An Interesting Conversation

Empty and cold was what I felt. The sensation was unpleasant. My body felt uncomfortable in the sudden unease of the place, though I couldn't move it. Still, I could feel that discomfort surrounding and enveloping me. It was disgusting.

My eyes opened, giving me a glimpse of tranquility amidst the uncertainty of the place. They moved slowly, seeing only darkness. I wasn't nervous or scared. It was strange.

Suddenly, the darkness was replaced by an enormous presence. It was invisible, I couldn't see it, but I could feel it nearby. The darkness dissipated, and the light, which I had longed for, appeared. I still couldn't move my body, but the feeling of discomfort completely vanished.

—Poor soul, so innocent, stranded in such a vile and filthy place. How much did you have to endure?— The tone was soft and delicate, like that of a father or mother. —You're afraid. Afraid of being abandoned again. Your heart desires to live, but your soul wishes to die. You are indecisive, yet you maintain a sense of order.

My eyes looked upward, searching for the face of the entity that kept me secure with its presence. I wanted to maintain order. An order to soothe the chaos within me, the very chaos that disturbed my soul.

—Strong of heart, but weak of soul. That will be your curse. Live your eternal life with joy and peace, as my gift for my lack of responsibility—, it commented. —Find and make friends. Protect your memories while you still live with the chaos that governs your soul.

A wave of warmth enveloped my body. I closed my eyes and felt my soul calm down; the warmth not only soothed my body but also the chaos I carried with me. A faint smile formed on my lips.

—You will be blessed with strength and grace. You will carry the blessing of fire. The spirits will respect you—, it paused for a few seconds. —The angels will recognize your worth and bless you. Rest and sleep well, for after this awakening, you will be reborn from the dead to fight.

I heard nothing more. Its voice disappeared along with its presence. My soul entered the cycle of chaos that had once vanished; I clenched my teeth and placed my hands on my heart. A tear slowly fell, descending into the abyss.


A majestic, enormous creature loomed in the morning sun. Its large, fine golden eyes observed the beauty of the field around it. It turned to its side to observe a human, lying unconscious on the ground.

The human, still disoriented, opened his hazel eyes, glanced briefly at the starry sky, and then turned his gaze to his side to see the creature. His expression changed dramatically. Surprise? Fear? No, it was an expression of admiration.

The creature turned its head and looked at him, a serene expression drawn on its face. A dragon. A dragon was smiling at him.

—You're awake now,— it commented softly—. Would you like to sit with me? Watching the sunrise is one of the few things I never tire of seeing.

The man blinked slowly, still processing the imposing presence of the dragon beside him. He sat up with some effort, still admiring the golden glow of the being's eyes, which reflected ancient wisdom.

—Who are you? —he asked, his voice trembling slightly, not from fear, but from the magnitude of what he felt.

—I am merely an observer of this world, a guardian of cycles and balance—, the dragon replied with a deep, resonant voice, like the echo in a cavern—. I have seen countless beings born and die, and I have learned that everything, even the most insignificant creature, plays a role in this vast tapestry of existence.

The man nodded, though his mind was still hazy. He felt something new inside him, a latent energy he had never experienced before. The chaos that once enveloped him seemed to have found a corner of peace, a center from which to observe the world with renewed clarity.

The man sighed, his fingers sinking into the grass around him, feeling the cold of the earth beneath them. The dragon's words resonated with him, but there was something he still didn't fully understand.

—But, how can I find my place in this world? —he whispered—. I feel like there's a constant battle within me, a tension between light and darkness, between calm and chaos. How can someone like me... someone who has known death and rebirth, find peace?

The dragon looked at him with a slight smile.

—Balance is not something you find; it is something you create—, it said with a serenity that only the oldest beings could project—. Life is a dance between opposites. Chaos teaches you to change, to adapt. Order gives you stability, purpose. Neither is inherently good or bad, but in excess, both can destroy you.

The man lowered his head, reflecting on those words.

—So, should I embrace the chaos within me?

The dragon nodded slowly.

—Do not avoid it, but do not let it rule you either. Chaos, like fire, can be destructive, but it can also be the spark of creation. Within you, you carry that flame. Use it to create, to protect, to grow. Don't fight who you are, but learn to walk between the shadows and the light.

The man looked up; the sun was now fully visible on the horizon, its golden rays illuminating the landscape and bathing his skin with comforting warmth. In his chest, he felt a new sense of clarity, a spark of understanding.

—Maybe… that's what I always feared. Not chaos, nor order, but the responsibility of carrying both within me.

The dragon inclined its head.

—Responsibility is the greatest burden a conscious being can carry, but it is also what makes you truly free. You have the power to choose, to shape your destiny, and that is a gift few understand until it's too late.

They both fell silent for a few moments, watching the sunlight filtering through the leaves, as the world awakened around them. The man, with his soul renewed, felt lighter, as if something deep inside him had settled.

—Thank you —he finally said, with a smile.

The dragon nodded, its gaze warm and wise.