Veldanava and Lucia

I don't remember my name, my life… my friends or my family. I arrived here, to this world that seemed familiar, something strange to me since I remembered nothing. At the moment of my rebirth, I found Veldanava, the creator of this world, and apparently, he saved me from that void.

—What am I doing here?...

I whispered tiredly.

I looked beside me and saw an enormous pile of books with titles like "History of Magic," "Types of Magic," "History of the Spirits." A grimace appeared on my face, and I let out a snort before returning to my reading.

Currently, I'm under the custody of the Kingdom of Nasca, protected by Veldanava and his student, Rudra. I remember Rudra well, the guy was born as a True Hero, literally powerful from birth.

—Veldanava… I hate you, I hate you! Why do I have to study magic? It's boring!

Though it wasn't bad to study, the subjects were quite interesting, but what annoyed me was that Veldanava kept me here like a prisoner, not letting me leave unless I read ten books a day.

—It's not so bad, after all, it's better to have some offensive skills in this world... Oh, crap. I completely forgot about Veldanava's death, and let's not forget Michael's mind control over Rudra.

I returned my gaze to the book titled: "Functioning of Magic." Another sigh escaped me; I was really bored.

—Forget it! I'm tired of reading, I want to go outside!

I slammed my study desk in frustration, and books tumbled to the floor in a massive mess. I stomped heavily as I walked through the hallways of the enormous palace I was in; I was angry, frustrated, feeling my soul descending into chaos with every step.

—Is it really too much to ask for a day without studying! It's not that much to ask!

I muttered nonsense, my eyes glowing with fury and resolve, and as I walked, the marble beneath my soles began to wear away.

—Magic? To hell with it! Studying? What a load of crap!

I muttered one last time.

—Are you done studying?

I opened my eyes in surprise. Slowly, I turned to see an enormous dragon watching me with amusement at my tantrum. I sighed in irritation and approached the creature until I was standing right in front of it.

—Yes, I'm done studying. I've been at it for three straight hours, I've read fifteen books on magic in two days, I can't go outside, and I have to deal with your extreme supervision!

I was breathing heavily by the time I finished my last comment, small drops of sweat forming on my face from the accumulated stress. My body gave out, and I collapsed onto the grass beneath me, staring up at the blue sky, desperately seeking some peace to calm my soul.

—I think I may have overdone it with my tutoring.

Veldanava responded with a hint of amusement.

—Don't stress over something so simple, studying shouldn't make you feel this way.

—You think so? I'm literally sleeping in that library!

I heard a mocking laugh.

I lifted my gaze and frowned, irritated by the dragon's teasing. My suffering was amusing to a god like him, and that hurt my pride.

I let out a huff and let my head fall back to the ground. Veldanava observed me with a slight smile, then turned his gaze ahead to the mountains rising proudly in the distance.

—Studying isn't bad, they're mundane topics for me, but Rudra likes to exaggerate my orders sometimes. Don't you think?


I lifted my gaze again to stare directly at Veldanava.

—Then that idiot Rudra was torturing me! I hate you, Velda! Why do you let your protégé put me through such hell?

I acted dramatically, as if I were hearing the worst news of my life. I heard Veldanava chuckle beside me, clearly entertained by my performance.

I sat up on the ground to join Veldanava. Silence took over the place; calm and relaxing. I enjoyed the view, my soul soothed, no longer ruled by the chaos from before.

—Hey. —I said, catching Veldanava's attention— From what I've researched, and thanks to Rudra telling me, you used to be omnipotent, right?

The dragon nodded.

—Why?... Why did you decide to give up all that power? It makes no sense.

I wanted to know why such a powerful being like Veldanava would renounce his power to observe us, his greatest creation. It was something I still didn't understand, and I hoped he wouldn't respond with some philosophical talk or anything like that.

Veldanava remained silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the horizon, as if he were contemplating something beyond what anyone could see.

—Renouncing absolute power wasn't a choice without reason —he said, his voice soft and deep, as if speaking both to me and to himself—. Omnipotence, though it seems like the pinnacle of existence, is a prison in itself. There's no mystery, no growth, no possibility of error or surprise. Everything is predetermined, everything is under control. And what's the point of creating if you already know the fate of every single thing?

I crossed my arms, still confused and slightly irritated by his philosophical tone.

