the one who had always been there — her genuine smile, her carefree nature in any situation. It gave her strength, it warmed her in this cold, when the whole world felt so foreign and cold. 

Relentlessly running, trembling from exhaustion, she finally saw her house — so simple and modest, yet now it seemed like a true fortress, hiding her only hope. Her legs wobbled, but she didn't stop. Her heart pounded in her chest, reminding her of the pain and fatigue, but even more so — of the need to make it to the end. 

"Just a little more, just a tiny bit more," she whispered, trying to convince herself to find just a little more strength.

Finally reaching the door, Kimika felt her hands begin to tremble. Raising her fist to knock, she suddenly froze. Thoughts flashed in her mind that seemed foreign, as if not her own: "What if she doesn't open? What if she doesn't hear? What if she turns away from you, like everyone else?"

With these thoughts, it seemed as though the darkness inside her had grown even thicker, even heavier, almost as if it had come to life. But then she remembered Toga's genuine smile, her carefree nature, her mood, her warm words, her voice, which always sounded so light, as if the entire world was just a game.

Summoning the last of her strength, she knocked — barely audible, weakly — but to her luck, it was enough.

The door opened almost instantly, and there stood Toga — in the simple home attire that she had received as a gift from Kimika long ago, but still wore as if it were her favorite outfit. Her hair was messy, as if she had just come out of the shower, yet she wore the same carefree and light smile that Kimika remembered most vividly. 

Toga was incredibly surprised to hear the knock at the door. She even thought that the heroes had come for her, so she kept a knife behind her back. But when she opened the door and saw the person standing there — the one she hadn't expected to see anytime soon — her heart clenched. 

Before her stood the one whose emotional state, after her extremely bad deed, was in shambles, the one who had recently begged to be left alone by the house.

In front of her stood a girl she had always known to be vibrant and full of life. But now, she was a completely different person. Her eyes, which usually shone, now seemed dark and heavy, like two extinguished lights. Their color had changed, losing its warm brightness, now resembling the cold, almost bottomless night. 

On Kimika's lips was a noticeable dark, thick liquid, and her skin appeared pale, almost translucent, as if the light within her was slowly fading. The face that had always been sweet and innocent, like a kitten's, was now distorted by fear, pain, and guilt. 

Toga's usual light smile, always present on her face, was gone. She lowered the knife from her hand, and it clattered to the ground. 

"Kimi... what's happened?" she whispered, confused and scared, not knowing what to do.

Kimika lowered her head, afraid to meet Toga's gaze. Her lips trembled, and the words felt heavier than any burden she carried. She swayed, weak, as all the strength she had left suddenly abandoned her. Her legs buckled, and she began to fall. 

"Kimi!" Toga exclaimed, rushing to her. 

She caught Kimika in her arms, preventing her from hitting the ground, and instantly noticed how light, tense, and powerless Kimika's body had become. 

Kimika, feeling the support she had longed for and the warm, gentle hands of her friend—finding in them what she had so desperately missed — finally allowed herself to relax, resting her head on Toga's shoulder. 

Breathing heavily, for the first time in this dreadful day, she felt something other than emptiness, anger, and pain. 

"It's okay, Kimi, I'm here," Toga whispered in a soft, tender voice.

Without a word, Toga gently lifted Kimika into her arms and carried her to her bedroom, giving her the chance to rest and fully relax. Carefully laying her on the bed and gently placing a pillow under her head, she tucked her in with a blanket, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. 

Lying beside her, Toga embraced Kimika softly but firmly, wrapping her as if not wanting to let the harsh world near her, creating a warm and peaceful space just for the two of them. She began to stroke Kimika's hair gently, trying to offer all the support Kimika had so desperately needed. 

Kimika felt the pains that had tormented her all this time gradually receding. The silence in the room, Toga's gentle touch — everything brought her the peace she so badly needed.

"It's hard..." Kimika whispered softly, barely lifting her head to meet Toga's gaze. "I'm all alone..." 

Hearing these words, Toga hugged her even tighter, leaning in to listen to each quiet word that was so heavy for Kimika, and every one of them echoed in her heart. 

