Chapter 2: Blood and Deception

The wind howled through the halls of the vampire king's castle as the scent of iron and frost filled the air. Outside the citadel, darkness reigned supreme, and nothing stirred, except for Selene's heartbeat. Slow. Controlled. A deliberate rhythm in a place where fear should have swallowed her whole.

Draven stood near a tall arched window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling wilderness beyond the castle walls. Behind him, Selene remained poised, her hands folded neatly in front of her. She looked out of place, a mortal woman standing amidst the ancient horrors of Umbra's most feared court, yet there was no trace of unease in her dark eyes.

"Tell me, Princess," Draven murmured, without turning. "Why do you seek my throne instead of begging me to spare your fragile kingdom?"

Selene took a step forward, her lips curling into a small, taunting smile. "Because only fools beg, Your Majesty. And I am no fool."

Draven's reflection flickered in the glass, barely there, as though the darkness threatened to consume even him. His crimson gaze shifted toward her, glowing like the embers of a fire that never went out. "Brave words for a mortal standing in the den of monsters."

"And yet I stand," Selene replied smoothly, her voice carrying an air of defiance that made his lips twitch.

Most humans trembled beneath Draven's presence. Fear was his constant companion, a cloak that wrapped tightly around him and strangled those foolish enough to draw too close. But Selene? She welcomed the darkness as if she belonged there.

"You claim you can give me the mortal realm," Draven said, finally turning to face her. His movements were slow, deliberate, like a beast savoring its prey.

"How do I know you won't betray me as you did your own allies, Serpent?"

Selene arched a brow, unbothered by the accusation. "I never betrayed anyone. I merely ensured they lost before I did."

Draven chuckled, a low and dangerous sound. "So you'll do the same to me, then?"

"Perhaps." She shrugged with mock innocence. "That depends on how useful you prove to be."

The boldness of her words caught even Draven off-guard, and for the briefest moment, something akin to amusement flickered across his features. He was used to humans groveling for mercy, not bargaining like equals.

Selene's gaze didn't waver. "You want to rule the mortal realm, don't you? I've already set the pieces in motion. Human kings are weak, their alliances broken. They'll fall with a single push-" she stepped closer, lowering her voice to a sultry whisper "-and I can give you that push."

Draven's eyes glimmered with intrigue, but his expression remained unreadable. He was silent for a long moment, assessing her like a hunter sizing up its prey.

Then he reached out, his cold fingers brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"You're clever, Selene. But cleverness alone won't save you if you try to deceive me."

The touch sent a shiver down her spine, not from fear, but from something far more dangerous.

"I don't intend to deceive you," Selene whispered, her lips curving into a sly smile. "I intend to win."

Draven's grin was sharp and filled with menace. "You assume you can outplay me."

"Oh, I don't assume," Selene murmured. "I know."

Their eyes locked, and the tension between them was palpable,a dangerous dance between predator and prey, where the roles were not yet clear.

"Very well," Draven said, stepping back. His voice was a dark caress, filled with promises both seductive and deadly. "You'll stay here, in my court. Prove yourself useful, and perhaps I won't kill you."

Selene inclined her head, amusement flickering in her gaze. "I look forward to it, Your Majesty."

Without another word, Draven turned and swept out of the room, his cloak billowing behind him like a shadow. The heavy doors groaned shut, leaving Selene alone in the cold, silent chamber.

She let out a slow breath, her smile deepening. She had walked into the lion's den, and lived. But living wasn't enough.

She was here to conquer.

In the grand halls of the citadel, whispers of the strange alliance spread like wildfire.

"The king's taken a mortal into his court?" the vampires murmured among themselves. "A human woman?"

"She must be mad."

"Or perhaps…" someone whispered. "She's even more dangerous than we thought."

Far beneath the castle, in the dungeons where the walls wept blood and shadows clung to every corner, Draven's most trusted servant awaited his king's return.

A massive figure stood near the iron bars, muscles coiled beneath his pale skin. Kain, Draven's most loyal enforcer, was a vampire of few words but deadly intent. When Draven entered the room, Kain straightened.

"You brought a human into the castle?" Kain asked, his deep voice laced with disbelief.

Draven's lips curled into a smile that was anything but friendly. "Not just any human."

Kain frowned. "She'll try to betray you."

"Of course she will," Draven said with a chuckle. "That's the fun part."

Kain shook his head, though a trace of amusement crossed his grim features. "What's the plan?"

Draven's crimson eyes gleamed with malice. "We play her game… and see who wins."

Meanwhile, Selene wandered the darkened halls of the citadel, her footsteps echoing off the cold stone. She knew the danger she was in, knew that she had entered the lair of a monster who could crush her without a second thought.

But that was the beauty of it. She had faced monsters before. And she had never lost.

Her fingers traced the hilt of the emerald dagger hidden beneath her cloak, a reminder of the promises she intended to keep.

Let the vampire king think he was in control. Let him believe he could break her.

In the end, it wouldn't matter.

Because Selene had no intention of becoming anyone's pawn.

She would either win this game or burn everything down trying.