On the Edge of a Decision

The white-haired girl sat alone on the roof of a building, watching the sunset. She was waiting for her friend, who, despite the seriousness of their last criminal mission, had been acting carelessly. Instead of staying on position, her friend had nonchalantly gone to a tea shop they were supposed to keep an eye on, waiting for their target to appear there soon, according to information from Giran.

She was very anxious, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. This wasn't just the end of their criminal careers, after which they could start a new life. The life in a house by the sea, where they would spend their days together, felt so close.

But before reaching this happy future, they had to clear their names through a rehabilitation program run by their target.

Kimika believed that even though she had become a killer, she and Toga still had a chance at rehabilitation. She no longer aspired to be a hero, understanding that after everything she had done, she didn't deserve it. Kimika knew that her friend didn't want to be a heroine either. Moreover, Toga wouldn't agree to undergo rehabilitation, considering it unnecessary, as for her, it was enough that they would spend their whole lives together by the sea, far from people.

But… Kimika understood that this meant spending their entire lives on the run, without the possibility of returning to a normal life. No more walks around the city without fear, no cozy meals in cafes or restaurants, no movie nights to watch their favorite films, or fun days at the amusement park.

The hardest thing for her was that she would never be able to go to her mother, look into her happy eyes, and say, "I'm sorry." She would never see her father recover, and already she could imagine his face, filled with pain and despair.

On that fateful day, when all he wanted was to return home and spend time with his family, he could never have known that now, waking up after months, he would realize that this family no longer existed.

Suddenly, someone gently tapped her on the shoulder, pulling her out of her deep thoughts. Kimika almost lost her balance and nearly fell off the roof, but the stranger grabbed her hand just in time.

She quickly turned her head, her heart pounding as she tried to calm down from the sudden scare.

"Kimi, you were lost in thought again? I called and called, but you didn't even hear me," Toga said sadly, holding her frightened friend with one hand while in the other, she carried two cups of tea she had just bought from the tea shop.

"I... I'm sorry, Toga. I was just thinking about our future little house by the sea," Kimika replied uncertainly.

Toga noticed that her friend's horns had darkened slightly—an indication that Kimika was lying, even if it wasn't a serious lie. She understood that Kimika was trying to hide her true thoughts so as not to upset her.

"I can tell you're lying, Kimi..." she said, raising an eyebrow as if pretending to be offended for a moment. But then she quickly smiled and handed her one of the cups. "Here! I bought the best calming tea just for you!"

As Kimika reached for the cup, she couldn't help but notice how much her friend cared for her. This brought a slight blush to her face, and she felt a deep sense of gratitude for having met Toga that day.

Flustered by her thoughts, Kimika quickly grabbed the cup and started drinking. This didn't go unnoticed, and a slight blush appeared on Toga's face, while Kimika felt a sense of relief.

"Can you imagine, Kimi? The shopkeeper in that little tea shop was such a... well, you know, a tea fanatic. He kept going on and on about the history of every type of tea, how the leaves are hand-picked in the mountains, and how they have these special properties. Like I care, pfft! And the worst part — if I hadn't escaped, he would've just kept going!"

Sighing, Toga shifted her gaze to Kimika, her expression one of someone who had just endured a small trial. Kimika couldn't help but smile slightly, seeing how impatient Toga was with such long and boring stories. It made her feel a little more at ease, knowing that her friend was trying to cheer her up.

As she sipped the tea, Kimika, surprisingly, didn't taste it, but she thought to herself that maybe that was how it was supposed to be.

"Toga, are you sure everything will be as simple as you say? Nezu is a genius and an incredibly wealthy person. Why would he come to this obscure little shop in such a remote area, especially in a place where we could easily ambush him?"

"Well, I thought about that too. But Giran, who is still our trusted broker, wouldn't have given us this task if he wasn't sure that the League of Villains is reliable. And anyway, maybe Nezu is just strange." Toga paused to add some confidence before continuing, "But don't worry, we're on the highest building in the area, and we would've noticed anything unusual by now, like an ambush. And besides, why make things so... well, complicated? If they really wanted to catch us, they would have done it a long time ago, and he wouldn't be risking his own life."

Kimika nodded, but she still wasn't completely convinced. Seeing her uncertainty, Toga added with a smile:

"Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, we'll escape instantly. And by the way, just to make sure, let's do this: if everything goes badly, you can make any wish you want for me, and if everything goes well, I'll do the same for you."

Hearing her friend's support and attempt to instill confidence, Kimika couldn't help but smile, though a hint of doubt still lingered in her eyes.

Seeing that she had managed to lift her partner's spirits, Toga took a sip of her tea, and her face immediately scrunched up in distaste.

"Yuck! How can you drink this? It's... it's total crap, not tea!"

Unable to hold back a smile, Kimika laughed and took another sip. "I think it just tastes bland, like plain water."

"Whattt? Bland? Like water? It's disgusting! I still have the aftertaste in my mouth! How can you drink it so calmly?"

