Chapter 4 Part 1

--AN) 15+ Chapters up on --

The cafeteria was filled with many students from the Academy, new and old. Each table was rectangular in shape and could fit six people each. The only issue Leo noticed—or rather, felt—was the piercing gazes burning into him as he walked through the crowd with Bella by his side.

Of course, he understood that it was due to him walking next to the princess, who was very much a beauty. But what he didn't seem to understand was that some of those piercing gazes were from girls who were eying him. After all, he was very handsome himself. The two walking side by side was already the equivalent of two movie stars standing next to eachother.

The two walked up to the counter, which had a line of different foods, and grabbed a tray. It was a buffet-style eatery, and all the food was made fresh by some of the finest chefs within the kingdom.

"What are you having?" Bella asked in a low whisper. She was actually at a loss as to what to do, so she was hoping to have Leo lead.

"I will probably go for some veggies, meat, and the rice. I don't recognize the rest." Leo felt slightly embarrassed. He only knew a few types of food due to not having much choice back home.

"You should try the strawberry cake too." Bella's eyes glowed when she saw the strawberry cake. It was her favorite! She was not allowed to have too much of it due to always being under the watch of her personal maid, but now that she had escaped the girl's clutches, she could indulge herself a little.

"Alright." Leo was a bit interested in what it was after seeing Bella's reaction to it. He filled his tray and waited for Bella to finish getting her food before the two walked over to a table in the corner of the room and sat down.

"I wish people would stop staring." Bella hated this the most. She could deal with it at royal events, but right now, she just wanted to eat in peace.

"It's because you are very beautiful." Leo thought nothing of his words and only spoke his mind, but the poor girl who was on the receiving end of them lowered her head, blushing away. 'This guy has no filter! How can he say such things so openly!?'

Leo had no idea he had caused the girl to be screaming at him in her head. But Liana was finding it very amusing. 'I am sure there will be babies soon.'

'I am trying to eat so please stop with your strange delusions.' Leo just wanted one meal without a dirty remark from the lizard queen.

"Bella~!" A young girl with purple hair and silver eyes ran up and hugged Bella from behind. Along with her was another girl with green hair and black eyes. She wore glasses and seemed to be more of the serious type, while the purple-haired girl had a tomboyish feel to her. Like Leo and Bella they too were wearing their nightwear as well, which consisted of a grey shirt and shorts as well as a pair of slippers.

"Abby, can you not hang on me when I am trying to eat?" Bella pried the girl's hands off her before going back to digging into her food.

"Abigail it is not proper to be hanging on the princess, how many times do I have to say it? Even if you are cousins you shouldn't be over stepping your bounds."

"Anna, you are too strict! We are no longer at the castle so lighten up a bit!" Abby looked at the green-haired girl and sighed. She really wished this girl would lighten up.

"And I am saying you should learn proper space between two people." Anna rubbed the spot between her nose. To her, the one who needed to learn to restrain themselves was this girl here.

"No fighting you two." Bella was all smiles as she turned to her two friends. "Sit. Tell me about your roommates."

"Before that, who is the cutie? Your boyfriend?" Abby's eyes fell on Leo, who nodded back at her as he took another bite. He did not react at all to the whole boyfriend thing, which made her feel a little depressed.

"You can't get a reaction out of him, so don't try." Bella stealthily ignored the boyfriend jab as well since she knew Abby was looking to rile her up. "And this is Leo, my roommate."

"Oh… OH! Wait! Really!?" Abby cried out; even the stoic Anna's eyes widened in surprise. "So that means you are already climbing the stairs of adult hood before any of us!"

"I am not!" Bella cried out, causing many of the students in the cafeteria to look over at her and her face turning bright red. She turned to Leo, who was still eating, acting as if none of this had anything to do with him, and kicked her foot out, kicking him in the leg under the table. "Can't you say something!?"

"Ah right. My names Leon Tristan. I will be in your care from now on."

"Not that! And why are you introducing yourself out of no where!?"

"Didn't you give me the signal? I mean the kick under the table was the signal for introduction right?"

"Since when!?"

"Hahaha! I like him." Abby sat down next to Bella, with Anna following and sitting on the other side. She hugged Bella's arm and bowed her head. "Bella can be a handful so I hope you can see past that and take good care of her."

"Don't worry, she is quite cute. I will make sure to make her happy."

"Why does it sound like you are giving me away for marriage!? And Leo stop playing along!"