Chapter 4 Part 2

--AN) 15+ Chapters up on --

"Hehe, Leo you are pretty good at this. Our little princess is nice and flustered."

'Liana, I am just going with the flow. Look at Bella. She is complaining and scolding her friends, but the smile on her face has not disappeared. I think she likes this. Being able to relax like this without worrying about her status.'

Liana took another good look at Bella and what she saw was indeed as Leo had said. The girl in front of her was no princess but just another maiden. One who was taking side glances at the man she had unconsciously acknowledged as part of her circle. 

'You really are exactly how I expected. Leo, never lose this trait of yours. Kindness towards girl can bring about an army of babies. As my husband you will need to have many babies and many wives to show thew world your manliness.' 

'You sure do have quite a few strange ideas.' Leo had no idea what Liana was talking about. He was simply being himself. However, he could not lie and say he would not be willing to marry someone like Bella, not because of her status but from what he could see of her now, he had a very favorable impression of the girl. He teased her, and she did not hate him. In fact, it seemed to have brought them closer. Even though they had just met, they had already gone through quite a bit of awkward moments, which helped them break the ice.

For now, he felt that Bella would turn out to be a good roommate and a good friend. 'Humph! You say this now but in the future you will be thanking me! You two are a perfect match. Your children will be top of the line. Then there is the two girls next to her. If you can get them as well…'

'Now that is a stretch.'

'Oh? So you are not denying the princess is reachable?'

'I am not saying that either! I just… My father always taught me to be a man in front of girls and treat them kindly. The only time I should make one cry is if they had done something that hurt me and my loved ones.'

'So this is why you put up with that two faced bitch. But that can also make you seem weak and easily manipulated.'

'I know. Sadly, my father passed before I could learn the proper way to deal with certain situations. But I feel I have learned enough to get me by. I am not stupid enough not to know when I am being used.'

'Don't worry. I will be here to aide you in those situations.'


'Now you need to focus on the princess. Make her yours!'

'Yes, yes… we will wait and see what the future holds.' Leo resigned himself to the salamander's pushiness. But he was happy as well. Liana was watching out for him. He had ventured out into the unknown with very few allies. Besides Liana and Jack, he had no one else. Maybe now, if he and Bella truly became friends, he would be able to have a third ally.

While Bella was being teased by her friends and Leo watched on, Jasmine walked into the cafeteria. She could feel the eyes of the boys on her, which made her feel elated. She knew she was beautiful, and she wanted to put it to good use. As long as she could gain a few followers, she would be able to first reach a baron's son and maybe work her way up from there. As long as she could marry one of them, that was all that mattered.

She had some time to think while she was in her room. She decided to start off slow since trying to jump too high with her current status was not good.

With a soft smile on her face and trying to look as delicate as possible, Jasmine made her way over to get some food. She picked up her tray and chose some light foods before turning to look for a place to sit. This was the part she was a little afraid of. She knew no one here yet, so it was not going to be easy to find a place to sit. Her roommate had not even been in her room either when she arrived. Even after so many hours, there was no sign of her. 

Just when she thought she was going to be in trouble, she spotted a familiar silver-haired boy, and in front of him were three beauties. One of which she recognized since her father had told her to be careful of certain people when she entered the academy and showed her pictures of the royal family.

'The princess? Why is that weakling with her!?' Jasmine did not understand, but from how they were joking around, it seemed like there was a chance for her to make friends with the princess using the weakling as a stepping stone. 'If I befriend the princess, won't I be able to skip the barons and trash nobles and jump right into a prince? Even if I am to become a concubine, that would work well. I just need a chance to lay with them…'

Jasmine's cheeks began to heat up. She was still a young maiden, after all. But that did not stop her from thinking of such devious means to climb the social ladder. She was truly willing to give birth to a prince's child early on if it meant becoming a noble.

Mustering up her courage, she stepped forward and made her way over to where Leo was sitting. She couldn't believe the weakling would be so useful so soon.