In a world overrun by infection, Kai emerges as an unlikely leader, guiding a diverse group of survivors through the ruins of their shattered reality. Among them are Rina, the nurturing heart; Asuka, the fiery rival for his affection; and Yuki, the calm strategist hiding fierce resolve.
As tensions rise and trust becomes a rare commodity, Kai must navigate complex relationships and psychological games, especially with the skeptical Captain Jiro. When a horde of infected threatens their existence, his leadership is put to the ultimate test.
Will Kai's cunning strategies keep his group alive—and win their hearts? Join him on a thrilling journey of survival, manipulation, and unexpected love in a chaotic world where every choice could mean life or death.
Action, Romance, Harem, Adventure, Post-Apocalyptic
Survival, Infected, Harem Dynamics, Psychological Warfare, Leadership, Secrets, Emotional Conflict
it's good, the system is a bit rusty other than that everything looks good...