Before Kimika could respond, they noticed someone on the street. Their attention immediately shifted to the figure moving toward the tea shop.

It was an incredibly strange creature — a combination of several different animals: a humanoid mouse with dog paws and a bear-like face. Its black eyes were both observant and carefree, as though it had no worries at all.

Its elegant suit seemed unnatural on such an odd figure, and though it wore large orange sneakers, its appearance felt completely organic, as if it truly belonged to this world.

The girls couldn't look away, and even though they had seen his pictures before the mission and often came across his face in the news, seeing him in real life was an entirely different experience.

"There he is... Nezu," Kimika whispered quietly, as if afraid he might somehow hear them even from that distance.

They continued watching, and soon Nezu, taking his time, entered the shop, his figure smoothly disappearing behind the door. This was the signal for them that the moment had arrived.

Instantly, they ran down the stairs as fast as they could, not wanting to miss the moment when he would come out. The lower they went, the faster Kimika's heart raced, and every cell in her body was tense and ready for action.

They almost reached the street at the same time when the tea shop door opened again, and Nezu, as if waiting for them, stepped out.

Kimika immediately activated the speed boost for both of them, and they exploded from their spot. In just a few seconds, their speed was so great that Nezu didn't even have time to react. 

He didn't even manage to make a sound before they grabbed him, giving him no chance to escape, and carried him toward the theater. The place was perfect for them, as the theater was closed for renovation and completely deserted. In the commotion, Nezu accidentally dropped the bag of tea he had just bought, and it scattered across the asphalt, but no one paid any attention to it.

They silently ran through the theater's back courtyard, avoiding any obstacles. The distance to their destination shortened with every passing second.

Nezu didn't struggle or scream the entire time. His reaction was strange and incomprehensible — he seemed calm, as if he had already understood the situation he was in. Perhaps he felt it was pointless to resist, or maybe he had his own plan, but Kimika was still worried. 

Her mind kept running through the possibilities, every move weighing heavily on her. Was everything going according to plan? Was there something in this situation they hadn't anticipated?

When they finally entered the theater's main hall, the atmosphere shifted. Up until that point, they had been in constant motion, and now, as they found themselves in a safe place, both girls were able to calm down, knowing they weren't being followed.

Toga didn't waste any time. She immediately started tying up Nezu, twisting the ropes in such a way that he couldn't even move. 

Kimika remained alert, watching closely as Toga finished tying him up. Ready for any surprises, even though everything was going exactly according to plan.

Once Nezu was securely bound, the girls finally allowed themselves to exhale and catch their breath, feeling the tension slowly ease away.

Both girls seated Nezu in a chair, leaving him bound. He remained silent, gazing at them with his black eyes, which revealed no fear or irritation — only calmness and a strange sense of resolve. It was an eerie silence that hung in the air, and Kimika couldn't help but ask the question that had been swirling in her mind for some time. "What happens to him now?"

"I have no idea..." Toga replied with a shrug, glancing at the unflappable and composed Nezu. "We were just told to bring him here and call the number. What happens next is not our concern, Kimi."

Nezu continued to remain silent, watching them intently as if he knew something they didn't.

"You keep an eye on him, even though he won't escape. I'll make the call to... what's his name... Kuro... Kurogiri, yeah, Kurogiri. He's supposed to pick up Nezu with his quirk, and then it'll all be over."

With those words, Toga took out her phone and stepped a little further away, looking for the most convenient spot to make the call.

Kimika stayed by the chair where Nezu sat. He still hadn't moved, only watching her with a gaze that seemed to glow with calm. It made her feel uneasy, as if his calmness was too cold and unnatural, especially in this situation. She had expected a completely different reaction—he should have been begging for mercy or at least shown some sign of distress. But instead, he simply stared at her, as though nothing was happening, as if there were no danger at all.

Seeing that Toga had moved far enough away, Kimika realized this was her chance. She stepped closer to Nezu, trying to do so as quietly as possible, so her friend wouldn't overhear the conversation. Kimika knew well that Toga would likely reject her idea or call her plan foolish.

"Nezu, is it true that you have a rehabilitation program for criminals?" Kimika whispered.

Nezu looked intently into her eyes, his piercing gaze seeming to penetrate directly into her soul, reading every emotion. He could see how Kimika was anxious, how she was trying so hard to keep this conversation between them. Nezu felt a sense of admiration—he hadn't expected her to be the one to bring up the topic. Her interest in rehabilitation became, for him, an opportunity to realize his plan, albeit in a slightly different way.

"Yes, I have such a program. But unfortunately, so far, no criminal has voluntarily agreed to undergo it."

"Ah... if... we... What are the conditions? Well, what does a criminal need to meet to qualify for this program?"

Nezu immediately understood where she was heading. He could tell that this wasn't just curiosity—she truly wanted to go through the program but was too afraid to say it out loud. 

"Conditions? The most important condition is the criminal's willingness to undergo rehabilitation. Without that, the program simply wouldn't work."

