Chapter 4 Part 3

--AN) 15+ Chapters up on --

Jasmine walked up to the group of four which stopped the horsing around that was happening. Jasmine gave the three girls a nod before turning to Leo with a bright, friendly, fake smile on her face. "Leo, can I sit with you? I don't know anyone else here."

Leo, who was in mid-bite, looked up at Jasmine with a raised eyebrow before turning to look at Bella and her friends. "Not up to me. Ask them."

'This bitch! She did not even come here for you! She came here because of the princess! You can see it in her eyes!' Liana was livid. She wanted to jump out of Leo's chest and claw the bitch to death!

'Let's see what antics she will pull off now. If Bella lets her sit, she lets her sit, there is no harm in that.'

'You are really too kind!' Liana was a bit angry. While she liked that Leo was kind, she hated it at the same time because it allowed the bitch to walk all over him.

Bella looked at Leo, who did not seem to like the girl too much with how he had tossed her over, and then back at Jasmine, who was standing there awkwardly. A sly grin formed on her lips when she thought this was a good chance to get back at the boy who played along with her friends! "Sure, you can sit. I wouldn't want to interfere with your date with your boyfriend."

"He's not my BOYFRIEND!" Jasmine practically screamed. She by no means wanted to be seen in such a light it would ruin all her plans. Especially with such a weakling like Leo. The guy who passed out for two days after contracting a Rock Salamander. The weakest monster known to exist!

Bella's eyes widened. She had never expected Jasmine to have such a reaction. She was only trying to tease Leo. When she looked at Leo, who was not disturbed at all by the girl's claim, she couldn't help but wrinkle her brow. 'Was he used to such treatment?'

"There is no way I would date such a weakling! He passed out for two days after conquering a Rock Salamander of all monsters. How could I want anything to do with a weakling that that. A village boy who has by no means any chance to pass F-rank.

"I would never ever date such a man!" Jasmine was slightly panicked and was trying to explain herself. She continued to ramble about how weak Leo was, not realizing that the princess' expression was growing darker by the second.

"Leo!" Jack appeared and sat down next to Leo with a tray of food in his hand and smiled brightly at his good friend.

"Jack, how is it? Getting along with your roommate?" Leo patted Jack's back and smiled back. He was completely ignoring the girls ranting at his side.

Jack, on the other hand, only now realized Jasmine was here and was talking about Leo in a bad light. He wanted to stand up for his good friend, but Leo pressed on his shoulder and shook his head. "Ignore her and look at the others."

Jack finally looked at Bella and the other two girls, whose expressions were very dark and understood. He had seen those same expressions on his mother's face when his dad made her mad. He knew one thing at this moment and time. Sit down, shut up, and act invisible.

"So please do not associate me with such a weakling." Jasmine finally finished her rant. It was only now that she realized something was off. The once noisy cafeteria had become very quiet.

"You sure have a lot to say." Bella's eyes narrowed at the girl. She took a deep breath, not wanting to cause too much more of a scene, before saying: "I suggest you find a new seat. I can not be friends with a person who degrades others."

"I wasn't! I was just telling the truth! I am telling you that he could only conquer a Rock Salamander and even passed out because of it…"

"Enough! I do not know how things work in your village, but here in the capital, we have a thing called common decency. You don't go around bad-mouthing others and acting all high and mighty. You say he is a village boy and is weak because he has a Rock Salamander? So what? Aren't you just a village girl? It looks to me like you are trying to climb the social ladder. I bet you would be willing to lay with any of the noble boys here just to achieve your goals. 

"Plus, what's wrong with a Rock Salamander? The princess's first card is also a Rock Salamander. What's wrong with starting with the weakest!? It will allow her to see where she stands in the future and what she needs to work on. The same goes for Leo. He has not said a word to you even though you were bad-mouthing him. If it were me, I would have already cut that slimy tongue out of your mouth!" Abby reached to her side where her sword normally would be and tried to grab its hilt. Although she was of royal blood, a duke's daughter, her father was also the leader of the kingdom's military and the top-ranking knight. Her entire family lived by the knight's code. So, for her to reach for her sword was a force of habit even if it was not there.

"Abby!" Bella quickly stopped the girl before she decided to jump the table. She knew now that it was a mistake to try to tease Leo using this girl. She hoped he would not hate her because of this. She looked at Jasmine with hate and disgust in her eyes as she said: "Leave now. Never come near me and my friends again. That includes Leo. It seems we are too weak in the eyes of your greatness."

"Wha… I… I never…" Jasmine's eyes began to water up. She really made a fool out of herself! Her face paled as she backed up and looked around. No matter who her eyes made contact with, they avoided her gaze and looked away.

Jasmine bit her lip, trying her best to hold her tears back as she walked over to a table with an empty seat. She did not have the courage to sit by herself. She hoped she could sit at a table and try to act as if none of this happened. But no matter which table she went to sit at, they told her the seat was taken. Even the tables with five seats empty! 

It was only then that Jasmine realized she had no choice but to sit by herself. She walked over to a small table that was off to the side, away from everyone, and began eating her food, her tears adding just the right amount of salt.