—But… without that power, don't you also lose the ability to influence what you created? You make yourself vulnerable.

Veldanava smiled faintly.

—Exactly. Vulnerability is the essence of life. There's no true meaning if there's no possibility of chaos, of change. If I had kept that power, the universe would be rigid, static, and free will would have no value. By giving it up, I gave you something that not even I, in my original state, could experience: the ability to choose, to create your own destiny, to make mistakes and learn.

I remained silent, contemplating his words, but I still wasn't fully convinced.

—So… you created us to watch us fail and learn? That sounds almost cruel.

I laughed mockingly. Veldanava responded with a soft chuckle.

—It's not about watching you suffer —he said calmly—. It's about witnessing your transcendence. Without the possibility of falling, there's no glory in rising. Existence is founded on imperfection. The divine is not something unattainable or reserved for those who wield absolute power. The divine is found in the struggle to overcome, in love, in connection with others, in every small choice that makes you more than mere puppets of a predetermined fate.

I nodded slowly, trying to grasp the depth of his words.

—And you don't regret it?

The dragon tilted his head slightly.

—No. What I've gained by letting go of that power is far more valuable. I've learned to appreciate the beauty of what I can't control. I've seen my creations become something greater than I could ever have imagined. I don't need omnipotence to understand that true greatness lies not in power, but in the infinite potential of what has yet to be decided.

Those words resonated with me in a way I didn't expect. I watched him for a few minutes, waiting for any sign of regret in his expression, but there was none, not a trace of it.

—You know... I didn't understand a single word you just said. But I did understand that you're getting old!

Veldanava let out a sigh followed by a chuckle.

Once again, silence fell over the place, the wind our only companion. I looked up and smiled as I saw birds flying, especially a pair. I glanced at Veldanava and called his attention.

—Tell me. How's your relationship with Miss Lucia? I bet you two sneak kisses behind everyone's back. A unique relationship between a dragon and a human. How romantic!

I noticed a slight blush forming on Veldanava's cheeks. I grinned mischievously and continued my teasing.

Veldanava cleared his throat, visibly uncomfortable, avoiding my gaze.

—No... it's not what you think —he said, nervously fluttering one of his enormous wings—. Lucia and I just share a spiritual connection. It's something much deeper than those... what did you call them? Kisses?

I burst into laughter at his reaction.

—Oh, come on, Veldanava! You're not fooling me, that blush is proof enough. Don't tell me that the almighty dragon gets nervous around a human. That's adorable!

The dragon squirmed uncomfortably, throwing me a sharp look.

—I'm not nervous. It's just that... well, dragons don't usually talk about these kinds of things. It's inappropriate. Besides, you have a very active imagination!

—Sure, sure —I said, waving my hand dismissively—. I bet when no one's looking, you make flowers appear with magic just to impress her. I can picture it! You, casting some romantic spell, and she swooning with love.

—I don't cast romantic spells! —Veldanava protested, his voice higher-pitched than he intended—. And she doesn't swoon! Well… maybe once… but it was because of a miscalculated teleportation spell, not me.

—Aha! —I exclaimed, pointing at him like I'd uncovered a great secret—. You admit it! At least you acknowledge it was your clumsiness. But teleporting with her for a secret date, that's advanced level!

Veldanava sighed, resigned, and closed his eyes.

"I wonder how someone so small can be so annoying. Maybe I should have kept my omnipotence, just to silence you with a snap of my fingers."

"Oh, there it is! The humor!" I said, laughing heartily. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me... as long as you tell me the next time you invite her for a 'spiritual connection.'"

The dragon gave me a look that mixed amusement and menace.

"Keep up with those jokes, and maybe my next 'spiritual connection' will be sending you to another dimension..."

I laughed so hard my face turned red, struggling to catch my breath.

"It seems you're both having fun."

I felt my heart stop, and my soul leave my body. I slowly turned my head to see Lucia standing a few meters away from us.

Her bright blue eyes were focused on me and Veldanava. She wore a kind smile, and her pink hair cascaded down, shining and soft. She tilted her head slightly, curious about our conversation.

"May I ask what you're talking about?"

I froze, the laughter stuck in my throat, while my mind desperately searched for an excuse. I looked at Veldanava, who now seemed as tense as a string about to snap.

