
MAIN STATUS (Chapter 34):

Name: Raquel Nava

Race: Divine Human

Divine Protection: Grace of the Star Dragon.

Title: God's Favorite, The First Apostle.

Magic: Stellar Magic, Sacred Magic, High-Level Elemental Magic.

Intrinsic Abilities: Universal Perception, Charm.

Ultimate Skills:

Metatron, Lord of Purity

Sariel, Lord of Hope.

Resistances: Nullification of Spiritual Attacks, Nullification of Pain.



Velgrynd, The Scorching Dragon.

Velzard, The Ice Dragon.


CLARIFICATION: The timeline for the previous events is not defined. We know about the confrontation between Guy Crimson and Veldanava, but the exact year of its occurrence is not defined. I will assign random—non-canonical—dates in order to advance the story to the original timeline where the protagonist, Rimuru, is reincarnated.

The Fanfic will be based on the Light Novel (LN).

Initial Timeline: 5,000 Years

Original Timeline: +20,000


•The true dragons were born. Veldanava was the first true dragon born, the second was the ice dragon Velzard, the third was the scorching dragon Velgrynd, and the last was the storm dragon Veldora.

•Formation of the Sovereign Alliance of the Nasca Namrium Ulmeria Empire, also known as the Eastern Empire.

•Rudra Nam Ul Nasca's promise to the Star Dragon King Veldanava.

•The Star Dragon King Veldanava married a human woman (Lucia) and they had a child together. The child's name was Milim Nava.

•Veldanava started the Dragon family by first creating dragons and then establishing a rule for True Dragons that they cannot have children with humans because the child would take a significant part of the father's power.

•Veldanava died and reincarnated as his daughter's pet dragon.

•Formation of the country of Dwarves, the Nation of Armament Dwargon, by its first king, Guran Dwargo (Gazelle Dwargo's grandfather).

•Birth of the True Demon Lord, Guy Crimson, who granted his powerless summoner's wish and destroyed both the enemy nation of the summoners and the summoners' own country as payment.

•Birth of the True Demon Queen, Milim Nava. At that time, her pet dragon was killed by some country. Angered, she destroyed that country and awakened as a true demon queen at the same time as Guy. She unconsciously fought Guy in Damargania.

•Ramiris was able to stop Milim's rampage. In doing so, she absorbed the magic of the demons and the powerful aura of the dragons, awakening as a Demon Lord.

•The fight between Guy and Milim resulted in a wasteland in the southwest of the Draggull continent.

•Guy, Milim, and Ramiris met and became the first-generation Demon Lords.

•Guy Crimson and Rudra began their eternal war game between demons and humans.

•Rudra Nam Ul Nasca became Emperor of the Eastern Empire.

•Rudra Nam Ul Nasca made those closest to him promise to kill him or find someone who could if he ever lost control of the King of Justice Michael, mainly because he sees everyone as evil.


With this in mind, I will have a clear and concrete reference, at least this way I won't complicate my work of writing a good character development. Plus, I'll have a lot of fun writing this. This Fanfic will be long.