Chapter 3: Bound by Shadows

The dim glow of flickering torches cast long shadows across the cold stone walls of Draven's chamber. The scent of incense mingled with the iron tang of blood, creating a heady, intoxicating atmosphere. Low moans filled the air, the sound both languid and desperate.

On the massive black-velvet bed, Draven lounged with effortless dominance, his pale fingers tracing the curve of a woman's throat. She writhed beneath him, her eyes glazed with ecstasy and fear, a delicate balance that only a creature like him could orchestrate. The captive was human, one of the many unfortunate souls lured into the castle, desperate for salvation but finding only temptation.

Her body arched under his touch, every nerve attuned to the sensation of his cold hands roaming her skin. Draven's fangs grazed the curve of her neck, teasing but not yet biting. He enjoyed the power, watching her squirm, hovering between pleasure and agony while begging for his mercy.

"Please…" she whimpered, her voice cracking.

Draven smiled, his crimson eyes glowing in the darkness. "Begging already?"

His hand wrapped gently around her throat, not squeezing, just a subtle reminder of who held control. The woman's breath hitched, and a shiver ran down her spine. She knew this moment was fleeting, that pleasure would soon be replaced by pain. And yet, she didn't pull away.

Just as Draven leaned closer, the heavy door to his chamber creaked open without warning.

Selene stepped inside, her expression cool and unreadable, as if she were walking into a council meeting rather than an intimate encounter. She paused in the doorway, her gaze flickering briefly to the woman sprawled across the bed, her body glistening with sweat and surrender.

The air in the room shifted. Draven didn't flinch or pull away, he continued tracing idle circles on the woman's skin, his crimson gaze lazily drifting to Selene.

"You have terrible timing, Princess," he murmured, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Selene's dark eyes remained impassive, devoid of disgust or shock. She stepped further into the room, as graceful as a shadow. "I didn't realize I needed to knock," she replied, her tone flat.

The captive on the bed trembled under Selene's cold scrutiny, clutching the sheets to cover herself, though Draven's hand on her thigh prevented her from moving much.

"Don't stop on my account," Selene added casually, folding her arms.

Draven chuckled, his gaze never leaving Selene. "How intriguing. Most humans would at least blush."

"I'm not most humans," Selene said simply.

Draven's smile deepened, sharp and predatory. He knew that already, of course. It was part of what made her so fascinating. Most people who walked into his world did so trembling, begging for mercy.

Selene walked in as though she belonged there, as though nothing could touch her.

The woman on the bed let out a shaky breath, clearly hoping that Selene's presence would grant her a reprieve. But Draven's grip remained firm, and Selene's gaze remained cold.

"Does it bother you?" Draven asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"Seeing me like this?"

Selene tilted her head slightly, as if considering the question. Then she gave a small shrug. "I've seen worse."

The simplicity of her answer left an odd silence hanging in the air. Draven stared at her for a moment longer, searching her expression for any hint of emotion, jealousy, discomfort, even curiosity. But there was nothing.

"You're either very brave," Draven murmured, "or very broken."

"Both," Selene replied, her voice like steel wrapped in silk.

She stepped closer to the bed, her movements slow and deliberate, and Draven's interest sharpened. The woman beneath him whimpered softly, unsure of what to expect from this strange interaction.

Selene's eyes drifted lazily over the woman, taking in every trembling muscle and shallow breath. Then, without a word, she turned away, as if the scene before her was too trivial to concern her.

"You can continue your... entertainment," Selene said over her shoulder, her voice devoid of care. "Just try not to be late for the council meeting."

Draven's laughter followed her as she exited the room, the sound rich and low.

"Interesting woman," he mused, running a finger along the captive's collarbone.

The woman gave a hesitant nod, though she could barely comprehend what had just transpired. Draven's mind, however, was already elsewhere.

Selene had walked in on him without a flicker of hesitation and more impressively, without an ounce of emotion. That was rare, even among the most hardened creatures in his court.

Draven leaned back on the bed, his gaze lingering on the door where Selene had just vanished. His curiosity about her only deepened. There was something about Selene, something dark, something dangerous.

And Draven loved dangerous things.

The woman beneath him shifted nervously, her earlier desire dimming under the weight of Draven's silence. She could feel the shift in his mood, though she didn't understand it.

"Finish what you started," Draven murmured, though his mind was far from the moment at hand.

Even as the woman obeyed, his thoughts remained on Selene, and the faint smile that curled his lips was one of anticipation.

Selene had entered his world, unafraid and unaffected.

Now, it was only a matter of time before he decided what to do with her.