"Miss Lucia!" I said, faking an awkward laugh while scratching the back of my neck. "What a surprise! We weren't talking about anything... compromising. Just a casual chat between master and student... about, you know, dragon stuff and... uh... teleportation. Yes, teleportation!"

Veldanava nodded quickly, with an expression that said, "Please, save me."

"Yes, yes, exactly. We were discussing... the complexities of teleportation spells. Nothing more, nothing more," he added, clearly nervous.

Lucia raised an eyebrow, her smile remaining, but now with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"Teleportation spells?" she repeated slowly. "That sounds... very technical. Although I don't understand why *you*," she pointed at Veldanava, "seem so flushed. Does teleportation affect you too?"

The poor dragon was left gaping, searching for words as if all his ancient knowledge had evaporated.

"Well!" I quickly intervened. "You know, Miss Lucia, dragons are very... sensitive creatures. Maybe a little too sensitive in certain conversations, right, Veldanava?"

Veldanava gave me a look that clearly said, "I'm going to make you disappear," but before he could respond, Lucia stepped forward, tilting her head with curiosity.

"Are you sure you weren't talking about something else? Perhaps something more... personal," she said, looking at us with an innocent expression but clearly enjoying the situation.

I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"Personal? Us? No, no, not at all!" I said, waving my hands frantically. "Just intellectual chats... nothing romantic between dragons and humans, no sir."

Lucia let out a soft giggle, and Veldanava covered his face with one of his massive hands, visibly defeated.

"Oh, I see, I see," Lucia said with a sly smile. "So, what do you think about kissing during teleportation, Veldanava? Do you think it could destabilize the spell?"

The dragon let out a deep sigh.

"I'm going to teleport far away from here..."

And he literally did. The damn dragon did it, his body vanished, leaving me alone with Lucia and the weight of embarrassment. I stood there, wide-eyed, watching as Veldanava disappeared in a cloud of magic. The coward had decided to abandon me at the most critical moment.

"Veldanava! Get back here!" I shouted at the air, though I knew it was pointless. The dragon was probably in another dimension by now, relaxing while I suffered the consequences.

I felt the weight of Lucia's gaze on me, and I swallowed slowly. I turned to face her, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. Her smile remained, but now she seemed to be enjoying the situation even more.

"Well, it looks like your accomplice decided to leave you alone," Lucia said, approaching me calmly. "I wonder why."

My mind was working at full speed, trying to find a dignified way out, but my neurons refused to cooperate. All that came out of my mouth was:

"Uh... you know how it is. Dragons, always running away when things get uncomfortable. It's... part of their nature, I guess. Nothing personal, of course."

Lucia let out a small laugh, as soft as the sound of leaves in the wind. The sound alone made me even more nervous.

"And you?" she asked, looking at me with those bright blue eyes. "Are you going to run away too, or would you rather stay and explain what that conversation was really about?"

I felt sweat trickling down my back. It was obvious she knew more than she was letting on, but I tried to stay calm.

"Oh, well... you know, we were talking about... deep, transcendental topics. Life philosophy, dragon stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Lucia squinted, clearly not buying a word.

"Life philosophy, huh? How interesting. So why did I hear the word 'kissing' when I arrived? Is that part of your deep philosophical conversation?"

I nearly fainted at that moment. Every fiber of my being wanted to teleport alongside Veldanava.

"Ah, well, you know!" I said, laughing nervously. "It's a metaphor. Yes, that's it. Kissing is like... the clash of ideas. An intellectual exchange. Yes, exactly!"

Lucia crossed her arms, smiling even wider. She was enjoying every second of my discomfort.

"And how would you describe an 'intellectual kiss'?" she asked, tilting her head innocently.

I fell silent, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Well... uh... I guess it would be something like... exchanging viewpoints, you know, very closely. Very... passionately. But purely academic, of course!"

Lucia let out a genuine, carefree laugh, which threw me off even more. She stepped closer to me and leaned in slightly, her eyes now filled with a warmth I hadn't expected.

"You're very funny," she said, smiling sweetly. "You don't have to be so nervous around me, you know? If there's something you want to say, you don't need to hide behind metaphors."

My legs almost gave out. Now she was looking at me with a sincere expression, and I felt the weight of embarrassment being replaced by something lighter, softer.

