When it comes to mating with Ark, my preference is when he has me on my side and lifts one of my legs up to rest against his chest or on his shoulder while he goes at me that way. It's one of the most pleasurable positions I've found when doing it with him, and by a stroke of luck it also gives him access to play with the rest of my body in interesting ways. Rubbing my already sensitive ladybits with his fingers or thumb, caressing and squeezing my butt, reaching for my breasts to grope as he plunges that damnable thing of his all the way inside me…
The problem with having goblin instincts overwriting my old human ones is that I'm wholly in need of attentive mating. All of his wives are. I asked Prima about it, but she said it's just the goblin way. Old One was able to give me a better answer, which I wasn't all too keen on accepting.
Males with big-seed emit some kind of scent that trigger a mating instinct within a female Bloodmaw ready to create strong-ones. It acts as a deterrent as well, for those without big-seed. To use an appropriate metaphor… it's like eating fire-meat all your life before realizing how delicious bloody meat is, and never wanting to sully your sense of taste with anything fire-meat ever again. We can furiously hate Ark at times, but we can't deny our body's desire to claim his seed. For lack of a better way of saying it, some of the best sex to be had with him is pure hatefucking.
Ark joked about it once saying how unfair something like that was, Darwinian cuckolding, he called it. Talked about some historian named Darwin and how the Bloodmaw were perfect executioners of some concept called survival of the fittest.
Were it not for the massacre that happened which led to Ark being the one taken as the first candidate for repopulating the tribe since then, goblins like Vera, Lily, and Berry would most likely never be allowed to go near big-seed before the ones most worthy of it; ones like Prima, Jewel, and Doll. And at the very least, a goblin like Berry who could barely hunt anything bigger than a rabbit would have never had an elite strong-one such as Diana Artemis.
Ark, being possessed of such a vast amount of what they consider to be big-seed, has no idea the lengths the Bloodmaw are willing to go to make sure he never leaves in order to secure the impressive future of their tribe, from his loins. I wonder if he realizes yet that, unlike me, he can never escape from here?
"It's okay to mess me up today, Ark."
"Are you… sure?"
Giving him the okay, Ark's handiwork that melts both brain and body had begun. As his member dug deep inside of me, constantly reminding my guts that maintaining any shape other than his member was obstinate foolishness, he was not beyond being playfully immature by biting my leg just below the calf when he filled me full of his first round of seed.
But, this time, something strange happened as he let it out inside of me.
The whole of Goblinhome shook as he did, and then something like a wave of bright piercing light fell over us, robbing us both of our consciousness… And me of my last remaining bits of maidenhood.
~~** Interlude | Button **~~
Glace, who was sleeping lazily on top of me had used her magic to put some kind of see-through bubble around us.
"What's going on?"
While getting up, I felt the entirety of Goblinhome suddenly shake.
"Did Tricky Husband do that?"
I squatted down to let Glace wrap her arms around my neck from the back.
I was glad I learned the feeling of the tree-magic that Husband had taught Mint a few days ago. Thanks to that, I was able to merge it with one of the special martial arts he had been teaching me recently, called the Steps of the World-Ruler. It involved him drawing his picture-magic on the ground and putting a certain one in the center that grew bigger the more we practiced. I showed Glace what picture-magic Husband had drawn and she said it was called gravity. That it could make things lighter or heavier when used. That matched up with what Husband told me, about how if I trained with a strong force pressing against me and pulling me down, when it finally wasn't, I'd be able to move my body faster and all of my punches and kicks would hit harder.
The training wasn't more than just having me be able to stand up, walk a few steps slowly, and throw out a few punches and kicks. That was it. I just did it for a short while each morning. I already know how to touch the Rune in the stone bath in Husband's cave-hole that makes the water get hot. I can train on my own, and Husband comes to check on my progress every couple of days, making an adjustment into the formula on the ground whenever he thinks I'm ready to feel more gravity.
So far, I'm almost at something called two-times gravity. Which, according to Husband, means it's like I'm trying to move while also carrying another Button. One thing I learned while training in the gravity magic formation was how it felt when the gravity Rune was in use. While I can't use the picture-magic that Glace can, or the stone-magic that Husband can, I can use some kind of body-magic that lets me copy an effect I can remember as long as it's limited to my body.
I haven't mastered the Wolf Wind all the way yet, but I can simulate the feeling a little bit and I am noticeably faster now. When I copy the feeling of gravity on the bottom of my feet, I became able to do things I've never seen even Prima or Diana Artemis do before.
Instead of only running on the ground, I can step onto the walls and it feels just the same as if I'm running on the ground. I can also run up trees without needing to use my arms and hands to dig into the trunk. I can do it without running, but it's way more difficult and it doesn't last long before I wind up falling.
I haven't had a chance to show Glace what I can do yet, which is why I'm excited to do so now!
I dashed out of Husband's cave-hole, since we were being lazy together in his cave-hole in the corner, and Glace was already clinging to me tightly with her legs as well.
"I need to go fast, or I can't do this!"
As soon as I cleared the entrance to Husband's cave hole, I leapt at the wall and twisted my body so that as soon as my feet hit the stone, it became like the ground. Then I continued running as fast as I could, leaping over the entrances to the other cave-holes along the way between where we were, and where the scent of Husband was coming from—near the front of Goblinhome, at either Prima or Stella's cave-hole.