~~** Interlude | Ebony **~~
When Mint and I arrived at Old One's cave-hole, we weren't the only ones there. My big sister, Button, was the one to tell me I needed to go to Old One's cave-hole and keep it a secret, but neither she nor Glace were there. It was just Old One, and another that made Mint shake and go pee right there on the ground next to me.
"Do you recognize me, little goblin?"
The voice coming from the tall one with dark skin and horns growing out of their head and wings out of their back that were tucked away had a really strong voice that made all of the bones around me, even the ones still inside bodies, shake.
The question wasn't aimed at me, but rather, Mint.
Mint nodded but couldn't answer yes.
"And what about you?"
This time the question was aimed at me.
"I don't know! You look like a really strong goblin. Maybe Old One's big sister goblin?"
They let out a deep rumbling laugh that made the entire cave-hole feel like it was squishing me, but only for a moment.
"My apologies, Great Protector, this is the first time you have met our new Bone Lord. She's a bit…"
Looking around the room, I saw something that interested me immediately. I was quick to ask Old One about it.
"What's that pile of bones for?"
"Why, they're for you. Do you remember hearing the story of Huntress and your Husband going on the hunt to kill the Black-claws?"
"Everyone knows the story!" I replied happily. It was a good story!
"Well, these bones belonged to Beast-talker, who died at that time."
"She collected bones?"
"She didn't collect these bones. These are the bones from inside her dead body."
My eyes opened wide. Before I could ask why the bones of Beast-talker were being kept in Old One's room, because Ivory didn't have a single one of them, Old One began talking about the reason for it.
"I was holding on to them in case a Bone Lord should appear in our tribe. I expected one eventually, but not so soon."
"Did you want me to do something with the bones? Listen to what they say? I can already tell you that those bones are happy to be in same cave-hole as Ebony and want to see Husband. They like Old One too, but not as much."
"Do you think you can make them move, as you do with your spider?" Old One asked me.
"Like Bitey? I think so. Might take a little while to figure out how. There are a lot of bones!"
"Take your time then and show the Great Protector here what you can do with your bone-magic."
Using bone-magic for me was like talking to bones in my head. I'd ask them to do something, or they'd ask me to do something, and we'd come to an agreement. But there were way too many bones all trying to talk at once and trying to talk to each of them at once was tricky. It was like that when I lived in Ivory's cave-hole. And she had many many more bones than this!
"Hmm… I'm not actually sure how to do it on my own. Iggy helped me when Bitey was made."
"Iggy?" The tall strong goblin with horns and wings called the Great Protector spoke from next to Old One.
I pulled out my wand to show them.
"Iggy! It used to belong to Husband, but now it belongs to Ebony!"
"Hoh~? That isn't just a wand. I can feel the aura of the Spirit Tree coming from it."
The voice of Iggy began to enter my mind.
"They don't?"
I pushed my mana into Iggy, and the pile of bones began to move themselves into all the right spots before settling down.
"We can't do it?"
"Makes sense, we're sisters. What does Mint need to do?"
I relayed to Mint what Iggy wanted her to do and she agreed to help. As we held on to Iggy together, Mint's tree-magic and my bone-magic pushed into Iggy at the same time and the bones began to rise up of the ground starting from the feet and settle on top of each other until after a long while, there was a complete bone-goblin standing up right next to Old One!
"What's the problem, Iggy?"
Before Iggy could answer, everything exploded into a bright light…
~~** Interlude | Stella **~~
"Mmmmh~, yes! Keep licking right there, Ark… don't slow down either~!"
The trickiest part of having an idiot Husband with thirteen other needy goblin wives is finding the right time to corner him into taking care of my needs first. As I'm the only goblin who he can enjoy certain things from, such as tongue kissing and using my mouth devoid of razor-sharp teeth to pleasure him in a certain way, he is usually willing to go along with whatever I want, with the end goal of making sure I'm left as satisfied as he is.
While I'm still not sure if Ark genuinely loves me now that he's made me a goblin, he seems to be tied up in enough guilt at least to make sure that I'm taken care of excessively well. And that's really all that I wanted anyway. I suppose him having a tool that can leave both my body and mind the same consistency as that weird meat thing his daughter Melon makes that Old One can't stop talking about… is not a bad thing either.
As my body rocked from its second orgasm, Ark removed his face from between my legs and came up onto the elaborate straw bed he made for me, pressing his warm body against mine from behind and slid himself into my wetness immediately. That would only be for a little while, though, until I coerced him to the position I preferred.
I had already hunted, eaten, and freed up anything inside of me that might cut short the time I had available to hog Ark all to myself. It's not that I minded sharing him sometimes with the pretty one, Jewel, or even that weird one, Vera, who seems to think of me as a sister. But same as all the other goblins feel on the matter, there's nothing better than having him all to yourself.
Mostly because he's thorough. Not a single one of his wives has walked away dissatisfied once he gets going. And sometimes not a single one of his wives can walk away… if he gets serious.
Which is why we have all learned at this point that it is wise to get everything done that needs to be done, just in case of the latter occurring.