Kimika, incredibly anxious yet sensing that this moment could be their chance for redemption with Toga, gathered her strength. She looked into Nezu's eyes, which seemed penetrating, and with a trembling voice, almost whispering, asked the most important question for her: "A... a murderer... can they go through this program?"

Nezu, caught off guard by the question, paused for a moment. His gaze, which had been sharp, now became even more penetrating, studying every movement of Kimika, every slight change in her expression, and the tension in her facial muscles.

"Murderers?" His gaze sharpened like a steel blade. He already knew the truth, as he had heard from Tsukauchi about how Kimika, in a moment of anger, had confessed everything, including the fact that she had killed two people.

"Did you kill?" he asked, and even his voice became slightly colder than usual. It was a question to which he already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her confession. He wanted to understand if she was ready to admit it, if she truly grasped the full weight of her actions, and if she genuinely intended to change. 

Kimika trembled, her heart racing, and she couldn't respond immediately. Slowly, shuddering, she shook her head, trying to hold back her tears. 

"Yes..." she barely whispered. "But... I didn't want to... I... it was... they... they were criminals too... killers..." Her voice broke, and she couldn't hold back the tears.

Kimika, trying not to give herself away, struggled to cry as quietly as possible. Her shoulders shook with sobs, and she tried to hold them back, but they betrayed her, silently dripping onto the floor. 

She covered her face with her hands, trying to stop the unfriendly feeling within her, but she couldn't make herself stop crying. Her breath was heavy and erratic, clearly fighting with her own emotions, and it was evident to Nezu, who couldn't help but notice her inner struggle. 

"I know you didn't want this," he began gently, his voice filled with understanding and compassion. "And I see how much you're suffering because of it. And that shows you're capable of feeling the pain for your actions. It shows you're ready to change."

Kimika slightly lifted her head, her eyes red from crying, meeting his gaze. Nezu continued, calmly and confidently: "So yes, murderers can go through my program. But only those who truly want to change. And you are one of them. You feel remorse for what happened, and that's the most important thing. It means you have a chance to make things right. And I can see that you want this." 

She swallowed her tears, her voice trembling, but she whispered: "I want to... I want to change... But is it possible after everything I've done?" 

Nezu gave a slight smile, one filled with warmth and support. "Yes, it's more than possible, because you have the most important thing — you want to change, and you've already, you could say, started this journey. And all that's left for you is to join my program along with a partner."

Kimika flinched, her heart racing, and a look of panic appeared in her eyes. She felt all her doubts and anxieties overwhelming her. 

"She... she won't agree... She..." Her voice faltered, and she didn't know how to continue. 

"Don't worry, if you explain your goal clearly and tell her that she needs this just as much as you do, then she..." 

But suddenly, she was interrupted by Toga, who had finally returned, looking somewhat annoyed but with her usual carefree smile. 

"Shit, of course, they'll be unreachable right now! Kimi, can you believe it? We're doing their job, and they can't even be near the phone, hmph."

Toga paused for a moment when she suddenly noticed Kimika's red eyes. Alarm instantly appeared in her gaze, and without hesitation, she quickly rushed over to her friend, embracing her and gently stroking her back. 

"Don't worry, I'm with you," Toga whispered, continuing to gently stroke Kimika's back. When she turned her head and looked into Nezu's eyes, her gaze was incredibly angry, though her voice remained caring, as if trying to calm her friend, despite the aggression overwhelming her.

Nezu watched the scene with surprise. He had thought Toga and Kimika had a good relationship, but not one this deep. Now he could see just how much Toga loved and cared for her, and it impressed him. This wasn't just friendship; it was something much stronger — an attachment bordering on a mad devotion. 

It reminded him of something like the relationship between a mother and a young child, and he couldn't understand why Kimika was so worried about whether Toga would agree. From what he had seen, it seemed like Toga would have agreed instantly if Kimika had asked, and that was only possible if... only if Kimika didn't fully understand the depth of their bond.


I hope the chapter turned out well. After the last few chapters, it seems like I've developed a habit of describing the characters' emotions a lot... and it's going to stay with me until the end. Also... I woke up and realized that my writing skills DISAPPEARED... I spent two days writing this chapter!!!!! And I'm not sure if it turned out good at all... And this is an incredibly important chapter, and an incredibly important beginning of the end... OH SHIT SPOILERS... SPPPPOOOOIIIILERRS

Write your thoughts—do you think they'll actually go to this rehabilitation program? Also, leave comments on why Nezu is so calm... And what's his plan... Also, do you notice any mistakes or changes in the writing? Maybe some of the characters don't really match their original selves? Because sometimes it feels like Toga isn't Toga anymore, and she's not that yandere psychopath anymore...

Want to see the continuation even faster than the next day? Or perhaps you want even more chapters? Head over to my Patreon — it's all there! But don't worry, sooner or later, it will be here too! patreon.com/Zoi4erom


  1. OH NOOOOO TEA! ಥ_ಥ