"No, Kimi... I'm here," Toga whispered confidently. "You're not alone."

Toga held her gaze on Kimika's face, noticing the mixed emotions that melted in her eyes. Sensing her pain, Toga, in the quiet, soothing silence, wished to pour all the support and peace she could offer into her words. 

Kimika held her breath and tightened her embrace around Toga, as if trying to find even more protection in her arms. She wanted to speak about everything that weighed on her soul and heart, to the one person who remained by her side, longing to share what she had kept hidden inside for so long.

"When you left... I went into the house... There was a detective and Mom..." she began, whispering softly. "They were talking... He told her that I was Tokima... about my rehabilitation... He said everything could get better... if I surrendered... Then Mom said... she found money for Dad's treatment, and then... I..." Her voice trembled, and, stopping, she couldn't continue. Tears began to quietly roll down her cheeks, heavy and hot, like the very pain that had been building up inside her.

Toga felt that Kimika wanted to share everything that had been weighing on her soul, like a heavy burden. She saw how hard it was for her to continue, but she knew it was necessary—if she could speak it out, it would get easier. So, gently squeezing her in her arms, she began to stroke Kimika's back, soothing her, and whispered softly, 

"I'm here, Kimi. You can say whatever you need to, as quietly as you have to. I will hear you, and I will always be here."

Receiving the support and gentle strokes, Kimika slowly gathered her strength and continued in a barely audible voice, 

"And then… She started blaming you... She said if it wasn't for you... none of this would've happened... Then… She started crying... And said it was all her fault... But... But… She said that... she got money from her parents... And I... I felt that everything I did was just... pointless... I felt... pain... anger... She said she was afraid... but wasn't I afraid, Toga? I... I wanted to help them... I wanted... to be a hero... my dream... and then this... my wounds... my pain... my dream... my life... all for nothing... All... All..."

Toga was shocked as she heard these words. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. But now she understood the unbearable pain Kimika had been feeling, especially on this day, when, because of her, Kimika had become so emotionally vulnerable. 

All the efforts, all the pain, all the sacrifices, all the desire to help that had driven Kimika to continue down the criminal path for her parents, suddenly seemed pointless and meaningless. Her world had been shattered by those she had so devotedly tried to help, risking even her own life.

Toga felt anger and rage welling up inside her, and all of this emotional turmoil was directed at Kimika's mother. Not for her treatment of her, but for what she didn't know — if only she knew the sacrifices her daughter had made for them. If only she understood how much pain and effort Kimika had endured to help them, only to receive a knife in the back for it.

"I couldn't hold it in… I yelled at her… I showed myself to her… the way she hoped she'd never see me… She thought I was just training… to get revenge on those criminals… but I… I became a criminal… I yelled… I told her everything… I saw how she cried… her face… I said… I said… that I hated her… But… I didn't want to… I didn't want this, Toga! I didn't want this! I... I was just angry... and then I ran... I ran to you... I... I have no one left, but you…" 

With these words, Kimika fell silent, her voice drowned by the pain, and she began to cry uncontrollably. She no longer had the strength or desire to speak, her body only craving one thing — to press closer to Toga, to the one source of warmth she had left.

A silent stillness filled the room. Toga didn't utter a word, understanding the pain and despair now consuming Kimika. She simply continued to gently stroke her hair, trying to offer at least a tiny bit of peace. The tender motions, the warm touches — this was all she could offer. And though it wasn't enough to ease her friend's pain, Toga tried to at least make her feel that she wasn't alone, that she was there, and would always be by her side. 

Kimika's heart slowly began to calm, as if all the dark fluid, along with the pain, fear, anger, and hatred, had vanished, as though it had never been there. Her heartbeat began to sync with Toga's. But even with all the silence, she couldn't fall asleep.

And suddenly, Toga began to speak. She spoke softly, trying to transport Kimika to another world—a world without pain and worry. 

"You know, Kimi... We'll always be together. Just the two of us, no one else. We don't need crime anymore. We'll forget about Tokima and Tsukima. And all the heroes and detectives will forget us. We'll just be... happy. You and me, far, far away, just for ourselves. Maybe in some small apartment or a house by the sea. Yes, by the sea... It will be peaceful there, warm, and we'll be together every day, like family. Without any worries. We'll have little white kittens, just like you, who'll play and run around us."