"Well... it's not like I'm hiding anything... it's just, you know, I don't want to seem like a fool," I said, scratching the back of my neck again, as if that would help ease the tension.

Lucia let out a soft laugh and gave me a light tap on the shoulder.

"Too late for that," she said, winking at me.

I couldn't help but laugh as well. Maybe, after all, it wasn't so bad to be alone with her.

I couldn't help but laugh too. Maybe, after all, being alone with her wasn't so bad.

I watched as Lucia sat down on the grass where Veldanava had been sitting before. Her eyes gazed at the horizon with an astounding calm and tranquility. I also sat down, looked at the view, and smiled without realizing it.

"You and Lord Veldanava get along well."

I heard Lucia's voice speaking to me.

"Oh, well, after all, he rescued me from that void. I see him as a good teacher… Treacherous, but a good teacher."

I heard Lucia's laughter. She let out a sigh of contentment, inhaling the fresh air.

Lucia was silent for a moment, looking at the sky, with a soft expression on her face. The wind slightly stirred her pink hair, giving her a serene and almost ethereal air.

"Veldanava has that quality," she said with a warm smile. "Sometimes he seems distant, other times close, but he always ends up surprising you in some way. It's like he himself resists being fully understood."

I nodded, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, he's complicated. Sometimes I wonder if he really understands humans or if he just enjoys watching us try to understand him."

Lucia looked at me, her eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and something else, something deeper.

"Maybe it's not so much about understanding him," she said softly. "Sometimes I think what Veldanava seeks, what we all seek in some way, is a connection. Not necessarily absolute understanding, but that spark that happens when you simply… care about someone. It's what makes us more human. And maybe what makes him more… approachable."

I looked at her, feeling that there was something in her words that resonated deeply. There was truth there, a truth that was easy to overlook when one was so focused on the riddles and mysteries of this world.

"Maybe," I admitted, a bit more relaxed. "It's strange, isn't it? A being so powerful, yet it seems what interests him most is that part of us that's so fragile. Like he wants to understand what it means to be… vulnerable."

Lucia nodded, but this time her smile was a bit more melancholic.

"We're all vulnerable, even him. In his own way. I think that's why he's drawn to humans. Because in our fragility, in our mistakes, there's something he could never have in his original state. Something that makes him want to stay and watch us… or even help us."

I remained silent, reflecting. There was truth in what she said. Perhaps Veldanava, despite all his power, sought what humans had always had: the possibility to grow, to change through mistakes, to find meaning in small connections.

"And you," I asked, in a softer tone, "do you also believe in that? In connection?"

Lucia looked at me again, this time with an unexpected tenderness. Her gaze was intense yet calm, as if she had already reflected on this question many times before.

"Yes," she answered, with a smile that seemed to light up the surroundings. "In the end, that's what makes everything worth it, isn't it? The people we meet, the moments we share. It's not about understanding everything or being perfect. It's about being there, even in imperfection. I think that's what makes us… special."

I stared at her a moment longer, noticing the peace in her words, and somehow, I felt it inside me too. Maybe, after all, it wasn't just about Veldanava or the mystery surrounding him, but about the connections we formed along the way. And in that instant, with Lucia by my side, everything seemed clearer.

"You're right," I said, finally smiling. "At the end of the day, I think what keeps us going is that. The people, the moments, what we share. Even if there are meddling dragons in between."

Lucia laughed softly, and in that instant, the silence that followed was comforting, filled with a sense of mutual understanding.

Lucia looked at me with a raised eyebrow, smiling sideways.

"So… what are you going to do the next time Veldanava abandons you in the middle of an awkward conversation?"

I shrugged and smiled.

"Easy. Next time, I'll teleport with him. If he runs, so do I."

Lucia burst out laughing and gave me a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"How brave! Very fitting for a great hero."

I crossed my arms, pretending to be indignant.

"Hey, it's a strategic tactic. Sometimes, the best way to fight is… to run fast."

"Sure, sure," she said, still laughing. "Just remember: you can't teleport away from your problems. Especially if I'm involved."

"You're right… but I can try!"

Lucia rolled her eyes, still smiling.

"You wouldn't last five seconds."

"Five? Give me at least ten."

"Not in your dreams."