There was so much warmth and certainty in her voice about the future she was painting for them, that Kimika gradually calmed down, and her heart began to beat more evenly. Quietly, almost in a whisper, she spoke: 

"And... and a big bed in our bedroom... with soft pillows, where we'll wake up together... and a little garden... and benches where we'll sit... and watch the sunrise or sunset... together..."

"Yes, yes! There will be all our wishes there!" Toga replied joyfully, seeing Kimika's eyes fill with light. "You and me, together. Happy. And for our happiness, we don't need anyone else." 

Looking at Kimika with a soft smile, she continued: "And you know, Kimi, we won't need money or a career. The only thing that matters is us. The happiness we'll have will be just for us... and the kittens. And there won't be any more fighting or bloody deeds like you wanted. It will just be us together, and all we'll do is enjoy what we have. You and me."

Kimika, feeling the warmth of her words, fully calmed down, feeling only fatigue and the desire to sleep. But a spark of curiosity still lingered. 

"Toga... What about that last mission? You said... that they would pay a lot for it. A lot... And it seemed pretty easy, from what you said. What was it about, if... if... if it wasn't for all of this?" 

"Well, if you're curious... we had to kidnap a... person... or creature named Nezu, you should know him. We were ordered to bring him to an organization called the League of Villains. They promised a lot of money, but now it doesn't matter. We don't need to think about it anymore. It's just unnecessary details." Toga said, with clear reluctance.

Kimika froze upon hearing the name. The name she knew from the news, the name of the smartest creature on the planet — the director of U.A. Hero Academy, a place she had once dreamed of. The academy she had longed to attend even before everything fell apart. 

But now, after overhearing a conversation between Tsukauchi and her mother, she learned that Nezu had a rehabilitation program for criminals like her and Toga. A spark of hope ignited in her soul. It felt like a beam of light in the darkness. She saw an opportunity, a chance for both of them.

If they agree to this task, if they complete it and manage to talk to Nezu, then maybe... She will learn the details of this program. And maybe they will have a chance. Even if she's a killer, even if her hands are stained with blood. If they go through rehabilitation, she will be able to apologize. To her mother, to her father, to everyone she let down. 

And after that... After that, she and Toga will be able to fulfill their dream. To go to the sea, start a new life, leave all this horror and pain behind. And then they will be happier than ever before. 

"Toga..." she whispered, looking into her eyes. "Can we take on this task? As the last one... As we planned..."

Toga exhaled heavily, feeling her heart tighten. She didn't want this, didn't want to go down this path with Kimika again, especially after everything that had happened. But how could she refuse? How could she say "no," looking into those cat-like eyes that radiated hope and determination? 

"If... if this is what you really want, then okay," she replied gently, carefully touching her friend's cheek. "And after this, we'll go after our dream. Just you and me. Okay?" 

Kimika nodded silently, and that was enough for Toga. Without waiting another moment, she embraced her tightly, holding her as hard as she could. In her arms was everything: warmth, tenderness, and a sincere desire to protect her friend from any pain or fear. 

They lay like that, holding each other, as their hearts beat in unison. Warm words and promises filled the silence of the room, melting away the remnants of fear and pain. Soon, feeling calm and safe in each other's embrace, they fell asleep, immersed in the light of the shared dream that awaited them ahead.


So, if you think about it, we already have one ending to the story: Kimika and Toga went to the sea, filled with happiness (almost). But we will continue!

So, what are your guesses about what happens next??? Just share your thoughts in the comments, no need to be long, just briefly, I'm really curious about your opinions on this! 

The last chapters turned out to be really tough to write... I spent hours on each one, and one I wrote the entire day... not everything turned out perfect, but I hope you liked it! I'd appreciate a simple TFTC.

Want to see the continuation even faster than the next day? Or perhaps you want even more chapters? Head over to my Patreon — it's all there! But don't worry, sooner or later, it will be here too!
